I did it - 295 miles yesterday!


It's My Bike!
Jan 26, 2009
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Albany, NY
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I went to church yesterday morning and was in a great mood when I got out - it was supposed to be a beautiful day so I pointed Zelda north and off we went. I was a little apprehensive about riding and how my arm would hold up (though it is much better) so I went alone. I picked my own path, rode at my own pace and knew that I could turn back any time I wanted to. However, I didn't want to! It was very hot and humid (90+) and I did run into some rain on the way back - actually spent 1 1/2 hours waiting out a thunderstorm in Saratoga Springs but it's a good place to be "stranded". I talked to a few other bikers and waited until I didn't hear any more thunder to head home. I am still not riding to my ability - had a scary moment in a turn at a fairly good lean angle when I hit a tar snake and the front end of the bike shook but I managed to hang on and get the bike semi-upright without crossing the yellow line. I experienced moments where I was totally scared and wanted to just park the bike but turned my thoughts elsewhere and they passed. I guess it's to be expected after two offs in a week followed by almost 6 weeks of no riding but I hope the jitters go away soon. I'm still not cornering to my ability and am having issues trusting myself and the bike but I guess this too shall come back with more saddle time. All said and done I am glad I went. My elbow was a little sore, my wrist less so and I had no problems using the clutch. Good to be back on two wheels again (for the most part) :D

I googled my route for anyone who cares to look (of course this doesn't include the 25 miles where I got lost.......:rolleyes: ):

from:Latham, New York to:speigletown ny to:schaghticoke ny to:argyle ny to:fort edward ny to:fort ann ny to:lake george ny to:hague ny to:Lakeshore Dr/NY-9N to:brant lake ny to:wakonda campground schroon lake ny to:schroon lake ny to:State Route 9/US

Here are a few pics (I really didn't stop much :thumbup:):

A little reservoir along the way:

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Departing NY on the Ticonderoga Ferry:

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Zelda's best side:

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VT side of Lake Champlain:

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CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D I am so happy that you are "back in the saddle" Cheryl!! And glad that you don't have too much soreness.
Thanks for the lovely pics, too. You should enter BOTM (with the hills in the background).
Great to hear you are back on the bike & the pictures are GREAT! The bike on the Ferry is my favorite. It looks like a perfect day.
Sounds like a great day. But the phrases "not cornering to my ability" and '2 offs in a week' have me concerned... Sounds like your ability may not be quite what you expect it to be. Be safe.
CONGRATS!!! it is good to hear if you back on the bike where you belong! don't push it though and you will heal up great, i am sure of it!
Sounds like a stressful ride.

Good choice on waiting out the thunderstorm. Rain is one thing, lightening is another.

I was struck by lightning once - never want to experience that again! Others I ride with get annoyed with me for wanting to wait out storms but I refuse to ride when there is thunder of lightning. Otherwise though the day was good.

Sounds like a great day. But the phrases "not cornering to my ability" and '2 offs in a week' have me concerned... Sounds like your ability may not be quite what you expect it to be. Be safe.

First off was at track day on a very wet and slippery turn at the track (learned my lesson there!), second was a very tricky corner, not my bike and I basically dropped it. My ability probably is and always has been greater than I think (or at least that is what people, including track instructors, tell me and I was moved up to the intermediate group at the track). However, by not cornering to my ability I mean I am taking the corners much slower and less lean angle than normal. I guess I am a little apprehensive - almost like a new rider. Again, I think this will come back with more seat time but until then I will ride at the speed I feel comfortable, even if it is slower than normal.
Hey, welcome back to two wheels. Don't worry about "cornering to your ability". Give yourself some time to re-build your confidence and trust yourself and the bike. The more you push it at this point, the more you'll stress out, tighten up, and maybe really mess things up. White-knuckling corners isn't pretty and is no fun.

"Ability" is only as good as your last crash. No one is keeping score other than you, and you shouldn't be.

Be safe out there.
Good to hear of your recovery.....:thumbup:

What are thos things attached to the passenger footpegs?
Good to hear of your recovery.....:thumbup:

What are thos things attached to the passenger footpegs?

Thanks. They are to keep the saddlebags off the muffler. A friend fashioned them for me and they work really well.

Thinking..........I guess skill and ability are two different things. You can have the skill but not the ability to do something. In other words my head tells me I can but my heart doesn't agree. Ugh, I just want to be back to normal.
Congrats on getting back in the saddle man. Agreed Saratoga is a pretty nice place to get stranded in:thumbup:. I Miss it i lived their for four years crazy amount of bars in just a couple of blocks.
:rockon: Congratulations on getting back on and getting some miles in! Yeah, lightning is something you rarely get a second chance at. Best at your own pace. Your right in recognizing that heart/mind conflict. That's a very healthy consciousness.
Have fun!

