My poor car....


Mrs. Reiobard
Mar 28, 2008
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Hillsboro, NH
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What a whirlwind of adventure my past couple weeks have been - offered a promotion at an old job, offered (and accepted) a better, new job, and then to top it all off, I rolled my car Thursday night. Link to the thread on my local forum....pardon the ball-busting, lol.

Didn't hit a deer last night.
Wow, you rolled that car? Looks pretty damn good for what it went through. Does it still run and drive OK?

Glad you're OK!! Depending on speed and such, you and the car probably would have come out worse by hitting the deer. I've seen deer go through windshields and end up in the passenger compartment.
I am freaked out by the idea of hitting a deer. My parents were in a pretty bad wreck when I was about 13 where they hit the car in front of them who had just hit a deer. She ended up with a deer in her lap, int he hospital for months, and was cut out of the car. I'm glad I didn't hit it.

My only injuries were three seatbelt bruises (one on each hip and one on my shoulder), and my calves were pretty swollen and tight for a couple days, but they are a lot better now. And that was actually an aggravation of pulling them at the gym the day before, so I can't blame it entirely on the accident.
Wow.. glad you're alright! I hit a deer few months ago. Thank God we were in a suv. If we were driving Mazda3 I'm fairly certain it would have bounced up on the hood and then likely go through the windshield.
Drove away with zero injuries and only minor car damage (and this was on a road with 65mph speed limit!)
Glad you're okay! I think what happened was you were stuntin and lost it. There was no deer! :BLAA:

Im glad your ok. I had a old co-worker get a ticket for doing the same thing to his truck. Missed the deer but got a driving to fast for conditions ticket fro the effort and totaling his truck
Wow glad your OK overall...agreed lucky you weren't on the sv! Pull out the dents new mirrors good to go. Rob must have had heart failure when he found out...again glad you "walked away" take care.

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Just like everyone else has said glad your ok, it could have been a lot worse, and this is a perfect example of why you shouldn't swerve to avoid the deer but hit it instead
:eek: I am relieved to hear you're ok and that Cadence wasn't in the car with you! That would have been even scarier! :eek:

I'll never forget what my insurance guy told me once....don't brake to avoid an animal, just run the d@mn thing down!
As others have said glad your okay and car looks great for rolling it. Did you really roll it or just flop it on its side? I don't see any damage to the roof.

Back when I was in high school I hit a deer with my 98 Bug. I hit it at 40mph it hit the drivers side of the hood. Did $3200 worth of damage. Only damage to the outside of the car was the hood. It broke the Headlight, radiator support & took out the A/C condenser. Most of the money was labor to fix it.
no busted windows, radio antenna is still there....looks great in my opinion :thumbup:
seatbelts work huh? :D

broken record***glad you are ok
it just went up on its side and came back on the tires, extremely lucky, i saw the whole thing in my rear view, she was following me on the highway...

Car got deemed a total loss, so now it is time to start shopping for a new set of wheels.
it just went up on its side and came back on the tires, extremely lucky, i saw the whole thing in my rear view, she was following me on the highway...

Car got deemed a total loss, so now it is time to start shopping for a new set of wheels.

They just unveiled the new Viper.... Just sayin :D

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