Difficulty selecting neutral.


Junior Member
Aug 26, 2009
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Cheshire, UK
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My FZ6 is nearly 2 years old now, clocking 10k, regularly serviced (but due one at 12k), not hammered too much ;)

Recently I've had a little trouble selecting neutral from 1st or 2nd. It just seems to slip past neutral (into either 1st or 2nd) a lot more easily than it used to. I have to try a few times to get neutral selected.

Don't know why this is suddenly happening. This is why I'm here, asking the question. Anyone have any idea?

My motorcycle instructor always taught me to hold the gear selector up/down with the left foot until the clutch is completely engaged. So, when changing gear from 1st to 2nd (for example) you pull clutch lever, lift the gear selector right up and hold it there (even after its clunked into gear), release the clutch, remove the foot or change gear again.

I don't think I'm using exessive force. For one it's quite hard to apply excessive force upwards with the ankle :D

Anyone reckon I've bent something inside though?

Thanks in advance peeps.
My motorcycle instructor always taught me to hold the gear selector up/down with the left foot until the clutch is completely engaged. So, when changing gear from 1st to 2nd (for example) you pull clutch lever, lift the gear selector right up and hold it there (even after its clunked into gear), release the clutch, remove the foot or change gear again.

:confused: I haven't been riding for long (street, anyway), but that's sure a new one by me. And while I lack a 100% clear understanding of how a motorcycle transmission works, I don't see any good coming of that practice?

One thing I have learned, mostly from my friend's old XJ550, is that if it's hard to shift, especially into neutral, let out a little on the clutch. Just enough to get it to the very beginning of the "friction zone".
My FZ6 has a quirk in it likes to feel the rear wheel moving to shift in conditions your described. Don't know if this is unique to my bike or the FZ6 nature. I also found just letting the clutch out enough to trip the transmission will allow shifting as FB4 wrote.
rolling the bike forward a bit helps, i think.
i think all bikes are like that.

stop the bike at a light, roll it back a bit, and you may have problems selecting neutral or getting back into 1st.

i think your bike is fine, though. unless you've been drag racing it, your clutch is probably fine. the rest is just a case of confirmation bias. :D
One thing i might check, is the shifter arm itself, make sure it isn't loose or has moved. From my time in dirt: I used to be able to find neutral all day every day with my kx125, then one day it was a pain in the ass, next time i rode it it was worse, next time i rode, it the shifter fell off after stripping the splines on the rod that goes to the case :( May not be your issue but i'd check anyways, Replacing the splined rod is a major pita.
Thanks all.

It seems more cooperative today.

If I get the problems again I'll try what you have all suggested.

Thanks! :rockon:
A simple thing like changing the oil could have an impact so i'd start there. You might also check for proper clutch adjustment.

If your bike is like mine and most of the other on here, the clutch is fully disengaged just beyond 25% of the levers travel. So try pulling it in to about 50% and see if that changes anything vs 100%.