Got Pulled Over Yesterday...


Helmet Hair
Jul 11, 2009
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Sunrise, FL
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On my way to meet a buddy at a local park when I notice the highway is completely empty and the bike needs some serious throttle input, but apparently I gave it a bit too much; clocked at 106 mph.

Anyway, I see the cop in my mirrors and quickly pull into the breakdown lane. At this point I'm thinkin', "man, I'm boned, probably gonna get arrested." The cop walks up to me, "do you know why I pulled you over?" I immediately responded "speed." He grabbed my license, checked it out, everything came up clean. He said he was surprised I pulled over, apparently most motorcyclists run from the cops in situations like this. He said, "I usually chase you guys down, but you gotta turn eventually." He went on to tell me that he's run a few bikers into the swampy center grass strip; interesting. He also said he was looking forward to chasing me; thought that was a bit odd too.

Anyway, because everything checked out he LET ME GO! No warning, no verbal warning, nothing! Guess if you're respectful and doing the right thing when a cop wants your attention, it can pay off! Thought I'd share my awesome story with you all! I realize how lucky I am. I also visited a casino to try my luck, apparently it stops there.

In FL to boot. I had a simular thing happen there as well. I went by the first one fast enough that I dont think he even got a clock speed. The second one pulled me, and was real chill since I stopped before he had even got turned around. LOL

Its always best to just stop and be respectful.
Possible. I also think he would have a tough time catching me if I was hauling butt towards Miami, however, I wasn't about to risk it. I have too much respect for what they do, not about to make them angry and make a bad situation worse.
It's always better to man up and take the ticket/fine. :thumbup:
Don't make a traffic violation into something much more serious like evading arrest.

I've heard of this one group ride in 2008 where some people got pulled over. The cop was cool and just wanted to run their license and registration. If every thing was ok (no warrants, etc.) he would have let them all go. Well, some riders didn't have their license :spank: (very common) and they tried to evade. The cop called for backup, including a helicopter, and chased the riders down.

Other times, cops pull you over for minor offenses (not coming to a complete stop, not signaling, etc.) just to run your plates. It seems like sportbikers are being targeted, but I won't rant about that now. Some of my friends got pulled over for making an illegal U-turn :rolleyes:. The cop just wanted to inspect their bikes for offenses and give out fix-it tickets. Sure enough, some one (no one I knew) didn't have his license and got illegal plates. Had to get towed back home.

In fact, here's a pic of me (in the blue jacket) at that event.
The cop wanted to see my reg. papers, I told him they were under my seat. He asked if the bike was regsitered to me, told him it was, and he lost interest in seeing the papers. I've got nothing to hide so I wasn't worried. I never have, nor will I ever, run from the cops. Just doesn't make sense and the risk of getting caught greatly outweighs the damage that would be done if I simply accepted the ticket/fine.
Had you run however .it would have been soo much more entertaining for us when we watch you on police camera action or COPS :BLAA:
I also visited a casino to try my luck, apparently it stops there.[/QUOTE]

You need to go to Church not a casino, that was a Blessing!! :thumbup:

Glad you rode off on that one, that would have been a bad one, for us that's an automatic trip to the lock up....
Anyway, because everything checked out he LET ME GO! No warning, no verbal warning, nothing! Guess if you're respectful and doing the right thing when a cop wants your attention, it can pay off!

Sorry - not here.
I have never EVER had given a break from a cop riding my bike or driving the car & I always been very respectful, pulled over right away, etc.
Also there were a couple of situations when I really needed the help of the police and they just didn't care.

If you went 106 and he pulled you over, what can I say? But I usually see them going after the easy jobs, and ignoring the obvious recklessness & other major violations that are really a danger.

In front of the office where I work there are cops once in a while on the boulevard hidden with the radar due to a stretch on the boulevard where cars are usually going over the stupid 35 speed limit posted there (wide, straight 6 lanes boulevard with plant divider, you can see 1 mile ahead, with no intersections & 35 speed limit!).
Behind my office building is an shady alley with 2 "legal" Medical Marijuana Dispensers shops that brings a immense number of cars & people that you won't believe, in fact in 1 year on this alley were 2 shootings happening.
Police never goes there. Never.
I use to park there before, but after they open the 1st Marijuana place I start parking in the front of the building. My company installed cameras, special lights etc, but we still had cars broken in, vandalised or registration stickers stolen, etc. We complained at the local police station but they never ever did anything.

Sorry, I'm ruining the post & driving in a different direction now. I stop here.

