My Sunday


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Aug 21, 2007
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Well, I'm here today making the easy money. Since I'm working the OT, I thought I would drop a line. There's a church here that pays for an officer to assist with traffic control and patrol the neighborhood while they have the 2000+ members there on Sundays. It's my first time doing it as I'm a graveyard guy. I almost feel like I'm stealing.... Its a great gig, with a good chance to get to know the public. Plus, it means mods to come...
This will definately be a regular occurance. I will be milking this for all its worth. I braved the 30 deg icy roads going in this morning to enjoy a great canyon run at 1230. And I made a little extra....
This will definately be a regular occurance. I will be milking this for all its worth. I braved the 30 deg icy roads going in this morning to enjoy a great canyon run at 1230. And I made a little extra....

Ah yes, a very happy camper, or should I say copper? Enjoy the ride. I got 170 miles in on 2 bikes and it actually hit 65F. First good ride day in a month......
65 that would be great... I was just stoked it hit 47, enough to take off the balaclava. Glad to hear I wasn't the only one spinning my tires ;)
Well, I'm here today making the easy money. Since I'm working the OT, I thought I would drop a line. There's a church here that pays for an officer to assist with traffic control and patrol the neighborhood while they have the 2000+ members there on Sundays. It's my first time doing it as I'm a graveyard guy. I almost feel like I'm stealing.... Its a great gig, with a good chance to get to know the public. Plus, it means mods to come...

Are you moonlighting? Or does it fall under official police business. Back in my touring days, I use to hire off duty cops to enforce a federal injuction for seizing unlicensed merchandise. Oregon or shall I say Portland was kind of strange, where it was one of the few places that I had difficulty getting off duty cops to do it because I think they had a department policy regarding moonlighting. Ended up hiring U.S. Marshals. Much cheaper than paying the double time that Portland Police wanted.
Yeah, Oregon seems to think they have higher ethics than every where else. We are not allowed to moonlight. This perticular church pays the department for this. I don't know how they get away with it (we shouldn't be for hire), but the church is in a bad neighborhood and I think they have a special permit (probably some politics going on here). Anyways, it works out to be 6 hours of comp time for me!!
Yeah, Oregon seems to think they have higher ethics than every where else. We are not allowed to moonlight. This perticular church pays the department for this. I don't know how they get away with it (we shouldn't be for hire), but the church is in a bad neighborhood and I think they have a special permit (probably some politics going on here). Anyways, it works out to be 6 hours of comp time for me!!

Funny you should mention it this way. There is a Baptist church in Bowling Green that has a huge following and there are no less than 4 black and whites there running traffic every Sunday. I had wondered how they were doing it as to me, Police are not for hire. I will however suggest this is possible through permit in an effort to support public safety and the free movement of traffic much like a bowl game or other large public gathering. Interesting point...
They may have taken out a Public Event permit. Around here this is needed to have a street fair, parade, etc., part of the fee (it is quite steep) includes law enforcement oversight on top of any rent-a-cops you may hire. Sounds expensive to have something like that every weekend. Sounds like an "arrangement" of sorts has been made. I wonder if any City Council member, or other elected official attends this church.
They may have taken out a Public Event permit. Around here this is needed to have a street fair, parade, etc., part of the fee (it is quite steep) includes law enforcement oversight on top of any rent-a-cops you may hire. Sounds expensive to have something like that every weekend. Sounds like an "arrangement" of sorts has been made. I wonder if any City Council member, or other elected official attends this church.

How ever they are doing it it is not limited to just that church. There are a few other large churches that have the same coverage. This is the bible belt of America and these folks pull over for a funeral procession faster than they do a fire engine running code three. No, I am not kidding....
Most police department are pretty liberal in letting their cops moonlight, but time to time, you will run into a department, city or state that will not allow it. Most cops who moonlight work as bouncers or as extra security, mostly in plain clothes. As in the case with many businesses, you can hire extra cops dedicated to your business or venue through the municpality or department. When I use to settle shows on behalf of the artist with the promoters or concert venue, there were always an expense for police. Meaning that the show would directly pay the department for so many cops to secure the facility. They could be used for traffic, building security, etc. If you went to go see a hockey game or basketball game, the cops that you see working those games are usually present by request through the venue or sports team, reimbursing the cost with the police department. No extra cost for the tax payers with the exception of the normal amount of cops that regularly patrol the area. Samething for medical, the show or team would be responsible for providing extra medical staff, like EMT's. That would fall under the medical expense, which you will always find for special events.