Exotic pets


I used to be Jethro
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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Does anyone have an exotic animal for a pet?

This one, <--on my shoulder, is a Bobcat named Jasper and he eats three pounds of raw meat every day. His claws in front and back were removed to help him be safer, but he has huge teeth! His fur is extremly soft an thick and his purr is so loud and rumbly you can feel it in your chest when he rides on your shoulder.

He is a year and a half old and weighs 35 pounds so far, fully grown they can weigh up to 70 pounds and may live in captivity for fifteen years or more. He was purchased from a licenced breeder in Mt. for 1500 dollars and is a very friendly cat. He is very used to people and has been to a nursing home and also schools.

Wild animals usually do not make good pets and it takes a lot of work and time with an animal to enable them to be good with humans. My friend got him when he was six weeks old and has been with him literally every day since. Thats why he is so good with people, even though they still get into pi$$ing matches to see who really is boss!
I really want a bobcat for a pet. I heard the are very friendly and really just a big house cat. Does the breader have a website? Caracal's are cool to but heard they are not as tame.
I once had a pet Redback Spider :eek: , 3 years i had it for , raised from a weeee little spider till it was the size of a Jaffa.....Then a male got into her tank & before i knew it she had to meet the nasty end of a Mortein can :(
I have a sphinx cat that looks like Mr. Bigglesworth. Most people think he's pretty exotic, but wow, a bobcat? That is really cool! Going to have to check out some youtube videos about them.

Here's a pic of him:
psn, that takes the cake!

But I used to have a Columbian Red Tail Boa Constrictor (til I had to get rid of her because my new apartment would not allow any reptiles). Before that I had 3 Ball Pythons, various lizards, etc. I've always liked snakes, largely because they are so misunderstood and villified. But my favorite of all was the red tail boa. She was a decent size, and very docile. They are very "dumb" so I can't say she was nice, but I never had a problem. And watching her eat was....amazing. I used to feed her when my friends would come over and they loved watching it! My little sister's science teacher used to ask me to bring her in and feed her in front of the class when they were learning about reptiles. I did that once or twice a year for about 3 years.

But the Bobcat definitely takes the cake for the most exotic, unique pet!
That is a really cool pet psnbye, I noticed your pic in other threads and wondered about it.

I don't have anything exotic, but I've always wanted a Wolf Shepard mix. I had a friend who had one and the dog could have stood on his hind feet and have the front paws on my shoulder and been about a foot taller than me. He was really hyper so I didn't try it. :p I figure some day when I have the space and money I will get one.
We have a Maine Coon cat... He's the most nosey cat I've ever had! He's got to inspect EVERYTHING we are doing.

I have this guy. He's a male Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot. These are shots at 4 mos old and he's coming up on 7 months old now. He's in our Will because he will outlive us and go on to live with my daughter some day.
holy crap a bobcat!!? that is awesome and terrifying at the same time. my friend's dad was accosted by one of those in west virginia a few years ago. somehow he got out of it, but i don't remember how. i have a ball python named pretzel who is about three years old i'd say. she's getting pretty damn big but thankfully they max out far smaller than the other kinds of pythons/boas. i also have an argentine horned toad, more commonly referred to as a pacman frog. they eat about anything that moves, hence the moniker. for some reason i would love to get a skunk, though they are illegal to keep as pets in maryland. that would turn more heads than my two brothers cans! :rolleyes:
Maybe a better pic...

i used to have an iguana. did not mesh with my sister's cat and had to get rid of him when i was a kid. the iguana would whip the cat with its tail and send her into orbit! they are tough critters that will not take any grief from anything, and they'll let you know it. however they are very mild mannered when they get a little older and are really cool pets. i sure miss him. not too tough to keep as long as you don't mind sharing the house with them. :thumbup:
At my parents house we have a pet raccoon names Storm raised her since she was about 6 weeks old and now going on 3 years. Very aggressive animal but also very fun to beat up:p we get into some pretty good rumbles as she runs and jumps onto your leg and bites you.
I have an African pigmy hedgehog.
