I am Buying a PINK FZ6 Cup Bike!

This is the FIRST time I can EVER say to a DUDE, can't wait to see your pink bits....I agree, keep the colour, I've known the Wolfman about 25 years and BELIEVE me....IT SUITS HIM "VERY" WELL.....Cheesy MoFo that he is....You should see the DuranDuran T-Shirts this guy wears, I bag him CONSTANTLY...But Its all GOOD fun....I'm behind you 100% and will give you a piece of wood to bite....:Flip:

oi! Duran duran rock!just ask the 2000 spinners who were dancing to hungry like the wolf on Wednesday night...and paying for my fz adventures by enjoying my "cheese"!:eek:
Ok ok.. Maybe that was a little bit too much.. After all that movie sat the standards pretty damn high:steve:

I can give you a solid gold assurance that I leave Indiana in the shade when it comes to cheese! I play the macerana, and mmm bop!:eek:
You Aussies freaking kill me. I know that each morning I can log on a read what the "night crew" was up to. This thread has totally dissolved into pure dribble...Regular Sitcom here. :thumbup:
You Aussies freaking kill me. I know that each morning I can log on a read what the "night crew" was up to. This thread has totally dissolved into pure dribble...Regular Sitcom here. :thumbup:

Yes but usually the threads end up by talking about grog.....oops:eek:!

Back to the subject at hand. this is awesome Jamie. You should bring it to a fz cup race and get Amy to sign it. That is the only nessesary mod!

You Aussies freaking kill me. I know that each morning I can log on a read what the "night crew" was up to. This thread has totally dissolved into pure dribble...Regular Sitcom here. :thumbup:

Well that's the thing, we never take ourselves too seriously...no fun to be had there, and life is too short to get too serious in a forum...this is our escape from reality. which is way too scary most of the time!

Yes but usually the threads end up by talking about grog.....oops:eek:!

Speaking of which, i just got home from 2 big gigs in one night, and grog was the order of the day at both! :eek:

Back to the subject at hand. this is awesome Jamie. You should bring it to a fz cup race and get Amy to sign it. That is the only nessesary mod!


If things go the way i plan, i coul;d be racing against Amy! :eek:

Have had 2 different peple tell me tonight that if i do gather the kahuna's to go racing, they would sponsor me...purely on novelty value alone! Woo Hoo!


What have i got myself into...Lordy Lordy Lordy!

Well if you do get serious I'm sure a lot of us on the forum would consider putting something together. Maybe pay x amount to vote on your racing leather colors, your theme music, or racing nickname.

The leathers could be any color we just need to call them something special to go with the pink bike. Like black would be called "Midnight Mist"

Pink by Aerosmith comes to mind for your theme music but thats almost too easy. Detachable ***** by King Missle is probably better.

Wolfman is actually a good manly racing nick name to offset the pink bike. "Here comes Wolfman he sure stands out with his Midnight Mist leathers and pink bike".

Btw I'm only half kidding. I'm sure a lot of us would love to see a forum member do well on the track.
Well if you do get serious I'm sure a lot of us on the forum would consider putting something together. Maybe pay x amount to vote on your racing leather colors, your theme music, or racing nickname.

The leathers could be any color we just need to call them something special to go with the pink bike. Like black would be called "Midnight Mist"

Pink by Aerosmith comes to mind for your theme music but thats almost too easy. Detachable ***** by King Missle is probably better.

Wolfman is actually a good manly racing nick name to offset the pink bike. "Here comes Wolfman he sure stands out with his Midnight Mist leathers and pink bike".

Btw I'm only half kidding. I'm sure a lot of us would love to see a forum member do well on the track.

"Team Wolfman", now that would make a mockery of a race report! Was thinking of keeping the bike's number, 68, with black leathers with pink writing on the back, that Says...."Wolfman, you go down and i will owe you 1"


But seriously, if this all comes together, there will be a few ride days first, as i am a track novice, then maybe a few low key local meets, before doing anything serious...

Just realised that i also need to buy a bike trailer, tyre warmers, lots of rubber, different sprockets, etc, if i am going to go racing, so sponsors would be imperative to make it happen at any level above track days.
I have no idea about how the tax code works in Australlia but one of my friends dads owns a drag racing car. He is able to write a lot of the cost off as business expenses for advertising on his own business. Not sure if you could take advantage of something like that.

If you do get serious about sponsership you will want to think about ad space on your bike, your trailer, and maybe even on your tow vehicle (magnets can be used to). Get creative a lot of shops are willing to trade parts and equipment for a little ad space. Work on your sales pitches as a DJ I'm sure you are a good talker. Each race where a bike shops ad is seen is advertising to their prime market.

Also handshake deals are fine and good when you are starting but a written contract could save your ass in the long run ie what happens if you don't race, etc.

I know you have a long way to go but you could offset some of the start-up costs with some creative deals. I don't know if they have rules about advertising on practice track days so get a shop to paste their name on your back for a day. Anything to offset fees.

Good luck and much respect for even thinking about getting into it.
Nice post there Necrotimus, the tax-offset thing could work here too. :thumbup:

And Jamie, you know you've got a pit-crew (well, for anything in SA, and probably further afield). This is getting really exciting now, can't wait to see how it all pans out.

Good things come to those who wait, youve been wanting one for a while and sounds like you got a beauty, never been dropped would have to be a really rare thing with a race bike surely. Fun times to be had.:cheer::cheer:
i cant wait to get out on the track, and ride without fear of being nabbed for riding beyond speed limits, etc.


the "etc" being the "FE"asco (see what i did there)..lol

But seriously good on ya!..since joining this site,you guys down under have been consistenly good fun and freindly..if anyone deserves this oppotunity its you (and your ever faithfull forum sidekicks AKA the pit crew..or "the wolfpack"..lol)

its gonna be fun whatching this develop :rockon: