Don't be this guy

Yeah, I'd say that's a little graphic! Whew - had a friend a few years ago do something similar. However, he only lost part of 1 finger. I don't think he'll ever forget that one.

Good advice 04!
The first reply to this unfortunate guy (on that forum) who made a bad mistake was completely uncalled for. I'm pretty sure the guy did not WANT to have his finger tips ripped off - so it was just a bad/painful mistake. Some people have such a low social IQ it is unbelievable.:(
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Ugh...I feel so lucky. I was just cleaning and lubing my chain when I got home last night. I pinched my thumb between the chain and rear sprocket teeth because I was pulling the chain (the bottom) towards the rear wheel instead of away from it.

I'm just glad I didn't have the bike in gear or running. whew...

I hope that guy recovers and is still able to ride. :/
The first reply to this unfortunate guy (on that forum) who made a bad mistake was completely uncalled for. I'm pretty sure the guy did not WANT to have his finger tips ripped off - so it was just a bad/painful mistake. Some people have such a low social IQ it is unbelievable.:(

I completely agree. Here, we have somebody man enough to post up his big mistake. Yet, somebody feels it's right to kick him while he's down. Zero class act.
I clean my chain without the bike running, but when I lube the chain I put it up on the center stand and let it run in first gear... always careful to keep clothing and fingers away from the moving parts.

I then shut off the bike and lightly wipe the chain manually to remove any excess.
I've hear of this before, good to be reminded of the dangers of cleaning chain with engine running BEFORE this happens.
Nasty looking injury:(
this thing should come mandatory with bike ownership.

You know what this reminds me of? Answer: when I vacumn sometimes and get lazy, go over a shoe lace or those things that some rugs have on the sides. The vacumn cleaner just wraps whatever right around the roller.

Now, to think about a chain sprocket doing that.....OMG! That has got to be one of the worst images possible! CAN YOU IMAGINE?!!! I'd rather get my fingers cut off on a table saw or something. Anything but! Those were some gruesome pics!
someone that belongs to this forum had their finger eaten by their Fz6 while doing the exact same thing. He also posted about his mistake so that others would be more careful. Always always ALWAYS kill the engine while servicing.

damn I still don't see why someone would think to do that! when I clean my chain on either of my bikes I like to take my time and clean it right . It's the same with lubing it having the bike in gear and running is only gonna make it messy (well you can see by the pics just how messy) .
That has got to be the worst I have ever seen, brave dude to post it.
And he took pics while waiting for the ambulance, WOW!
I would have called them and they could pick me up in the driveway because I would have passed out!
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