i get to keep my license!!


SuperFlanker Moderator
Premium Member
Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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well i was worried as after i was pulled over the cop told me its common for such high speeds to be given a ticket over 1500 bucks and a suspended license...

but the ticket was only 350 bucks and no suspension!! wow was i relieved!!

i was going 154 in a 100 zone they knocked it down to 50 over....and before u say anything it was in a van and you could see for miles and there was no traffic...

also, when i was there this lady was given a $6000 ticket for her 2nd offence driving without insurance.

and there was a guy with a porsche carrera who was doin 220 in a 100 zone

all of these are kph btw.

and this squid got a $2k ticket with 90 day suspension for street racing with his impreza but wow did this kid have attitude. he was going well over 180kph but they only clocked him at 125 kph when he slammed on brakes but another car behind him knew he was going way faster or something i forget the details. but he was complaining about how he was getting screwed over by the system. afterwards this kid was telling me how if his buddy hadnt come with him he would have driven home on the suspended license anyway and how his car is so fast with 400 hp from aftermarket turbos and such that he routinely gets up to 100kph in "playground zones" as he put it, without even noticing. And then he started telling me about his antics on his R1. I just kept nodding and smiling thinking to myself wow this kids a jerk...

but ya anyway, most importantly here....I GET TO KEEP RIDING UNTIL THE END OF THE SEASON....which comes up shortly after august ends here. :Flash::Flash:
woohoo!!!!! Congratz! :thumbup: now let that be a lesson to ya! :spank:

That is great news.

Now... keep it reasonable! Glad to hear you're riding for the rest of the season!
It's going to be terrible when the day comes that I get clocked doing over 150 Mph. (or 130 depending if I'm in the truck or on the bike) :(
why is only august the end of the season?*

because, just like in my post above, the answer is i live in canada haha

and a city that is fairly far north. It is the furthest north city in canada with a "large" population. we arent way up in the super frigid parts, but our winters start pretty early and end pretty late...we only get 4-5 months of "acceptable" riding weather. the first has roads COVERED in gravel. the 2nd is quite cold and rainy most the time. the 3rd and 4th are very nice never rains very warm and sunny. the 5th it starts to get cold gradually. and if we are LUCKY we get a 6th month of COLD but no snow so the faithful keep going.

but really this month is 50% of our "normal riding weather" so if i had to sit it out i would have been PISSSSED!!!!!!

and thanks for the feedback ladies and gents, but really if you saw our roads and our speed limits you would agree they are retarded....you can see for miiiiiles and the roads are straaaaaight and the speed limits are duuuumb. if that is not clear enough i will edit this post and add more vowels to the words lol. in traffic i am not speeding that much maybe 10-15 over. but when there is no traffic and nothing impeding visibility, 30 over is VERY common for 60% of drivers
Congratulations on keeping your license :thumbup:.
Pleased to hear you got a second chance, take it easy.

oh i know, i ride much more afraid of cops now. which is bad because i find it distracting from my awareness of traffic. so when i am in traffic i ignore the possibilities of speedtraps when im trying to get away from "traffic blobs".
wow - lucky for you the ticket ended up being only $350. I was expecting to see a bigger number by the time I got to that part of the story since I got a ticket for 114 in an 80 (again kph) in the car while visiting my folks in NS and that one was $400.
because, just like in my post above, the answer is i live in canada haha

and a city that is fairly far north. It is the furthest north city in canada with a "large" population. we arent way up in the super frigid parts, but our winters start pretty early and end pretty late...we only get 4-5 months of "acceptable" riding weather. the first has roads COVERED in gravel. the 2nd is quite cold and rainy most the time. the 3rd and 4th are very nice never rains very warm and sunny. the 5th it starts to get cold gradually. and if we are LUCKY we get a 6th month of COLD but no snow so the faithful keep going.

but really this month is 50% of our "normal riding weather" so if i had to sit it out i would have been PISSSSED!!!!!!

and thanks for the feedback ladies and gents, but really if you saw our roads and our speed limits you would agree they are retarded....you can see for miiiiiles and the roads are straaaaaight and the speed limits are duuuumb. if that is not clear enough i will edit this post and add more vowels to the words lol. in traffic i am not speeding that much maybe 10-15 over. but when there is no traffic and nothing impeding visibility, 30 over is VERY common for 60% of drivers

ah i see. i figured that but wasnt sure how far north up you are...
Congrats on not losing your lic... Now.....



Congrats on not losing your lic... Now.....



lol, sir yes sir!!

everyday i leave the house i am constantly reminding myself to slow down and i am much more successful than i used to be :)
so would/could they have slapped you for "street racing" even though you were in a VAN?

I some provinces the answer to could they is yes - not sure about the OP location. The coppers have the latitude based solely on the amount over the limit based on the way the laws were written. As to would they - I sure hope they only use the "big stick" when it's needed.