That is GREAT Cheryl! Congrats! I'm very happy to hear this!

Perhaps a later meet and we can ride again?!?
First off was at track day on a very wet and slippery turn at the track (learned my lesson there!), second was a very tricky corner, not my bike and I basically dropped it. My ability probably is and always has been greater than I think (or at least that is what people, including track instructors, tell me and I was moved up to the intermediate group at the track). However, by not cornering to my ability I mean I am taking the corners much slower and less lean angle than normal. I guess I am a little apprehensive - almost like a new rider. Again, I think this will come back with more seat time but until then I will ride at the speed I feel comfortable, even if it is slower than normal.

Good to hear. My first off was two weeks ago. Got back on the FZ6 and Shadow this past weekend. Realized that riding the cruiser had allowed me to develop a lot of bad habits. My arm is still only @ 30% right now. An hour or so of riding and the pain starts over riding my ability to ride safely. I fully understand the 'feels like I'm a new rider again'. Keep the shiny side up.
Glad you posted this Cheryl....I thought about you yesterday and wondered if you had gone riding!
I'm glad to to hear you did ok and didn't complicate your "owies" !

And what's this about being 'struck by lightning'??? :eek:
Good for you Cheryl....glad you got out on the bike..:cheer:295 miles on your first ride back is very respectable....Truthfully, I struggle to go and ride that long all in one day...

I did 350 this weekend, but it was broken up into 3 days.....Friday and sunday where just me and saturday was (2) up with my wife.
That is GREAT Cheryl! Congrats! I'm very happy to hear this!

Perhaps a later meet and we can ride again?!?

I would really like that Eric- maybe some time in September? Let me know when you and your wife are free and hopefully Rob and Kiera could joins us too. I would be willing to come up that way. I would have liked to join you guys last weekend but I was unsure how long I would last and didn't want to slow you guys down. Also, I really want to ride Rte 17 when I can enjoy it!

Good to hear. My first off was two weeks ago. Got back on the FZ6 and Shadow this past weekend. Realized that riding the cruiser had allowed me to develop a lot of bad habits. My arm is still only @ 30% right now. An hour or so of riding and the pain starts over riding my ability to ride safely. I fully understand the 'feels like I'm a new rider again'. Keep the shiny side up.

Thanks, I hope you are feeling better soon. It took me almost 6 weeks to be able to ride again and I was barely moving when I went down. All I can say is rest and try not to push it (I'm one to talk!).

Glad you posted this Cheryl....I thought about you yesterday and wondered if you had gone riding!
I'm glad to to hear you did ok and didn't complicate your "owies" !

And what's this about being 'struck by lightning'??? :eek:

Thanks Brenda, I think I actually feel better after riding. I may have needed to start stretching the tendons again or maybe it's just psychological :D

I was struck by lightning on June 30, 2001 (will never forget that date) while hiking in the Adirondacks. The lightning hit the bedrock approximately 50 feet in front of me, travelled up the bedrock and through me. Knocked me unoconscious and all; then when I regained consciousness I had to hike 4 miles back down the mountain! The doctor said the after effect is like having a charley horse through your whole body - it took months to feel normal again but a couple of steps closer and I would have been dead.

Hmmm.....maybe I should take up some new hobbies like table tennis or knitting?
Thanks, I hope you are feeling better soon. It took me almost 6 weeks to be able to ride again and I was barely moving when I went down. All I can say is rest and try not to push it (I'm one to talk!).

Thanks, It has been 2 weeks for me. It was relativly low speed but I did high side. no real rash to deal with, crush wounds on my leg, all soft tissue, all healed. Most of the swelling gone. Sprained my elbow and wrist, pulled muscles in my forearm. Elbow is good, wrist is getting there, muscles/tendons are weak. I'm not able to do a push up so my riding has been very conservative.

Hmmm.....maybe I should take up some new hobbies like table tennis or knitting?
Nope, your not living unless you are close to dieing.
Glad to hear your back on the bike. The ride you took had to be great. I visit Saratoga a couple of times a year for conferences and Albany 5 or 6 times a year for conferences. I love Saratoga, someday I will ride for pleasure up there. The route from Watertown over to Lake Placid is nice in the off camping season also. Be safe.