New Member from MA


RIP Tom Eden
Jun 22, 2008
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Hey all,

Hello from a new member in MA land. I just recently acquired a 2007 FZ6 with 3K on the clock. Sadly it was left to me by a very good friend (39y/o) who recently died after a 5 year battle with cancer. He loved this bike very much, he also had an 05 (left over) which he rode 15k in 1 year, before it was stolen. He always talked very highly of this bike and I loved it the first time he let me ride it.

I was planning to get one anyway, I just wish I did not have to lose him to get it.:confused:

Anyway, I have been reading this forum for several weeks and thought I should join in the madness. There is a TON of great information on this site.

Catch you all later,
Welcome Bill!

Sorry to hear about your friend, but I'm glad to see you're remembering him through his bike. Your story reminded me of an amazing, if not heartwrenching, song by Richard Thompson called "1952 Vincent Black Lightning" - check it out sometime.

If you haven't seen it already, we've planned a ride for Aug 23/24 for the New England FZ6ers. Should be a great way to meet some locals and have a great time on your new ride:

Again, Welcome!
So sorry to hear about your loss. :(

Welcome to the site. :Flash:
Bill, sorry that you lost a friend, we won't replace him, but in time I hope we will get to know you and him, his spirit can live on through you. Hope you can make some of the NE rides.
Hi, sorry to hear about your friend, a loss like that is always hard (I know from experience). Welcome, there is a lot of good people here. Enjoy this site.

THanks to everyone who all seem like a great bunch of folks. I hope to catch some of you on a ride some time this summer.

Thanks again...Tom was a good friend and of course very generous.
:welcome: Sorry to hear about the unfortunate circumstances, but remember that he would want you to enjoy it so don't disappoint.

Welcome aboard from another New England FZ rider!!!

Very sorry about the circumstances about you getting your bike, but i am glad that you found us. Any chance that he was a member here? I hope to meet you on some rides this year!

Ride lots and post often!!!

My condelences to you and his family. I think it's very cool that he would want you to have his FZ6, and hopefully it will give you as much enjoyment as it gave him. But you are right, that's a sucky way to get something.

Welcome aboard, enjoy the bike, and be careful!