Go Pro Camera Test Footage


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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Here's one snippet from my first day playing around with my new Go Pro camera. I shot this on Lime Creek Road on a Saturday. This is the only twisty road close to town and it can get busy on the weekends so this is not a blitz run at all. I was ridding a moderate pace and not hammering it between corners, 65 to 70 mph max. Almost all of the corners are blind and there is a fair amount of traffic and blind driveways.

I noticed that the extreme lens on the camera tends to flatten the perspective and make the corners look more open then they actually are.

I mounted the camera on the long stalk of a mount and stuck it on the right side of the fairing. I think I need to find another place to mount it as at speed it did wiggle around some.

The sound came out pretty good with not much wind noise at all.

I'm doing a track day tomorrow and I think I may just mount it on the nose of the fairing using one of the short, stick on mounts.

If anyone has any suggestions on the best place to mount and use the camera please let me know, I'm all ears!

Hah yeap that's diffinatly a Texas road.. more tarsnakes than asphalt. Thanks for posting that man I've been really debating on getting one of those cams or not. As for mounting I dunno on the bmw, no windscreen it's probably goin to shake around a bit no matter where you mount it. There is a how to video to make a cheap handlebar mount with some pvc tubing and hose clamps..

$5 Camera mount

The guy gets up to freeway speeds and it isn't too bad. Dunno if it'll work with your bike or not, but if so it's worth a shot. If it won't mount on the handlebars, maybe you can use the same setup to mount it on the rear frame or something I dunno.
Hey they tarred it over the winter, and odd time to tar, oh well... It still a fun place. I meet so many brand new riders with super fast bikes. I met a guy on an ZX1000 who had only been ridding for two months. He had no chicken strip left at all. I followed him up on another run and he was nuts! Totally dove into these junky ass corners! I just let him go. I've had my life time of crashes.
Slitherin' tar snakes, Batman!! :eek:
The sound quality is excellent, much better than many others I've watched (heard) where all you hear is the roar of windnoise.
Hah yeap that's diffinatly a Texas road.. more tarsnakes than asphalt. Thanks for posting that man I've been really debating on getting one of those cams or not. As for mounting I dunno on the bmw, no windscreen it's probably goin to shake around a bit no matter where you mount it. There is a how to video to make a cheap handlebar mount with some pvc tubing and hose clamps..

$5 Camera mount

The guy gets up to freeway speeds and it isn't too bad. Dunno if it'll work with your bike or not, but if so it's worth a shot. If it won't mount on the handlebars, maybe you can use the same setup to mount it on the rear frame or something I dunno.

That Instructables web site is REALLY COOL! What a great resource. :thumbup:
Those little cameras take some pretty good footage! Although the turns do look very open, I know from running that road 25+ times myself its not the case :rockon:
You can Steve. It's really a simple camera. You can shoot one frame or you can set it to shoot a series of frames. There are several options, one frame every 2 or 5 seconds, or a series of three frames in a row and of course the single frame.

I've not used it that much but it is very simple, two buttons and a limited LCD menu. It very small too, fits in your plam.

They take up to 2GB of SD memory. You can put a 4GB in but once 2GD of capacity has been used you have to turn the camera off and on. It is what it is. ..2GB gives about one hour of filming.

The make two models, one with a wide angle lens and another with an ulta wide angle. Mine is the ultra. I'm thinking I may have wanted just the wide angle, we'll see as I use it more. Too new to tell.

It is very nice weather. Was 85 yesterday, only 70 today, 68 tomorrow.
go pro does make a normal lens as well as the wide angle...i would like to see a side by side comparison. I am willing to bet the normal angle would show curves better but much less "scenery".

And those snakes are fracking mesmerizing...Much be a ton of "Pucker" moments when the summer heat slicks them up.
The make two models, one with a wide angle lens and another with an ulta wide angle. Mine is the ultra. I'm thinking I may have wanted just the wide angle, we'll see as I use it more. Too new to tell.

It is very nice weather. Was 85 yesterday, only 70 today, 68 tomorrow.
I'll have to go check the website again...as I read it, it seemed as a normal camera angle ~50 degrees and the wide was ~170 or something.

OK just checked and changed above numbers...I wonder what a normal camera angle is?
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You learn to dodge them. I did slip on a few that day. The new guy on the ZX1000 didn't even know about them. He'll learn.
Very nice footage, no vibrations ... I you want to see bad roads come to Ontario its pothole infested, even highway .... I would chicken out in half of those curves
Wow...great quality vid :thumbup: Rep sent

Thanks Nate. It isn't HD but when I run the raw file in Quick Time is looks and sounds great. It has a ton of bass too which really surprised me.

I've got a couple other runs on the road that I'm going to import into iMovie HD and see what I can do. In the five years I've had my Mac I've used iMovie maybe once.
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Nice weather....

CAn you take a still pictures with the camera as I have never seen one posted on here.


The answer to your question, here's a pic taken from the Go Pro Hero Camera when I rode out to Death Valley last month. Like Pete said, you have an option for the camera to take snap shots every some odd seconds or video.
Is that the 5 or the 3? Do they even make the 3 anymore? Has it been replaced by the 5... I envy you I want one bad. Motorcycle trips and Mountain bike riding is what I will be taking footage of.. Ohh yeah great vid :thumbup::thumbup:
nice looking footage, the camera looks a bit fisheyed though, is that a setting on the camera?

Not setting control at all. When you purchase the camera you choose normal or ultra wide angle. I bought this at my local Cycle Gear and this was the only model they had in stock.

You know I just looked at the camera, instructions, etc and the is no indication of which one I bought. :confused:

Looking at the sample videos on the web site I think I have the normal one.

Regardless it looks like a great camera. :thumbup:
