I voted!

so how about you?

  • Yes I have voted / I am planning to vote early!

    Votes: 24 47.1%
  • No way! I am waiting to the election night!

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • I've decided not to vote this year!

    Votes: 4 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I voted last week. We have "permanent absentee ballot status" in CA. You don't need a reason anymore, you can just get the ballot in the mail and send it in by election day. So easy.
I would vote early, but just moving and registering (two weeks ago)down here, I don't know where to go yet so I'll vote on the 4th.
it is funny, as i was reading this thread Keira mentioned...

"we need to figure out where to vote now that we moved"
I wish I could vote early, the only way to do it in NYS is by absentee and you need to give a valid reason as to why you wont be able to vote on Nov 4th. So I will probably be standing in line for a really long time to vote, but I will peform my civic duty regardless of the wait.

Marina check out this website, it gives info on early voting for all states as well as other useful information. Rock the Vote: Election Center
how do i vote early in California? I'd love to since i KNOW lines are going to take forever on voting day.

The county should have sent you a voter's information guide. In it would probably have been an absentee voter application. It's probably a bit late to do it now. They say turnout is expected to be 85%. It's almost like we are a real democracy of concerned citizens!
I am voting on Election Day. Going over after an AM Dentist appt. :thumbup:
I don't know about voting early in NH. Never looked into it and never had a reason to. We just always went on the day of voting.
I... tried.

Went to one of our "early voting" stations (first time for them this year), line was out the door and they said the wait was between 1.5 and 2 hours. Since today is my day off, and Tuesday is not but my employer lets me take time off to vote, I decided to wait until Tuesday (and I've never had to wait more than ten minutes on Nov 4 before, might be a bit different this year, we'll see).

Wish we had open absentee voting like you do in CA, that makes more sense.
We can't vote early in Minnesota, but my polling place in the burbs is usually not that busy. 3 minute wait in 2004. Crossing my fingers for 2008.

Mailing ballots is safe I'm sure, but I like the idea of getting my vote in with the majority of people. One letter is more likely to get lost than a box full of ballots.
I don't have the option to vote early where I'm at. I wish that I did though. My plan is to get up in the wee hours of the morning and try to get a somewhat decent place in line on voting day.


I'm voting tuesday morning! There's a polling place like a block from my apt and I figure the lines will be shorter then (with all the additional polling places open, and everyone going to their assigned polling places...) I've heard of early voting lines being up to 10 hrs long in some places! Screw that. If I do have to wait, I'm more available tuesday anyway, so...