Recovering from my recent accident!

I'd just like to say thank you to all...

something about writing out my pains on the forum really helped me a lot. it was a really great form of therapy.

I understand how bad my accident really was and how serious my injuries really were. I'm very happy to still be here and as far as the fz6.

I have plenty of beautiful pictures to remember her.

Right now my only biggest worry for me is that i'm a college student. This semester starts for me the 31st of Aug. which isn't far away. I've heard of people recovering quickly with the proper physical therapy...

I'll try my best to get on my feet ASAP....
When you put your mind to task, there is nothing that is going to stop you. Look at this as an experience to learn from and take away whatever positives you can from this. Flush out all the bad and negative thoughts and work toward your new goals. You survived this one, you have the drive to succeed and a second chance that others didn't get.

However depressed you might feel at times, you are a VERY lucky young man. Someone watcheth over you. :thumbup:

Feel free to talk to us and share what is troubling you. I am glad we can be your therapy and help out! If you need to talk on a more personal level, you can always PM those here who's opinions and values you trust most. These are really great people here and we all care about each other even though we've all not met.

Keep us up to date and be strong. Work through the pain and it will pay in spades later. Take care!
First of all, sorry for your accident.

A friend of mine who is a fireman once told me once that accidents come in layers. I can see this in yours: wide turn, unexpected event (squirrel), bad road surface, etc. Safety also comes in layers, something to practice when and if you start riding again.

Anyway, on the lighter side, you now have the opportunity to change your alias to 'half-shot'. ;)

Good luck with your recovery.

Sorry to hear of your injuries..... and the loss of the bike. The bike is a thing; and it can be replaced when the time is right. College is the more important task, at the moment. I'm sure there will be some tender moments involved in getting back to school; the amazing thing about youth is how quickly you will heal. I'd bet by Sept/Oct, you'll be pain free, and just as mobile as before.:thumbup:

Somebody makes those 'I'd give my left nut' comments...... you can always say you gave at the office!:D
Kind of strange, you live in a very congested area. I'm guessing you consistenly ride along the worst stretch of highway that I believe that exhist here in the states. Thats I-95 between New York and New Haven. You would think that if any type of crash would occur, it would have been with another vehicle.

Just a reminder to us all, slow down for those corners, because you never know whast going to appear. Wonder what happened to the squirrel?

I would say, from reading from all of the crashes posted by various members on this forum, yours appear to be the most serious, which makes everone who reads this really think about what can happen and what we need to do so that it doens't happen to us.

Once again, thanks for posting and heal up quick. We all want to see you change your screename.
I'd just like to say thank you to all...

something about writing out my pains on the forum really helped me a lot. it was a really great form of therapy.

I understand how bad my accident really was and how serious my injuries really were. I'm very happy to still be here and as far as the fz6.

I have plenty of beautiful pictures to remember her.

Right now my only biggest worry for me is that i'm a college student. This semester starts for me the 31st of Aug. which isn't far away. I've heard of people recovering quickly with the proper physical therapy...

I'll try my best to get on my feet ASAP....

Be sure to take advantage of the resources offered at college...if you need a wheelchair for a while, someone else's class notes if you can't write, etc. Talk to your advisor soon so you can get transitioned smoothly back into college life.
I am SO glad you are recovering from what sounds like a very bad wreck. Just know that many of us are thinking and praying for you. :thumbup:
Really sorry to hear about your accident MyFirstBike. I met you in traffic on I-95 in Darien a few weeks back and you told me about this site. I was looking forward to doing some riding with you this Fall. Get yourself healthy, focus on your schoolwork and maybe we can can get together for some riding once you get back on two wheels. Be well and best wishes for a full recovery.
So, now what!...

Well, since about 2 1/2 weeks ago i started walking again. Although i needed a walker.. i was recovering...

and since about 2 weeks i've used a cane to walk around my house.

i missed the first 2 days of school because of check ups with the doctors...
then i went to school for the first time on sept. 2...

i walked around with a cane and i was getting tired pretty quickly.. but over all really great..

over the weekend i told myself that im not using the cane and now.. im not.. im walking.. going up/ down stairs... and it's not so bad.. still have a limp when walking...

i can breathe much better now... i guess the bruising on my lungs is healing...

and... i actually drove a car yesterday with my mom as a passenger.. my left hand is in a cast but i was able to drive without a problem.:rockon:

and now.. today.. i literally spent all morning taking my bike apart by my self with a lil help from pops.. ( i couldnt lift the tank with one hand..)

so, after some grease on my hands an a lil on my face (.. i wiped my face and i forgot my hands were dirty .. ha.. )... it's pretty much just the frame and engine...

as promised b4.. here are the pics..
Damn! Thanks for posting the pics....gulp! Here I am thinking about getting back into riding and buying a bike. I keep coming across posts like this and start having second thoughts.

Stay strong and good luck on the full recovery and school.
thats vicious. and ull be fine in the long run. my cousin couldnt walk for a year after his crash and now he is fine except he cant run like he used to (he tends to veer off to one side inadvertently :p).

and even if u do get a slight'll be as cool as this guy!!

Thanks for sharing your experience, I really feel for ya dude :(. The FZ is also my first bike and I've had a couple of spills on it, one low speed low-side on a wet round about and another one on the local race track at 100kph. I was lucky in that the 1st was covered by insurance and the 2nd only the handle bar was bent and needed replacing (thank god for frame sliders).

Nothing this bad though. As far as getting back on the horse goes, I spose your in a unique experience to learn from this crash, as I have. It's really hard not to freak out about getting back on, and I spose the worse the crash is the harder it will be to get over. I've had to have confidence in myself, enough to keep riding and try and analyse what I did wrong, the events leading up to the 'oh no!' moment.

I can honestly say that I am a better rider than I was before, but it doesn't keep my brain from replaying those events every now and then, especially when I'm riding. It just takes time and opportunity to re-develop confidence again. All my riding buddies leave me for dust in the twisties - it's ok, I really don't mind, I'm riding my own ride now.

thanks for the support people... really appreciate it...

here's a picture of the parts taken out,..... has anyone ever removed the engine from the frame? i'm trying to get that done for this weekend...