Looks like they may have hit a slick covering of transmission fluid or coolant. Never the less he does the best he can with the situation and holds on to the girl...

LiveLeak.com - Biker Saves Girlfriend Getting Run Over

He did a good job trying to save her, but one stupid question, why is he going fast in that approximately 1" rain?
Or I'm just a pussy to go 20mph less than the posted speed limit in rain?
He did a good job trying to save her, but one stupid question, why is he going fast in that approximately 1" rain?
Or I'm just a pussy to go 20mph less than the posted speed limit in rain?

I didn't think he was going that fast but you can see a diagonal marking in the water right before you hear his rear wheel slip..... Here in Southern California we have rain grooves cut in the concrete slab on the freeways and you don't want to go down on that material.
Lucky it was wet when they went down....
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Almost looked like the bike hit her as they came to a stop! Not much friction slowing them down there...
I'm happy they both appear to be okay......and they were lucky it was wet!
It looks to me like she is in skinny jeans and Nike tennis shoes.....on dry pavement, that slide would have left a mark! :eek:

and not one cager stopped (least on film)!