Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters


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May 25, 2008
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I don't lane split.

I think it is too dangerous for any time saved.

I hope nothing bad happens to those who do.

And that is all I will say on this subject.
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I agree with vegasrider that its not for everybody and it shouldnt be done in certain situations. I also think its funny how all the people who never tried it are scared to death from it. Same thing with garlic yogurt, how can you say you wouldnt like something if youve never tried it.

Oh Man! Garlic Yogurt!?!?! Hahaha My wife makes home made yogurt Are you saying there's a garlic yogurt?

I also agree with VegasRider on the lane splitting. I feel very safe the way I do it and it's a natural way of riding here in Ca. I'm sure you could do something really stupid and there are always emotionally disturbed people:eek: you have to deal with but again it takes experience and believe it or not, confidence. If you're apprehensive about it, your energy is split from your focus and skills on what's really going on and your reading of the traffic and drivers. I'm sure there are places where you can still only drive a yak driven wagon but that doesn't mean we can't benefit from other forms of transportation and lane splitting is a perfect example. We do it every day here in Ca. and I believe it saves fuel and reduces congestion which is what we as humans might benefit from today....:D


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Jan 12, 2008
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Okay, I know lane splitting is illegal (althiough legal in many other countries) in most US states. But, if you are from out-of-state and, one day, ride in CA all it may take is to be, one time, stuck behind, crawling along in maddening, frustrating stop 'n go 05-10 MPH traffic when you see Wavex, Nccoder, RedWazp, Tailgate, and a million other old hat CA riders pass you while efficiently, courteously, filtering through the near parking lot traffic scene. If you, nonetheless, continue to just sit there stuck in the traffic then you must have some pretty strong conviction against lane splitting.


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Jul 15, 2009
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Bikers are least popular during rush hours and heavy traffic, and there are a minority of people that would wish harm on us, bear that in mind.

Agreed, it has a lot to do with your mentality and how you view the world. I remember when I was young and one time my dad and I were stuck in traffic. A bike came up on the left hand side of us (responsibly and safely) and was making progress in bumbper to bumber traffic, while we were sitting ducks.

My dad said "Look at this A$$hole, where the F___ does he think he's going?"

All I could think was, "Man I wish I was on a bike!"

The point is some people (cars) understand it and are accepting of it and others very much resent it and probably would not give a $#!+ if they knocked you over.


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Jul 20, 2009
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Found out last night that I do. Hadn't until I was stuck in stop and go south boung traffic on 93, south of Boston. 1.5 hours into a 45 minute ride home with at least 1.25 hours to go if I sat still with the cages, tired and sore.

I was passed by a big Duke lane splitting. I sat. Then I was passed by a large white bunny on a BMW, white with aluminum sadle bags. Yep Large white Bunny. She was wearing head to toe white leather and her white helmet had large white bunny ears stuck to the top. How could I not follow her? Saved me @ 30 minutes too.


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Mar 4, 2007
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Victoria, BC
Okay, I know lane splitting is illegal (althiough legal in many other countries) in most US states. But, if you are from out-of-state and, one day, ride in CA all it may take is to be, one time, stuck behind, crawling along in maddening, frustrating stop 'n go 05-10 MPH traffic when you see Wavex, Nccoder, RedWazp, Tailgate, and a million other old hat CA riders pass you while efficiently, courteously, filtering through the near parking lot traffic scene. If you, nonetheless, continue to just sit there stuck in the traffic then you must have some pretty strong conviction against lane splitting.

Just becasue other people do something, doesn't make it right. I mean sure, you have a great point that if lane splitting was legal and ok to do so, then sure, might give it a try, especially if I see others riders splitting. No problems there at all.

A recent example of a situation like you descirbed happend to me the other week although it involved riding on the shoulder and I'm only relaying it as an example of sticking to your convictions ( I'm not trying to confuse lane splitting with riding on the shoulder as they are two very seperate topics/issues!). Big accident on the highway on my way into work. Traffic pretty much not moving so I'm sitting in it. Lane splitting is illegal here in BC and so is riding on the shoulder. Well it dosen't take long before I see some riders riding down the highway shoulder. I, and 2 other riders stayed in our lanes the whole time (45min) while I counted at least 10 riders taking the shoulder to pass traffic.