Anyway, you are lucky & the cop was nice! I'm surprised the Casino trick didn't work, maybe you should try the Lottery?
Hey Ber1986-
This story is kinda funny to me because my older bro who had a motorcycle in 80' and 90's was just telling me some "stories" a couple weeks ago. Sort of like hey don't do what I did, but I might as well brag about it!! LOL! I could quote him verbetim as having the cop say, no ticket "because you stopped". I think he was doing around 120 mph in a 55. Amazing, I tell ya.
Thought I'd share my awesome story with you all! I realize how lucky I am. I also visited a casino to try my luck, apparently it stops there.

LOL...hell it was worth a shot. After all, yes you were damn lucky!

Your cop was cool. I got a ticket last year by a motorcycle cop on New Years Night for going 13 over by trying to create time and space away from the yoyos behind me who could have been drinking. You would think he would try to target drunks rather than wasting his and my time for 13 over. This year, I made it a point to ride within the speed limit on that day, as there were tons of cops. No wonder I got tagged last year. I usually ride no more than 10 over. However, I have had my share of warnings too, can't complain.

But when I do get a speeding ticket, I never complain. I accept it and move on, after all, I was speeding no matter how you look at it and their just doing their jobs.

The only reason anyone would want to run from the Police is if they had an outstanding warrant. Get pulled over, they do a check, and you're automatically going to jail. So for those who are in that kind of a situation, I can understand, but It's still wrong.
I got clocked doing 104 on I-80 in Nevada (2,200 mile moving trip in a cage) in a 75 MPH zone and the cop wrote me a ticket for 90 IIRC. 29 MPH over down to 15 over and it only cost me $240 or so. Nice cop...seemed mostly concerned that I stay safe.
This story is total B.S. folks. I can't believe how many CHUMPS ride bikes. Get a grip! Next, I suppose we're going to read how DefyInertia says he blew past a cop at 140 MPH, ran a stop sign, flipped off a Sheriff, rode on wrong side of street, wheely'ed across an intersection, and ran 4 more red lights. Get out! People will believe ANYTHING. FZ6 Forum: We need a "B.S. forum dep't"
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Dude you are very very lucky guy :eek: , if you did that here in Queensland , Australia it is instant loss of licence for 6 months and your bike would be impounded for 3 months........ Ohh and dont bother buying a lottery ticket , you've used all your luck up :D
This story is total B.S. folks. I can't believe how many CHUMPS ride bikes. Get a grip! Next, I suppose we're going to read how DefyInertia says he blew past a cop at 140 MPH, ran a stop sign, flipped off a Sheriff, rode on wrong side of street, wheely'ed across an intersection, and ran 4 more red lights. Get out! People will believe ANYTHING. FZ6 Forum: We need a "B.S. forum dep't"

??? :confused:
Well, okay, but now I don't want to read that DefyIntertia is laughing off how he chumped everybody. Now, take my last ticket: I'm in my van in a 7'ish morning residential area and come up to a 4 way stop sign. Landscaping truck/trailer combo with 3 in cab (Hispanics) are in front of me just sitting there for what seemed like hours while there's NO other traffic at all at the intersection. You know how it is, right, you're saying to yourself "GO! Get the F going, what are you waiting for?". Then, truck/trailer combo start MOVING, but only about 2-3 feet and then STOP.(Remember, there's NO other traffic waiting at the 4-way). Then, truck/trailer combo moves again but STOPS again after a few more feet. Then, FINALLY truck/trailer combo rolls across the intersection. Well, by this time, I'm miffed and so I just slowly roll across the intersection since I've ALREADY been at the stop sign behind the truck/trailer (with lawn mowers, etc.). TICKET! A CHP was parked half block down the side street just WAITING to ticket a stop sign violation. And, cop saw what happened---the truck/trailer hesitating, stopping, hesitating, stopping, hestitating, etc., in front of me. DO I GET OFF? NOOOOOOO!
Dude you are very very lucky guy :eek: , if you did that here in Queensland , Australia it is instant loss of licence for 6 months and your bike would be impounded for 3 months........ Ohh and dont bother buying a lottery ticket , you've used all your luck up :D

I agree with you on that one, been adhering to the speed limit closely since my run-in with the Police. The last thing I need right now is a huge ticket or to go to jail.
Very lucky. I'm a cop Just north of Tampa, Fl. I'm not sure I've ever heard of someone getting that lucky at that speed. I must admit that the mojority of the chases I've seen or been involved in that were after bikes ended in wrecks. I guess it's like that cop said to you, "you have to turn sometime". And it's also hard to outrun radios and helicopters. It does'nt seem to be worth the risk.
I am glad however that you skated on the ticket. It would probably have been the equivalent of the price of a really nice mod.