
Glad you're OK.

You can't ride and you haven't resolved this whole accident yet, but you already bought a new bike? lol sounds weird to me...

Anyway, if I were you, I'd get a lawyer and have them deal with it all... I imagine the cops were involved and you have witnesses, so this should be an easy case. Good luck with it and keep us updated!
i am but i was coming from work so i never wear pants ..well besides my jeans..
its been a week.. i just went and got another loan didnt feel like waiting.. i had it deliverd to my house :)

Now here's a dedicated rider, why get held up with all the red tape.

Actually, you aren't. ATGATT is black and white. All The Gear, All The Time means you don't differentiate from a ride down the block to a ride anywhere else, you wear all your gear every single time you throw a leg over the bike. Taking a ride without a piece isn't ATGATT. Sorry.

... ;)

Have to agree with Eric on this one. You either ride with all your gear on every ride, no exceptions. If you happen to ride during one of those exceptions, you can pretty much guarantee that will be the time you go down.

Seems hard to believe that you can't find a place to store your pants. What about a back pack, Tail Bag, etc. Just seems it ain't worth the pain or risk because of no storage space.
Hey. Sorry about your wreck. Hope you heal up quickly so we can ride.

Where did it happen? 33?

Not to kick man while he's down, but..
It's ATGATT not SoTGSoTT (Some of the gear some of the time.) Like Eric said it's black and white -- No gray area.

As several others have said, get a pair of overpants. Sure people look look at me funny when I'm pulling my pants down in the middle of the office, but people pretty much look at me funny all the time. I stopped caring about that looong ago.

Anyway, you don't need to hear any more about it. I rode for years in jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes without incident. Nobody ever gave me $hit for it.

Glad to hear you're ready to ride as soon as the meds wear off. Shoot me a PM. LETS RIDE!!!!
Sorry to hear about your down. Heal up quickly!
I ride hard in the mountains and the most dangerous part is being in traffic to and from my blasting....
Speedy recovery to you!

+1 mate, I hope the idiot was insured and you have plenty of witnesses.

Did your insurance go up? What did you do with your first bike? Have you considered parting it out for some extra cash?

Good to see your injuries weren't worse . . . a girl at my school just died last week on her Kawi 650R when a cager made a left right in front of her. Seems like a ton of people have been having trouble on their bikes, my roommate lowsided in a U-turn a few weeks ago . . . maybe a full moon, or something? I'm definitely stopping by Cycle Gear to get some pants tomorrow . . .
Heal up quick man. I think you have the best lesson about pants already covered in the first photo so I will take a skip. Just going to say that I have crash tested kevlar lined jeans and feel safe enough in them to ride. Others of course have thier own opinions.

What color did you get?
my ankle is completly swollen up like a mellon and yes i was wearing boots but they got stuck on my foot the ambulance had to cut them offf :(
Glad you're not too badly injured. It could have been a lot worse.

Sorry to hear about your bike. Look forward to seeing the new one.
Heal up!

I too am curious about the insurance and ticketing issues.

Anything you could have done to avoid this?

And for you ATGATT experts :D, how do you define ALL for this purpose? I bet I wear more gear that both Kenny and Eric :D :D :D so maybe you guys don't wear ATGATT either! ha! (and for the record, I'm just messing around)
Sorry to hear about the incident man. I'm going to be picking up some overpants even if it does make me look goofy. Its our responsibility to ride safe because if we dont do it im sure as hell cagers wont!

Ride safe
Ouch. That hurts to look at.

Definite +1 on the "over-pants" notion. That's what I wear, and I also wear them when it's hot out. I can just pull them on/off over my work clothes. Not a big deal to pull them off/on in my cube.

Heal up.

Any suggestions on the protective over-pants? I need some that are relatively lightweight and won't wrinkle the work-clothes. All I'm finding on-line is rain gear.
And for you ATGATT experts :D, how do you define ALL for this purpose? I bet I wear more gear that both Kenny and Eric :D :D :D so maybe you guys don't wear ATGATT either! ha! (and for the record, I'm just messing around)

:rof: I'll take that bet!

Here's a shot of me leaving for work this morning.... TOP THAT NATE!!!

Heal up!

I too am curious about the insurance and ticketing issues.

Anything you could have done to avoid this?

And for you ATGATT experts :D, how do you define ALL for this purpose? I bet I wear more gear that both Kenny and Eric :D :D :D so maybe you guys don't wear ATGATT either! ha! (and for the record, I'm just messing around)

I'm known as the safety gear guru. However, I will not wear a seatbelt. Figure that one out. Good thing I don't own a car.
Any suggestions on the protective over-pants? I need some that are relatively lightweight and won't wrinkle the work-clothes. All I'm finding on-line is rain gear.

I have and always wear Olympia Air Glide 2 overpants. Recommended to me by Lytehouse, and her husband, and they are great. They have a zipper all the way up the side of the legs, so VERY easy to put on/off. I can even don them in 20 seconds in the parking garage or at my desk. Before I wore just jeans, so I put my FZ key in the pocket of my overpants, which forced me to at least pick them up!! Like wearing a seat belt, you get to the point where it feels strange NOT having them on. Glad you are going to buy some, and thanks to the OP for posting the painful picture, which will help many others save their own skin!! :D
Sorry to hear about your wreck. I hope you heal up quickly.

+1 on the Olympia Air Glide over-pants. They're cool in the summer, and do quite well in the colder temps once you put the liner in. They're also really great at keeping you nice and dry during the rainy rides.
sorry it took me so long to reply :O
the guy was 19...
thankfully insured by his mommy the cop wrote him a ticket for illegal lane change and wreckless driving and no my insurance did not go up and wont since its 100% his fault and would be illegal for them to raise it.. so says my lawyer :)
and for writeme the new bike is black .. again :):) i got a killer steal on it 5k otd for an 09 with 220 miles on it. thats my third bike from the same dealer i guess they like me :)
Sorry to hear about you and your bike in an accident. Heal quick and take care. Glad to hear you're doing well, got a new bike, and ins won't go up.
5k out the door? That's awesome! I owe a lot more than that on mine, embarassingly (thanks, in part, to the fact I was upside down on my previous bike when I traded it for my FZ). Good job, man!