Site Speed


Staff member
Feb 9, 2007
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Hi all... how has the site been speed wise for loading pages ect... I am concerned that we may be ourgrowing out current shaw business internet connections.....

Thank you

I have had no issues at all with speed. I should also mention that this is one of the most reliable forums sites I have ever joined, site is rarely down. Excellent job Dennis!:thumbup:
I've been having a bit of trouble with the wireless card in my PC. I replaced the firmware driver but thats just made it worse. :D

The sites fine by the way. :Flash:
loads fine at work, at home, at my parents, on my girls laptop... If the site connection were to be upgrades, what would you upgrade it to??? or would it be worth it to have it hosted by a 3rd party??
I'm not having any speed issues. And I even have the ads turned on as well. I visit many sites daily that are a LOT slower than this one.

Dennis, do you have a bandwidth usage chart showing the daily/weekly/monthly? What's the peak kbps (or mbps) in use at any given moment?
Dennis, do you have a bandwidth usage chart showing the daily/weekly/monthly? What's the peak kbps (or mbps) in use at any given moment?

i would love to see bandwith charts as well... would be nice to see how well the site is being utilized :)
i would love to see bandwith charts as well... would be nice to see how well the site is being utilized :)

Ever since providers started capping use, there's been tools available for the home user as well.

I use a Linksys WRT54GS router at home but I loaded it with DD-WRT which has a TON more features in it. One being the ability to monitor your own LAN, WAN and Wifi traffic with daily, weekly and monthly charts. :D
see i wouldnt mind to know what i use at home, but its not that important since i know i dont use my computer like i use to (college)... acutally i upgraded from m 3mbps to 6mbps this weekend cuz at&t had the upgrade for $5 more amonth and $40 cash back... figured, sure, ill get faster internet for $5 more a month.. and you want to pay me to do it, sure :)