Do you Lane Split

Do you Lane Split (Filter to the front of traffic)

  • Always

    Votes: 91 22.6%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 96 23.9%
  • Rarely

    Votes: 66 16.4%
  • Never

    Votes: 149 37.1%

  • Total voters
I live in California, my daily commute to work is about 10 miles one-way and I do lane split if the traffic is congested and going less than 30 mph, I will usually do about 10 mph faster than the traffic around me.

IT IS DANGEROUS! And in reality, I probably shouldn't be doing it. :Im With Stupid: You have to be hypervigilant, I am constantly scanning the rearview and side mirrors of the vehicles in front of me and watching the drivers head and hand movements in an attempt to predict what they may do.

With regards to the legality of Lane Splitting in California, it is really vague as you can see below.

The California Motor Vehicle Code doesn't really address it, the closest thing is as follows:

Lane Splitting
Many motorcyclists new to California ask about "lane splitting". There is no "lane splitting" law as such. Perhaps the most relevant statute is CVC 21658, below. Be aware that phrasing like "...entirely within a single lane..." has been used to justify ticketing motorcyclists with their handlebars (or some other bike component) partly in each lane.
21658. Whenever any roadway has been divided into two or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction, the following rules apply:
(a) A vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from the lane until such movement can be made with reasonable safety.
(b) Official signs may be erected directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or allocating specified lanes to traffic moving in the same direction, and drivers of vehicles shall obey the directions of the traffic device.

The California Highway Patrols FAQ Page states:Can motorcycle riders "split" lanes and ride between other vehicles?

Lane splitting by motorcycles is permissible but must be done in a safe and prudent manner.

And yes, I do run across those drivers that think that if they are stuck in traffic, I should be too, however, I am happy to say, I see many more drivers that actually pull left or right to create a larger opening for me and to let me know that they see me. I always give them a friendly thank you wave :Sport:
I do it when traffic is slow, but on the freeway and on the shoulder - that's still illegal. I got a warning from the 5-0 doing have to be between lanes for it to be lane splitting.
Its not legal here in NV but if traffic is not cooperating I'll slip through them. I usually stay in my lane and just find openings between lanes to make my way up. Once I get in CA then its a different story.
Always. And not sure if I keep the bike if I don't split. The congestion is so bad here in So Cal sometimes it takes 3 lights to get through an intersection.

As matter of fact, I split through a police car this morning.
I envy everyone from Cali who can do this without thinking twice.

But when you think about it if you split a lane with a cop and continue to go all the way to the front, how likely is it that he will pursue?
There aren't any cars or traffic in Ohio to even worry about lane splitting. It's not legal here, but in all honesty it doesn't really need to be. Most of the state doesn't have any sort of traffic issues. I think our worst traffic is in Cincinnati, and there it isn't bad compared to most big cities.

When I went to California to visit my sister, she wanted me to drive somewhere. I now know where all crazy cage drivers go. Those LA people are nutters in there cages!
I'm in Cali, so it's legal, but I still only do it at lights or if traffic is completely stopped. Once they're movin' I don't trust 'em. My son was starting to split and and one day (when we weren't on the bikes) I asked him if he would trust his life to a complete stranger he couldn't even see. He said of course not! I told him that's what he's doing every time he lane splits in moving traffic. He stopped. :)
I live in NY, and it's illegal!
I do it every time I ride my motorcycle, whens there's traffic.

Truly, what is the use of having a sporty motorcycle that the size of your body if you can't lane split? Why would anyone want to sit on a motorcycle in traffic? Just to sit there in silence and hear your motor run and inhale exhaust from the car in front of you.

Last time I checked motorcycle = FREEDOM.
Use the skills you acquired and ride!
If you want to sit in traffic, and there is plenty here in NY, buy a car and then you can sit on your mobile couch, listen to music, eat your breakfast and read the morning paper.

I got a bike to ride, and ride I shall!
I live in NY, and it's illegal!
I do it every time I ride my motorcycle, whens there's traffic.

Truly, what is the use of having a sporty motorcycle that the size of your body if you can't lane split? Why would anyone want to sit on a motorcycle in traffic? Just to sit there in silence and hear your motor run and inhale exhaust from the car in front of you.

Last time I checked motorcycle = FREEDOM.
Use the skills you acquired and ride!
If you want to sit in traffic, and there is plenty here in NY, buy a car and then you can sit on your mobile couch, listen to music, eat your breakfast and read the morning paper.

I got a bike to ride, and ride I shall!

You're a self-centered ass.
Bicycles do it. So if you're going just as fast as a bicycle, I think it's okay...While I can't condone it since it's illegal there, I understand that he does.

And doing it while it's illegal (and being quite pompous about it), is another reason that it'll never be allowed, all while giving motorcyclists a bad name.
well, I'm in CA where it's okay to do...I couldn't imagine it being illegal and sitting in 85 degree weather and it's actually 100 because of the blacktop and cars around would be awful and I'd never ride in the city...then I'd be another car clogging the roads, but using more gas with my air conditioning and bump a bump radio box.

It's an all around win to lane split. Less time spent sitting means less time the already efficient bike is turned on = less pollution AND less body suffering in heat sitting in traffic on a bike.
It's not legal here in VA as well. I'll do it occaisonally at a few of the stop lights locally, but after driving around in the northern virginia/dc/maryland area for a year or so because of work, I pretty much don't do it anymore. Most people around there are already terrible drivers and every single one of them seem to be very spiteful. I've actually had someone jump the curb just so I could get by at a light that they weren't turning right at.

The "Commonwealth" considers it reckless driving, in fact. Even sitting side by side with another bike in the same lane is the same as lane splitting according their laws.

I couldn't agree more about the knuckleheads around here. Some woman decided she would be slow in the fast lane on 95 until I tried to get around her. She then slid over into the lane I was trying to get into so I just used the emergency lane to launch into a spot several cars in front of her. The pucker factor that came with an unintended high speed infiltration was rather high. I think people see my red Fizzer and think I'm challenging the top speed of their vehicle by just being on the road. In reality, I look at most cagers like they're complete idiots for speeding like they do. Just because I can out perform their vehicles in every way doesn't mean I want to. I mostly want to be as far away from them as possible. Less chance of one of them hitting me that way.
You're a self-centered ass.

Wow! I'm an ass!
So be it!
I do own a car and yes it is illegal in NY, but legal in other states, I wonder why. Is it because NY drivers are a bunch of self-centered asses as well. Thise who change lanes without a thought. Those who choose to change lanes and when their half way in the next land signal?

I love to ride motorcycles and lane splitting in traffic is one of the joys! Just because people who make the laws and have no appreciation of motorcycle riding deem that land splitting in NY is some how bad or dangerous will not stop me.
I got in two accidents on my motorcycle, the first one pass a suv at a light, and they decided to turn at the last minute without signaling or looking. the other was another suv turning left right in front of me on a clear straight road on a sunny day. I always lane split and have never come even close to having an accident doing it.
The most I would get are these self centered ass in cars who don't know how to drive, not checking their mirror hugging one side of the land not letting me pass, and the other 90 percent of people who see me give me room. They know their stuck in traffic, why hold the motorcycle up as well.
So I will be self centered and lane split in traffic, your welcome to sit in traffic all you want, just wave to me as I pass you!:mikebike::mikebike: