Lighting up Givi V35's


Junior Member
Sep 10, 2008
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So, I decided to put lights behind the lenses in my Givis. I loved the AdMore kit, but 140 seemed steep to me. So I decided to try it on my own. My advice? Get the kit :) I may have saved myself ~ 60 bucks, but I'd saved a considerable amount of time if I'd bought it to start with. Here's a youtube of how it turned out if I can insert it correctly. Sorry for the whistle in the audio. :confused: Don't the birds sound happy?

[ame=""]YouTube - Givi V35's with lights on 08 FZ6[/ame]
I have given some thought to using them year round. I'm leaning towards taking them off for the summer tho when I don't need to carry so much warm gear :) And of course I'd slip them on for long trips. I haven't really decided yet since I got them at Xmas last year. Right now I'm toying with the idea of installing the bags when time changes and removing them when it springs forward for Daylight Savings Time.

Glad you liked them :)
I use mine in the summer for putting my gear in when I arrive at places. That way I can walk around in shorts and trainers and not biking gear. They are big enough to get all my gear and all jannies gear in. We then wire our helmets to the bike.

They are also good for swimming gear, cameras, picnics, all our biking mates valuables, etc etc. They are invaluable all the year round and they don`t get in the way.
