Riding with visor up dangerous?


Aug 11, 2010
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCP0u5P2AeM]YouTube - ‪bag‬‏[/ame]

No this is not Part I. Happened today and had me thinking. What if I had my visor up and it get stuck in my helmet?
I know a buddy who took a bee to the face riding with his visor open, it got lodged behind his ear and went sting-crazy. He managed to get the bike stopped before ripping his helmet off but he said it was one of the worst experiences of his life... :spank:
I dont know where that bag came from....did the guy in the truck threw it out his window? I saw the bag coming (excellent reflex) and ducked, still got hit, you can hear it. I had my visor down but was afraid it was going to stick to my visor and blind me causing tcmalker's 3rd accident.
wow i would have been like WTF!!!! lol i leave my shield cracked open a tiny bit when its hot while riding and fully open at a stop but other than that its always down.
Its hard to know where it came from. Most likely got thrown up by the turbulent air. Good reactions though.
I had a wasp hit me in the face when I was wearing an open face helmet.
Fortunately the last thing that went through it's mind was it's ar5e lol.
Dead on impact.
What camera do you have? the picture quality is very nice.

You also have to worry about getting windshield washer fluid spray in your face from the cage in front of you if that visor is up. A lady sprayed me at speed the other day, but luckily my visor was down. It stilled p'd me off though.
Its hard to know where it came from. Most likely got thrown up by the turbulent air. Good reactions though.
I had a wasp hit me in the face when I was wearing an open face helmet.
Fortunately the last thing that went through it's mind was it's ar5e lol.
Dead on impact.
What camera do you have? the picture quality is very nice.


This is the second time you commented on the picture quality. I have the contourHD1080p (now $250) mounted on my helmet. I can't imagine riding without it on. Contour have since came out with contour GPS ($350) and contour plus ($500!).
TC did that bag have stuff in it or was it just filled with air! It seemed like it was tossed from that truck but it could have been sucked up by vacuum of the passing truck and got airborne.
Good move though! :rockon:
Good reflexes, glad it was not a TC3 video. I ride around with my visor up when I am putting around generally 35mph or under when it is hot out. Anything over that and there are two things that might happen. One, (insert bug of choice here) in the face, not pleasant, or you look down at something and your visor slams down and scares the crap out of you.

Thanks for the video, hate it when crap comes flying at you on the bike.
I've already been drilled in the face with a rock and without the visor down there's a good chance I'd be living the rest of my life with one eye.
I've had a rock hit my visor several times - and insects (mainly bees.....). Prebstar, Wolfman, Ozzieboy and myself rode through 300kms of locusts a few months ago.

I can't imagine doind all that without a visor on. That's why it makes me laugh when I see guys with open faced helmets and bandanas, or no helmets at all :shakehead: OUCH!
You also have to worry about getting windshield washer fluid spray in your face from the cage in front of you if that visor is up. A lady sprayed me at speed the other day, but luckily my visor was down. It stilled p'd me off though.

Carry a bottle of water in your tank bag with a nozzle. Then pass and assist them with their windshield. I just happened to have one in my tank bag one day and squirted it straight up. :rolleyes:
Fortunately the last thing that went through it's mind was it's ar5e lol.
Dead on impact.

LMAO :rof:

That's why it makes me laugh when I see guys with open faced helmets and bandanas, or no helmets at all :shakehead: OUCH!

I've wondered the same, guess some people are just too bada$$ for a helmet. :rolleyes: Makes for good stories & scars
my neighbor and I road up Pacific Coast Highway (PCH last month, we road from La Jolla to Oceanside when we got to Oceanside I see what looks like a cloud hanging in the air at our level. As we close in on it I realize it's a swarm of honey bees. I was lucky, shield was down and I had my neck protector on. I ducked down and listened to all the bees hitting me and the bike.
If I get stung by wasps or hornets it's like putting a little hot sauce on my ride, no problem. But those honey bees have a barbed stinger with a venom gland that is left attached to you. The little gland pumps you full of it's venom. If I don't get the stinger out right away I blow up like a balloon. I've had to get steroids twice in a year and a half. Yup, the doc. even suggested an Epi pen.

I like when your front tire flings up a small piece of rock and you catch it in the face. :spank:
When I'm stopped, shield up. on the move, shield down. :rockon:
I caught a flattened pop can (much like the blade of an electric edger) in the face on a downtown Detroit freeway (I-75 for you locals). Had my visor down - made quite a, "thunk" but would have been much worse without.
Again, I went and searched out stuff like eye injuries and i won't even post links.
I will say protect your eyesight by keeping that shield down when on the move.
I also wear protective eye wear like sunglasses or clear glasses at night. I generally wear polycarbonate lenses because from past experience, I appreciate how fast projectiles can unexpectedly travel.
Carry a bottle of water in your tank bag with a nozzle. Then pass and assist them with their windshield. I just happened to have one in my tank bag one day and squirted it straight up. :rolleyes:

I have done that once in my car (long time ago).

Poor guy behind me - I put my hand out the window immediately to apologise. He acknowledged ok :shakehead:

Haven't done it since :)

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I'd say if you're gonna ride with your visor up bring some kind of eye protection. I took a small bug to the eye one time and almost went down. It got undter my eyelid and I could barely see, almost panicked. haha, Now I just made sure my new helmet has exellent ventilation. The only time I open the visor is when I'm stopped.