I did 100 mph in front of a Cop today


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Apr 17, 2008
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So I get off work at 11pm and Im feeling good, but tired. Off work till Monday, Canucks play the Hawks tomorrow(game 1-2nd Rnd of the playoffs to the non-NHL fans out there) Great mood.

About 2mins into the ride home there is a 1 km long tunnel that I usually exercise the 2-brothers lungs some. Go through the gears a couple times, as there isnt much traffic at this time of night.

Im in the fast lane coming to the exit of the tunnel and Im riding up on this Suburban quickly. As we exit the tunnel I change lanes to go past him and he matches my speed. Now I've been around the block a few times to know what the local po-po are riding these days and this truck looked too old, the passenger mirror was folded in, just looked raggedy.

By this time I'm doing 130kph(80mph) and hes jockeying me, just 2 carlengths behind in the fast lane. This goes on for at least 4 minutes. I notice that there is a car in the slow lane coming up quick so I giver a little gas to change lanes and pass the slow car. The guy in the Burban speeds up a little to box me out. So I dropped it to 160 kmh(100 mph) in no seconds flat and take off leaving him in the dust. About 5 minutes later I look in my mirror and see flashing lights!!

I say F. Hes stll probably 100 yards away and I throw the signal on and pull into the slow lane preparing to pull over. He stays in the fast lane and turns his lights off so I think Phew!! Hes not coming after me....He pulls up and its the same Suburban that was F-n with me earlier. He goes past and turns his lights on for another 1/2 sec for whatever reason and takes off.

Lesson here for me is maybe take it a little more easy..a $300+ ticket coulda really ruined my night...:(
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he knew he was instigating you so was going to let you know with the flashing lights that he was letting you off... but just this once...
Yeaaap is lucky break...:d
Friend of mine always said cops wont pull you over and sadly he just got pull over riding 55 on 35 on the way to work.
I said he just got bad luck in that morning and with this economic, city need extra income.....Ride safe outthere...:rockon:
thats your luckiest day ridding take it slow man unlike me until i goy my license suspended and 400 plus dollars later i learned be carefull out there especially at night you cant see them as good
Are you sure it was a cop. I know a couple of people that have those red & blue lights that shouldn't.
Yea it was a cop ....Dog squad member according to my girlfriends buddy, who is RCMP. They dont usually pull people over unless its a flagrant foul
I got pulled over about a week ago going 65 in a 45. The reason I was going 65 is because the 65 mph sign was about 200 yards away; I was just getting an early start, lol.

Anyway, he pulls me over, asks me why I thought he pulled me over, I said "Because I was going 65 in a 45," he says "That's right, stupid law if you ask me," and proceeds to ask for my license, insurance, and registration. He runs my info, comes back and says, "Well, looks like you don't have any infractions on your record, and we don't want to scar it with a $140 ticket. Follow the law." And then he took off. Technically I could have gotten a misdemeanor here in Idaho for 20 over the limit; I got lucky that he was a nice guy. Definitely won't do that again:thumbup:
I got pulled over about a week ago going 65 in a 45. The reason I was going 65 is because the 65 mph sign was about 200 yards away; I was just getting an early start, lol.

Anyway, he pulls me over, asks me why I thought he pulled me over, I said "Because I was going 65 in a 45," he says "That's right, stupid law if you ask me," and proceeds to ask for my license, insurance, and registration. He runs my info, comes back and says, "Well, looks like you don't have any infractions on your record, and we don't want to scar it with a $140 ticket. Follow the law." And then he took off. Technically I could have gotten a misdemeanor here in Idaho for 20 over the limit; I got lucky that he was a nice guy. Definitely won't do that again:thumbup:

Never admit to doing something wrong. Play stupid. Your lucky you got away with it, if you take it to court and you admitted speeding he could use that against you.
I got pulled over about a week ago going 65 in a 45. The reason I was going 65 is because the 65 mph sign was about 200 yards away; I was just getting an early start, lol.

What is the official interpretation of when the posted speed limit comes into effect? When a driver or rider can see the sign or where the sign begins?

Any Leo's, chime in please.
Never admit to doing something wrong. Play stupid. Your lucky you got away with it, if you take it to court and you admitted speeding he could use that against you.

I've found being honest with people works wonders. I don't know. I would admit that I was going that fast in court because I was. I know the consequences of the breaking the law, I also know that most people appreciate honesty.
What is the official interpretation of when the posted speed limit comes into effect? When a driver or rider can see the sign or where the sign begins?

Any Leo's, chime in please.

Good question. I'm really curious about this now; hadn't thought of it before.
I'm not a LEO But im pretty certain that it begins were the sign is posted
I've found being honest with people works wonders. I don't know. I would admit that I was going that fast in court because I was. I know the consequences of the breaking the law, I also know that most people appreciate honesty.

Maybe in Idaho....
Maybe in Idaho....

I'm going to Florida in a couple of weeks, maybe I'll see how it works for me down there, haha. You could be right, though. Cops are pretty laid back around here, it seems especially with motorcycles for some reason.
I'm going to Florida in a couple of weeks, maybe I'll see how it works for me down there, haha. You could be right, though. Cops are pretty laid back around here, it seems especially with motorcycles for some reason.

I think I'm going to Idaho then haha. It seems like every little thing I do I get pulled over for. I don't lie but I don't spill my guts to them either. Enjoy your stay in Florida is going to be a hot one!

On topic I was going about 15 over once and an undercover cop did the same thing to me but he had no lights just a siren. I still speed I am willing to accept the consequences. I will fight my tickets even If I am breaking the law.
What is the official interpretation of when the posted speed limit comes into effect? When a driver or rider can see the sign or where the sign begins?

Any Leo's, chime in please.


I've wondered that too, it'd be nice to get an answer from one of our forum LEOs.
I would guess where the sign is.

Imagine the following.
Speed limit 55, come to a town that is only a couple blocks long. Town speed limit is 30. You can see the speed limit as you exit town, it is 55 as well. Do you have to slow down?

But that situation is completely different than what the OP was faced with. A cop is gunna be more critical in a town versus an empty road.

I go with the rule that if I can clearly make out the speed, thats my new speed. I bet that it differs with every state.
This isn't the first time I've heard of a cop egging someone on... Had a buddy who swears a cop started revving his engine at a stoplight, trying to instigate a race and my dad was tailgated for an unreasonable distance and was pulled over after accelerating to increase distance. I'm having mixed emotions about the police department right now...