Lubing the chain


Sep 13, 2007
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How do you guys lub your chain without getting oil all over the place when ridding afterwards?

Any tips for using something else except oil?
The secret of oiling a chain is 'Little & often'. That is, don't soak the chain in oil once every three months.

I use Silkolene Chain Lube, once a week & then its just a couple of 2 or 3 second blasts. I has a 'anti-fling' formula which doesn't stop the lube spraying off, but it does minimise it.

If I'm going out for a long ride, it's part of my pre-flight checks. I also lube the chain if I've been out in in the rain.

4500 on the clock & no sign of wear yet.
I use a strong lube, apply thinly and often, leave the bike for an hour (min 20 minutes) after applying before riding again as it soaks in and goes tacky.
When you lube your chain, make sure to take some papertowl or a rag and reomve any "extra" ammounts of lube from your chain before you ride it.

+1 with the little and often routiene. It's not rocket science....

I used to use another product but have switched to the DuPont lube. 30000 miles on the original chain/sprockets with <1% wear across all 118 links. As said by others it is imperative to lube a little bit on a regular basis for continued protection, I lube every 300-400 miles without exception.
so i have a question. i am really new to riding and was just wondeing how you guys lube the chain? do you lube some of it thats showing and then like roll the bike foreward or something till you finish?
so i have a question. i am really new to riding and was just wondeing how you guys lube the chain? do you lube some of it thats showing and then like roll the bike foreward or something till you finish?

This is why God (ok Yamaha) gave you a center stand!

1. Put bike on centerstand and in Neutral
2. Clean chain. I use camping stove fuel in a spray bottle and a tooth brush, with an old baking pan underneith to catch all the goopy, greasey dripings
3. Wipe off chain
4. While rotating the rear tire by hand, follow directions of whatever product you are using. I use a spray on chain lube so I rotate the rear wheel/chain as I spray. I get the rollers (top/bottoms of chain links) then I usually spay a bit on the sides of the chain (pins).
5. Let stand for a while. Some products need to set up and dry for a bit.
6. As per instrucitons, wipe of any excess lube if needed. This will save you from a mess of flinging chain lube all over your bike and pants!
7. Ride! Go for a little burn around the block if you can to work it all in.
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For those of you without at centre stand get a paddock stand, there not dear and they help when your doing any kind of work with the bike. If you have cash get one for the front as well.
You should clean your chain when it accumulates a lot of dirt or sand. You should lube your chain when the links are a shiny silver color. A well-lubed chain will have links that are a dull color. Shiny links are dry links and should be lubed.

To clean I use WD-40 to clean it when it's getting full of crud. Some say it's not good for the chain but that's horsesh*! Friend of mine always uses WD and gets 24K miles out of his chains. Spray the chain while hand-turning the wheel, scrub with a grunge brush, wipe clean, repeat as necessary until the chain is all pretty and shiny. Then wax it.

To lube, use Maxima Chain Wax. Awesome stuff. Yellow-tinted so you can see where you have already sprayed. Sticks well and covers well without having to used half the can. You can hand-turn wheel as you spray or.... if you need a quick lube and have some hand-eye coordination... centerstand it, turn bike on, put it in 1st gear, spray chain as the wheel turns. Obviously you need to be smart about this and not get fingers, rags, etc. caught in the chain or sprocket while the wheel is turning.