Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters
As I understand it, lane splitting (filtering) is legal in the UK, but riding up the hard shoulder is not.

I've never needed to do it myself, but I live in quite a rural area without much traffic. There have been a couple of cases of accidents involving filtering motorcycles, and a lot depends on the court's judgement of the speed the bike was filtering at. More than about 10mph above the other traffic speed could be 'riding without due care and attention' or similar.
Since it's not illegal here in Cali, I do it regularly in congested traffic.

Although I'm not proud of it and I'm trying to stop, I do also tend to split between cars in the number 1 & 2 lanes when they're riding side by side for more than a few seconds with neither one attempting to pass the other.

Like I said though, I'm trying to stop that behaviour, I realize it's not safe and I let my road rage get the best of me. :mad:
Yep, I do it if the conditions are right:

1. Only between the fastest 2 lanes on 3+ lane freeways.
2. AND when traffic is moving 25 MPH or slower.
3. AND I only drive up to 10 MPH faster than traffic.

Lane splitting isn't the safest practice, but using all three rules listed above while watching other drivers like a hawk makes lane splitting much safer.
This might sound wrong or even offensive to some CA riders, but the ones who don't split lanes---particularly at light queues---get me thinking "He/she must have just started riding or something...." Around here, the vast majority of riders split to the front (or as near to as possible or practible) at a light queue. It's ironic that often it's the Harley rider---aren't they the ones historically viewed as "rebels?"--- who doesn't split due to the wide berth of the machine.
+1 In Cali. Its Odd Seeing A Sportbike NOT Splitting lanes. Even Teh Noobs Do It. Ahhhh Good Times.
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This might sound wrong or even offensive to some CA riders, but the ones who don't split lanes---particularly at light queues---get me thinking "He/she must have just started riding or something...."

OR, they may have been riding longer than YOU and learned they a) don't need to, b) don't want to, c) have had a bad time/close call in a previous splitting experience, or c) are just inattentive (and yes, I rode a bike in CA back in the 70s). Not sure you want to be painting with a broad brush :rolleyes: just because someone doesn't APPEAR to agree with your outlook on things.

Peace :)
p.s. I find your critique rather ironic given your screen name appears to be "tailgate" - does that mean you approve of tailgating? :D
I'm not much of a lane splitter but I've helped myself to the front of the line at red lights on Pacific Coast Highway without any problems. Seems to be a non event to the cars.

Then, I'm caught in a backup on the 101, tuffing it out in the left lane when I get passed by a petite beauty with a bikini top on a Harley roadster as she's lane splitting her way through it. Oh well. :rolleyes:
For me in the UK, filtering is not illegal, but it takes a lot more concentration that regular riding. This is because:

1. It's usually busy as hell, rush hour, all the tired business folk are out in their cars, thinking about their dinner or their kids or whatever, and not thinking about other road users, let alone me!

2. As a rider you have to read the road ahead in so much more detail that normal, e.g. you're passing on the left of a large vehicle, and there is a junction where angry drivers are pulling out fast, or a pelican crossing etc

3. Pedestrians are all over the place, rushing across roads, trying to get to where they want to a car an impact with a pedestrian will probably only damage the vehicle a bit - on a bike it could cause you and them serious bodily harm.

4. Litter - this is an urban phenomenon that "spikes" in times of rush hours. A discarded soda can, plastic bag or Subway wrapper can spell disaster if it gets under your front wheel and there's a lot more of it about as people munch their way home.

Never trust anyone, get yourself out of harms way as soon as you can and look after number 1...that's my advice.

Bikers are least popular during rush hours and heavy traffic, and there are a minority of people that would wish harm on us, bear that in mind.
I do, especially if I'm following 2 cars side by side, and they are both going slow off the line. Higher speeds I become more hesitant.

Riding the shoulder is OK most of the time, but I am WAY more cautious now after a small wipe out - another motorcyclist pulled onto the shoulder from stop and go traffic, I was coming up behind him, dirt was on the shoulder due to construction, could not stop fast enough, nailed retaining wall. FML. Not exactly my fault, but insurance wouldn't be keen on paying that out since riding on the shoulder is sort of frowned upon...
It seems there is a definite EU / US divide on this subject!

