i passed!!

Congrats man!!! I passed my BRC in September of '06. I bought my FZ6 in May of '07. I have never looked back. I practice something every time I ride though. Never get too comfortable on a bike or it will bite you in the ass. Good luck and stay safe.
GOOD FOR YOU! Now just do what the others are saying, practice! Try and get the video Ride like a Pro. it really helped me alot. I bought some cheap cones at Wally World and practice in a empty lot. It pays off when riding in a group when you have to do a u turn and someone is a foot dragger and you're not.

Good Luck

ok my bad...I was talkingabout the DMV test.

ok. i was thinking that CA was a little rough on their new riders for the BRC. i think dmv is the same way here. that is part of the reason i went the BRC way. that and the fact that i would get some training when i had pretty much no experience on bikes before taking the course.