Is your FZ6 your only means of transportation?

Is your FZ6 your only means of transportation?

  • Yes, my Fz6 is my only means of transportation.

    Votes: 22 12.3%
  • No, I own another vehicle.

    Votes: 145 81.0%
  • No, but I only ride motorcycles as transportation

    Votes: 8 4.5%
  • No, I do not even own a bike. I just forum hop because I am lonely.

    Votes: 4 2.2%

  • Total voters
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Not Here Enough
Premium Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
I am just wondering. I am supposed to get my bike bike in two weeks and my 97' Chevy S10 just threw a rod yesterday. Now my bike will be my only means of transportation.

I still have a lot to learn as a motorcyclist and I guess I had better go out and get some good rain gear. I have only purposely ridden in a heavy downpour once. I got out on the freeway and drove through some bad Alabama thunderstorms to test out my expensive camping rain gear. It held up alright except for the zipper.

Is there anyone else like me? If there is do you have any tips on multi use gear? i.e. cold/hot wet/dry

My biggest problem is my main hobby is freediving and scuba diving every weekend! I don't know what I am going to do! My freediving fins are over four feet long. I guess I can strap them to my back.

I have an 07 NBS GMC Sierra Crewcab for the bad weather days. I rode only a motorcycle for 4 years when I was in school in Colorado. I rode in rain, snow and freezing cold weather. I also rode a bicycle a lot in all kinds of weather.
I ride mine every day come rain or shine - and it rains a LOT in the UK. In fact, it was hailing on my way in earlier this week. Tiny hail hurts at 70mph.

Anyway, when it's cool remember that layering is your friend. I usually have a t-shirt, sweater or sweatshirt, liner and jacket. Any of which I can take off or add as needed. As for pants, I just watch the weather and take some waterproof over-trousers if I'm not wearing my textile pants.

I grew up in Memphis, so I know Abalama (yes, I did it on purpose) can get pretty hot in the summer. You'll want to find textile gear that breathes pretty well but I'm not sure what's available in the US.

I just realised this probably isn't much help and I'm rambling a bit. Sorry.

I don't know - it's all trial and error. You'll have to find what works best for you.
I have an 07 NBS GMC Sierra Crewcab for the bad weather days. I rode only a motorcycle for 4 years when I was in school in Colorado. I rode in rain, snow and freezing cold weather. I also rode a bicycle a lot in all kinds of weather.

I lived in New Orleans for about 5+ years and rode my bicycle there almost exclusively. I rode this winter in the freezing cold and I need to go get one of those free Beull Neck gaiters. I just hope that my cycling days in wet weather do not reflect my motorcycling but then again mountain bike tires on wet streets will tend to have you slip around anyway. Man I had some falls!
I ride mine every day come rain or shine - and it rains a LOT in the UK. In fact, it was hailing on my way in earlier this week. Tiny hail hurts at 70mph.

Anyway, when it's cool remember that layering is your friend. I usually have a t-shirt, sweater or sweatshirt, liner and jacket. Any of which I can take off or add as needed. As for pants, I just watch the weather and take some waterproof over-trousers if I'm not wearing my textile pants.

I grew up in Memphis, so I know Abalama (yes, I did it on purpose) can get pretty hot in the summer. You'll want to find textile gear that breathes pretty well but I'm not sure what's available in the US.

I just realised this probably isn't much help and I'm rambling a bit. Sorry.

I don't know - it's all trial and error. You'll have to find what works best for you.

Actually no.

I hiked over 600 miles of the Appalachian train back in 95' so I know a lot about layering. My only thoughts on that is having lots of different clothes with you. I need to really look into tank bags but I hat the one that sits on the gas tank.

And talk about rambling- check out some of my other posts, :eek:
I answered the poll choosing option 2 and thought I'd elaborate.

We have the Fazer, a Vauxhall (Chevy) Vectra 1.8 Hatchback and a TM 2-stroke off-road racing bike. Ther car is hers and the bikes are mine. I ride the bike 95% of the time back and forth to work and to the store, etc... but I drive the car a lot as well taking the other bike to races.
between my wife and i we have 2 cars, a lifted jeep, 2 bikes, a 4 wheeler and a pit bike...

We love our toys!!!
Actually no.

I hiked over 600 miles of the Appalachian train back in 95' so I know a lot about layering. My only thoughts on that is having lots of different clothes with you. I need to really look into tank bags but I hat the one that sits on the gas tank.

And talk about rambling- check out some of my other posts, :eek:

I know it's ugly and I look like a courier most of the time, but I have the rear box and it's great. Any time I don't nbeed to carry anything I just leave it at home. It's especially handy when grocery shopping. I have the 45l one and it will hold amazing amounts of stuff.
I have another vehicle, 2000 Dodge Durango, but I intend to ride my bike as much as possible this summer/fall due to the out of control gas prices. I have a lot of little things i need to do to it too, replace a ton of bushings, trace an electrical short that drains my battery if i don't pull a fuse, so it'll sit most of the summer. I'll be living at home, working full time summer and fall on a co-op/internship so i may even suspend the insurance on my truck and just borrow one of my parents cars if need be.

Either way, both get the same miles/tank around town driving, except the bike does it on 4 gallons while the truck does it on 24...........
I am just wondering. I am supposed to get my bike bike in two weeks and my 97' Chevy S10 just threw a rod yesterday. Now my bike will be my only means of transportation.

Do you know how much it would cost to fix the truck?
I chose number 2. I have WAY too many vehicles. I don't have an FZ6 (husbands bike), I have a ninja 250, aside from the bikes, we have four other forms of transportation.
I have a car also. My motorcycle is my primary means of transportation. I cant help much with the cold gear but my Joe rocket mesh jacket has a liner that is (mostly) waterproof. I think any rain gear will be good just worn over your gear. It will get torn off first in an accident/crash but the good stuff under will still save your hide. as far as the freediving fins.... wouldn't your camping/hiking backpack hold most of them to where they just poke out of the top? I only wear a backpack on the bike... I never really liked the look of hard cases/tank bags, etc
I had a motorcycle as my only means of transportation for many years*. I commuted on a motorcycle year-'round in Seattle. You need a combination of good gear, excessive awareness, and comfort on your bike. You need to be able to look at an array of cars and determine, at every moment, what the stupidest thing that each one might do is, and act accordingly. You need to be comfortable enough not to panic if you lock a wheel or slide. The consequences for an off on the street are very high. You can't get away with things people get away with in cars - you can't space out, listen to music, look at the scenery, drink a latte, etc.

But it's worth it to leave the stress and the annoyance of sitting in traffic behind.

*My husband has a car, and we carpool sometimes now. I still ride the FZ when our schedules don't mesh.
I know what you mean - right after my stint in the A.F. I went to college on a Honda Scrambler while my wife had the only car & went to work in it. This was in Miami, FL & it rained & shined in the same day many, many days down there!
Now, of course I have more vehicles including the FZ6!
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NH only gets a 5 to 6 month riding season before black ice then real ice hits. After that, it's Tacoma powered!
I just figured (with you being the sugar momma and all) that if I made it sound bad you would pay to fix it for him :D

I wish I could.

I was just wondering because anything is fixable, but then it's just a matter of how much you can afford.
I wish I could.

I was just wondering because anything is fixable, but then it's just a matter of how much you can afford.

I am glad to hear a woman with this point of view...... and its usually cheaper than a new car payment! (that way i can afford the FZ!):rockon:
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