Who else ONLY has their FZ6?


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Feb 18, 2012
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Long Island
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So since May of 2011, I have not owned a car. First I had my Ninja 250 for a bit less than a year. Then I bought my FZ6 in February of 2012 and have put about 15K miles on it since then. I am a student in Boston, so for parts of the year I don't really need a car, and don't even have my bike (I keep it at home).

I'm wondering who of you rely 100% on your FZ6 as your main mode of transportation? What is the reason?

For me I can't afford to own a car and a bike, and I don't want to give up riding.

There are certainly days when I wish I had a car. There are days when I want to sell the bike and buy a damn cage. Riding to work when it was 15 degrees out sucked hard. And I would much prefer a car when I need to ride an hour in pouring rain. But then there are days when I'm cruising down the highway, when it's 80 degrees and sunny and I'm doing 80 MPH, that I know why I won't own a car for a long time :D.
I hope you can get a cage at some point. Been there, done that. I went for years w/o one in my 20's,
and then again for 18 months in my mid-thirtys. Don't ever want to revisit that life again :eek:
I sold my station wagon to my brother in late 2010 just before heading to South America for two months, then as soon as I was back in Aust. I bought the FZ.
By that time my son had started riding too so I didn't need to be his transport option anymore
My wife has a car so for shopping etc we have it covered but if I am doing something solo I go by bike, rain or shine, and now I wouldn't have it any other way.
Just gotta have the right gear for summer heat and winter rains
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My FZ6 is my primary ride. On occasion, I will use my XT225 Dual Sport, especially during the winter since it's equipped with studded tires for the snow and ice. My two bike has only been my only ride for the past six years. Beat that!
VEGASRIDER, I knew at least you would chime in here. Good to know I'm not the only one rocking just a bike. We are a truly hardcore breed!
If weather permitted i would..its just too hard in chicago winter. Doable? Yes..just ridiculously unsafe in adverse condition in the kinda traffic around here.
I sold my -97 car 6 months ago. It worked well and I enjoyed driving it, but the rust had been getting to it and I sold it for ~$300 to get rid of it. In this age of environmentalism it's remarkable that they haven't solved the problem of cars just becoming piles of rust after only some 15 years. There's also a lot of expensive maintenance where for most of it you are dependent on a service station. I'd say I choose to have a bike for the fun of it, but it's also for the simple fact that it's less trouble.
I only ride day in day out, all year. and have been doing this for the last 7 years. I do have a car license but dont own one. I could afford to if i wanted to, but i love riding all year and spending the money i would be spending on a car on gear and modding my bike
I'm down to the FZ as the only motorcycle in the garage.

I do have a 2001 Toyota four runner SUV (which I bought new) with 14,000 original miles currently on the clock.

My 2007 FZ, currently has about 16,000 miles, so its my daily driver. :thumbup:
We have an Avalanche that my wife uses for work and the family uses as needed (two daughters). For me getting back and forth to work it's my 1987 Klein Pinnacle during the winter months with studded tires and my FZ anytime thereafter. Refuse to get a second car.
Between my wife and I we only have one car and the FZ6. If I'm leaving the house by myself I'm on the FZ6 unless it's raining terribly(more about the other drivers than the rain, people in Houston forget how to drive when it's raining) or I need to transport something large.

I work from home and she's home with our 2 year old, so most days they both sit in the garage.

We've been this way for over a year now and I don't plan on going back to 2 cars any time soon.
The FZ6 is all I've got. Well, that and my sneakers.

No kids, no pets, and work is within walking distane. It would cost me over $3,000/year to park a car here. Garage parking, that is. The thought of leaving any sort of vehicle on the streets of Philadelphia overnight makes me shudder.
I was talking about this yesterday with someone. If it came to it, I'd probably lose the commuter car over the bike. It's paid off and not worth too much, so I'll probably just run it into the ground or sell it super cheap if I have a friend in a bind. Gotta keep the van on hand, though, for music and vet visits for the pup.

I guess that's not saying too much, but much respect to you guys that can go on two wheels year round. I have a couple of buddies here that do the same. :thumbup:
Last year I let my room mate borrow my truck and they ended up flipping and totaling it. I was without a vehicle of my own for a little bit and had to borrow my mother's 2nd vehicle, another truck. Bought my FZ6 probably a month or so after my room mates wreck. Haven't thought about looking for another cage since. Love riding....rain or shine, 90 degrees or 10 degrees, I go. If I ever do need to, I always just borrow my mothers truck, but most of the time I don't.
For the next several months, my FZ will be my only mode of transportation. My girlfriend's car is a total POS, so I've convinced her to sell it and take my SUV, which sat in the garage almost all of last year. I figure I can ride the bike until the end of the year, which will give her time to save up and buy another car.