I refused to take the shoulder for several reasons:

a. it's illegal. (yeah yeah yeah, so is speeding and we all do that..blah, blah) The only reason ppl were doing it is becasue they were being impatient. I'm never in 'that' much of a hurry to get to work! ;)
b. just because other riders were doing it still dosen't make it a right thing to do. There is an old saying "just becasue you can, dosen't mean you should".
c. there was an accident, so emergency vehicles need that shoulder (saw one go down it as well) and last thing they need is a buch of riders all trying to funnel back into traffic right at the accident site where the shoulder will run out and traffic bottle neck.
d. Due to me becoming a MC instructor I now have to hold myself to higher riding standards than most as I have to be setting an example for others.
e. I take into account how my actions might be viewed and impact on other riders.

Did it pain me to sit there knowing I 'could' easily ride around the traffic; sure it did. Would it have been easy for me to just join everyone else who was doing it; yes it would have been. If it was legal I would have done it in a heart beat. But it wasn't and just becasue others were doing it and I "could" do it, still didn't make it the right thing to do. My luck there would be a cop at the accident site handing out tickets to all the riders who did take the shoulder!

I not trying to come off all high and mighty here and my personal situation is different than most, but I personally pride myself on having and sticking with my convictions/decisions and not just following all the other 'sheep' out there who give little to no consideration about their actions. Any idiot can hop on a bike and ride like a tool. It often takes more maturity, more thought and self control to do the right thing than doing just doing what everyone else does. Sometimes thinking for yourself and not letting others make the decisions for you is a good thing.:thumbup:

So - lane splitting where it's legal = no problems and I say go for it. I wish it were here but alas it isn't and thus I sometimes have to sit in traffic with the rest of the cagers.
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Just becasue other people do something, doesn't make it right. I mean sure, you have a great point that if lane splitting was legal and ok to do so, then sure, might give it a try, especially if I see others riders splitting. No problems there at all.

A recent example of a situation like you descirbed happend to me the other week although it involved riding on the shoulder and I'm only relaying it as an example of sticking to your convictions ( I'm not trying to confuse lane splitting with riding on the shoulder as they are two very seperate topics/issues!). Big accident on the highway on my way into work. Traffic pretty much not moving so I'm sitting in it. Lane splitting is illegal here in BC and so is riding on the shoulder. Well it dosen't take long before I see some riders riding down the highway shoulder. I, and 2 other riders stayed in our lanes the whole time (45min) while I counted at least 10 riders taking the shoulder to pass traffic.

I refused to take the shoulder for several reasons:

a. it's illegal. (yeah yeah yeah, so is speeding and we all do that..blah, blah) The only reason ppl were doing it is becasue they were being impatient.
b. just because other riders were doing it still dosen't make it a right thing to do. There is an old saying "just becasue you can, dosen't mean you should".
c. there was an accident, so emergency vehicles need that shoulder (saw one go down it as well) and last thing they need is a buch of riders all trying to funnel back into traffic right at the accident site where the shoulder will run out and traffic bottle neck.
d. Due to me becoming a MC instructor I now have to hold myself to higher riding standards than most as I have to be setting an example for others.
e. I take into account how my actions might be viewed and impact on other riders.

Did it pain me to sit there knowing I 'could' easily ride around the traffic; sure it did. Would it have been easy for me to just join everyone else who was doing it; yes it would have been. If it was legal I would have done it in a heart beat. But it wasn't and just becasue others were doing it and I "could" do it, still didn't make it the right thing to do. My luck there would be a cop at the accident site handing out tickets to all the riders who did take the shoulder!

I not trying to come off all high and mighty here and my personal situation is different than most, but I personally pride myself on having and sticking with my convictions/decisions and not just following all the other 'sheep' out there who give little to no consideration about their actions. Any idiot can hop on a bike and ride like a tool. It often takes more maturity and self control to do the right thing than doing just what everyone else does. Sometimes thinking for yourself and not letting others make the decisions for you is a good thing.:thumbup:

So - lane splitting where it's legal = no problems and I say go for it. I wish it were here but alas it isn't and thus I sometimes have to sit in traffic with the rest of the cagers.

I don't condone doing it illegally unless of course it precludes the immediate safety of your self or others. My spin is I'd much rather pick the safer protection of filtering up through traffic which does in most cases remove you from a rearending sandwich between two cars and of course the many other civilized benefits.
Congratulations on becoming an instructor! We always need good folks teaching good habits and process.
Another good reason not to take the shoulder unless it's an emergency is you're more likely to lose time and $$$'s fixing/replacing a tire that took some debri that's so often not cleared from shoulders.

I think the main consensus is, Why in the world can't bikes lane split everywhere? Why is it beneficial in a few places and for the most part not in a greater part of the world?


