Racoon Attack


Member #1360
Feb 10, 2008
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Long Valley, NJ
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I had the crap scared out of me yesterday:eek:

I saw something walk past our patio door, I thought it was the ground hog that lives under our shed in the back, so I went out to see where it was going. I didn't see it so I went up on our deck for a better view. I hear it walking under the deck towards the stairs, so I go back to the stairs to see it, I said to myself, this ain't good. At the bottom of the stairs was a huge raccoon. It looked up at me, made a squealing sound and came up the stairs and chased me across the deck (I know, big chicken) I had no where to go, I was trying to figure out how to wrestle this monster with out getting bit, then it jumped at me, just in time i slammed my fist into its side and sent it flying about ten feet across the deck. i thought i dislocated my arm, I think I broke its ribs. It then limped across the yard towards the shed.

By this time my wife came out thinking i was being killed (From the yelling I was doing to try and scare the monster). We went to the shed (fireplace poker in hand this time) to make sure it was gone. But nooo. i heard that same squealing from under the shed, and it came out after us, this time we had room to run, good thing the raccon just limped across the yard and into the woods.

What an experience, the raccoon must have been rabid since it was light out and so agressive.

Just thought i would share my underwear staining event.:eek:
most will laugh that you were scared but you are right you don't know if its rabid or what.

when I was little we had a rope swing that swung out over a lake and you had to climb a tree to swing from. and one of the older kids was showing off and climbed up to the top and got attacked by squirrels!
There was definately something wrong with this creature, most animals will avoid humans unless you get into their space, but this thing hunted me down. It was unbelievable. You really needed to be there to appreciate it.

Now it is funny, but while it was happening..... probably was too, if anyone seen it happening, where was the dam video camera when you need it.

Man what a story. I give racoons a very wide bearth. I agree with you 4fun I bet it does/did have rabies. That is very strange behaviour.

Now I have been chased by a Canadian goose. Damn, those things can run when they need to!
Never been chased by a goose but one stole my lunch once :D

Well there was food involved in my story too, I was feeding them bread at a pond and one decided he wasn't getting his share and when into assault mode! I was laughing so damn hard and my ex ran off screaming. Too funny.
I was fishing (very badly) at the time and as I was setting up my tackle this goose just sauntered up and grabbed the bag with food and just waddled off with it. I chased after it but slid on the mud and ended up half in half out of the lake. Funny now but not when you're starving hungry miles from anywhere. :eek:
Well, first of all i am glad that you are ok and you should definitely call animal services since that raccoon almost definitely has rabies and could attack a child next time.

On a different note i got the poo scared out of me by animals last night too... I was riding home last night and it was dark out and i came around a corner and saw something in the road right in my line and i swerved to miss it, as i passed it i noticed that it was 2 cats "being intimate" with each other in the middle of the road..... I guess that they don't stop no matter what it going on around them...
That would've been great if you had that on video! Those are mean little suckers. Glad you survived! :D
Well, first of all i am glad that you are ok and you should definitely call animal services since that raccoon almost definitely has rabies and could attack a child next time.

On a different note i got the poo scared out of me by animals last night too... I was riding home last night and it was dark out and i came around a corner and saw something in the road right in my line and i swerved to miss it, as i passed it i noticed that it was 2 cats "being intimate" with each other in the middle of the road..... I guess that they don't stop no matter what it going on around them...

Did that just after it happened, we called the police and they came ready to shoot it, but with 300+ acres behind us, it was impossible to locate.

I was hoping to find it so thay can shoot the dam thing.:mad:
Well, first of all i am glad that you are ok and you should definitely call animal services since that raccoon almost definitely has rabies and could attack a child next time.

On a different note i got the poo scared out of me by animals last night too... I was riding home last night and it was dark out and i came around a corner and saw something in the road right in my line and i swerved to miss it, as i passed it i noticed that it was 2 cats "being intimate" with each other in the middle of the road..... I guess that they don't stop no matter what it going on around them...

Why on earth are cats ALWAYS intimate in the middle of the road???? I have seen that more times than I care to remember. For the sake of "Puss-N-Boots", GET A ROOM!
Maybe i could do a reenactment, I'll have my wife get the cat riled up and then have her throw it at me.:D

LOL....That would be even better....make sure you scream like a girl :D!!!! :thumbup:
LOL Thats crazy man. Good job on keeping it from getting you. I saw a baby raccoon bite thru a stick as big around as my thumb. They are stout.
Why on earth are cats ALWAYS intimate in the middle of the road???? I have seen that more times than I care to remember. For the sake of "Puss-N-Boots", GET A ROOM!

I can honestly say I've never seen cats doing it in the road.

Maybe Garfield caught the Taco Bell dog? :p

As for the raccoon, they should set up a live trap for it. Will you be able to ID it in a lineup? :D
Those racoons are cute from a distance, but I guess they aren't cute anymore when they attack you. Glad that you were fast enough to land a blow. Hopefully it won't return with its big brother,