I wouldn't have a bike if I couldn't lane split, but only when it is safe to do so. It's one of the joys of biking surely?
It seems there is a definite EU / US divide on this subject!

I wouldn't have a bike if I couldn't lane split, but only when it is safe to do so. It's one of the joys of biking surely?

Well being in the US, I'm not one of them. I'm in favor of lane splitting/filtering even though its only allowed in California.

This subject always comes up during my MSF class, and after I tell them the reason why it's done, they realize that there is another side to the story. As usual, most of them jumped to the conclusion saying that it's crazy and unsafe without knowing all the facts.

But I certainly will agree, It's not for everyone and it's not a technique to be used by an inexeperienced rider or a rider who isn't use to heavy traffic.
This might sound wrong or even offensive to some CA riders, but the ones who don't split lanes---particularly at light queues---get me thinking "He/she must have just started riding or something...." Around here, the vast majority of riders split to the front (or as near to as possible or practible) at a light queue. It's ironic that often it's the Harley rider---aren't they the ones historically viewed as "rebels?"--- who doesn't split due to the wide berth of the machine.

OR, they may have been riding longer than YOU and learned they a) don't need to, b) don't want to, c) have had a bad time/close call in a previous splitting experience, or c) are just inattentive (and yes, I rode a bike in CA back in the 70s). Not sure you want to be painting with a broad brush :rolleyes: just because someone doesn't APPEAR to agree with your outlook on things.

Peace :)
p.s. I find your critique rather ironic given your screen name appears to be "tailgate" - does that mean you approve of tailgating? :D

Because of our small size and vulnerablity therefore have no buffer zones, it's more prudent for a bike to move up to the front rather than being exposed queing up behind other vehicles whenever traffic is stopped to avoid rear enders. Minor fender bender for cars and you just exchange license and insurance information. A cager rear ends a motorcyclist and they will be calling 911 and their lawyer, because they will need one.

Especially these days when so many people aren't paying attention from all of the texting and talking on cell phones Handsfree or not, you're involved in a conversation, meaning your not focusing 100% on what your suppose to be doing, driving.
I agree with vegasrider that its not for everybody and it shouldnt be done in certain situations. I also think its funny how all the people who never tried it are scared to death from it. Same thing with garlic yogurt, how can you say you wouldnt like something if youve never tried it.
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Yeah I lane split... I live in Los Angeles, so I'm not worried about getting a ticket. HOWEVER there are a LOT of bad drivers here. Now that marijuana's legal I can smell it when I'm driving down the road. There's a time and a place for certain things if you choose... while driving your car is not a good time to get high (maybe I'm crazy, that's what I think).

SO- yes I lane split but it's scary to me every time I do it. I got hit by a car about a year and a half ago while I was lane splitting. Whipped me out then they drove off. I was fine, and the bike survived (not my FZ6, just got that). Meh, wouldn't have happened if I wasn't lane splitting. I can't be that smart, I have a motorcycle in LA!

Yeah I lane split... I live in Los Angeles, so I'm not worried about getting a ticket. HOWEVER there are a LOT of bad drivers here. Now that marijuana's legal I can smell it when I'm driving down the road. There's a time and a place for certain things if you choose... while driving your car is not a good time to get high (maybe I'm crazy, that's what I think).

SO- yes I lane split but it's scary to me every time I do it. I got hit by a car about a year and a half ago while I was lane splitting. Whipped me out then they drove off. I was fine, and the bike survived (not my FZ6, just got that). Meh, wouldn't have happened if I wasn't lane splitting. I can't be that smart, I have a motorcycle in LA!


I smell the same thing on 101. I also have been hit by a car while splitting about 2 years ago. :D
Its dangerous, the question is whether it some circumstances its less dangerous than sitting behind a total moron, or being tailgated by someone who seems intent on ending your life if you need to brake suddenly.