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Jan 12, 2008
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Boneman---great post. Now, to help Canada to change and allow lane splitting, I talked to CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's agreed to ride up to British Columbia on his Harley. Once there, he'll push "Terminator" solutions regarding laws making lane splitting illegal up there. (I hope the governor is not a forum reader....):cheer:


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Mar 4, 2007
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Victoria, BC
Boneman---great post. Now, to help Canada to change and allow lane splitting, I talked to CA Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He's agreed to ride up to British Columbia on his Harley. Once there, he'll push "Terminator" solutions regarding laws making lane splitting illegal up there. (I hope the governor is not a forum reader....):cheer:

Lol. I don't think lane splitting will ever happen here. Sure, it's easy to say "ok, you can now lane split". Unfortunately it would take decades for it to sink into the 'programming' of most drivers...which are the real danger of lane splitting. Drivers here don't expect and therefore are not looking for riders splitting lanes. Too bad though as it would be a definate bonus to riding a bike!

On a side note, BC is finally passing and implimenting the new anti cell phone and texting laws starting January 2010!!!! Yippie!!


plain evil
Feb 23, 2009
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Oh Man! Garlic Yogurt!?!?! Hahaha My wife makes home made yogurt Are you saying there's a garlic yogurt?

Cliff, ask your middle eastern neighbors about the garlic yogurt, theyll know what Im talking about :D 2 pieces of fresh garlic in wifes home made yogurt, add salt and some olive oil, have it with rice. You will thank me later :D

wow what a thread jack here btw:spank:


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Cliff, ask your middle eastern neighbors about the garlic yogurt, theyll know what Im talking about :D 2 pieces of fresh garlic in wifes home made yogurt, add salt and some olive oil, have it with rice. You will thank me later :D

Heck yeah I'll try it. Have you ever tried Bobba Ganoush(sp?) with chicken skewers on mesquite BBQ? Woo Hoo!

wow what a thread jack here btw:spank:

Heck yeah I'll try it. Have you ever tried Bobba Ganoush(sp?) with chicken skewers on mesquite BBQ? Woo Hoo!
Hey! a little thread jackin neva hoot noobody! Hahaha


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Feb 14, 2009
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Yes, I do Lane Split when traffic is slow stuck; most of time (not always tough)

Here is the last sunday's lane split video clip.
In Los Angeles; in the clip; there are Double Car Pool Lanes... ha ha ha.
See it yourself, how the traffic could go bad and Lane Split may help for the bikers.
Know that there are always dangers followed by it; so be carefull riding is required along with high alert on the around traffic for me.

Los Angeles Traffic Hwy 110
[ame=]YouTube - Los Angeles Traffic Hwy 110, Lane Split[/ame]

Safe Ride for all....


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Thanks for the video..

Yeah, The basic rule of thumb is no more that 15 MPH faster than the traffic and if a LEO feels that you're doing it unsafely or from the wrong lane you will get pulled over....You could have also used the car pool lane. Here in Ca. bikes are also allowed to use the car pool lanes and don't require 2 people or a sticker pass.


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Thanks for the video..

You could have also used the car pool lane. Here in Ca. bikes are also allowed to use the car pool lanes and don't require 2 people or a sticker pass.

Not just in Cali, but everwhere here in the states. You have the AMA to thank for that. Car pool or HOV, motorcycle:thumbup:


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I've actually had a highway patrol trooper wave me through between the first set of cars by splitting between them and let me bypass the closed road due to an accident. The reason why the cars weren't allowed to go forward was because of all the debris on the road way. I just simply negotiated around the debris like I was weaving around the cones during one of the range excercises of a MSF class. LOL..


Former '04 FZ6 Rider
Aug 14, 2007
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Me and my riding buddy rode on the shoulder coming home from a long ride in the mountains this past Sunday. We did so for about 5 miles as traffic in our direction was at a near standstill on a 2-lane road. In certain spots, this required riding on the dirt for a few seconds at a time (DR650) as the "shoulder" was really only about a foot wide max. I did all this at 1 to 10 MPH.

Some people moved over when they saw us coming in their mirrors. I waved thank you to those people. I did my best not to startle anyone and my bike is super quiet. I didn't damage any property. Traffic was backed up for non-emergency related reasons.

I probably saved about an hour...although I was not in a rush at all. I don't feel that I harmed anyone or anything. I broke the law. I feel good about my decision and would do it again....but hopefully I won't be presented with the issue again anytime soon.

Simple as that.
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I bet Brad Pitt wishes he didn't do it ,lol

[ame=]YouTube - Brad Pitt motorcycle's accident[/ame]