bike in shop for 90 things


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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adding turn signals which sit in the handlebars

also adding LCD rear turn signals as i didn't have any at all before now

also swapping out main front fairing for one thats not smashed up

also putting in new front brakes

also putting in new front tire as old one leaking and worn out

also having electrical system fixed as running lights/turn signals weren't turning on


Total = $1.7 million

Turn signals are good! Let's see some pics when it's done.
i didnt want to mess with the electrical system and since it was going on for that anyway the tire and brakes are quick anyway so didnt add much to labour cost.

as for the pics.....i'll do you one better.....turn signal video :) those handlebar-end turn signals look snazzy in the box hope they look even better on the bike itself :)

they were cheap too. the fairing wasnt tho :(
i didnt want to mess with the electrical system and since it was going on for that anyway the tire and brakes are quick anyway so didnt add much to labour cost.

as for the pics.....i'll do you one better.....turn signal video :) those handlebar-end turn signals look snazzy in the box hope they look even better on the bike itself :)

they were cheap too. the fairing wasnt tho :(

OK, what am I missing? I don't see a turn signal video.
I think the bike needs to come back from the shop first :p

haha ya, i thought about posting a video of myself dancing around my living room wearing nothing but a santa claus hat....but somehow i felt it would be inappropriate

so u'll have to wait for the bike to come back first :)
haha ya, i thought about posting a video of myself dancing around my living room wearing nothing but a santa claus hat....but somehow i felt it would be inappropriate

so u'll have to wait for the bike to come back first :)

You're discretion is greatly appreciated!
dude... WTF happened to your bike, it is like a neglected pinto and was falling apart!

Glad you are getting her put all back together!!!
dude... WTF happened to your bike, it is like a neglected pinto and was falling apart!

Glad you are getting her put all back together!!!

i ran out of money :(

couldnt even give her any gas for a few dark days in the middle there.

dark days indeed....

but things have sorted out for the end of the summer here and the bike is my top priority to get her in decent shape before I put her in the stable for the winter. Anything less would be an injustice for all the joys she brought me this summer... and I'll manage to just scrape by before classes start on Sept. 2

I'd fire the chimpanzee that is my financial coordinator but then I'd be out of a job....
Yep, lonesoldier84, get'r ready for winter. Glad I moved to Mississippi. The windshield froze one day for two hours until the sun came up. Big change from Ohio. And you got all that work done 1.7 mill? GRUMPY
okay I really trying to understand this. So you are out of money so you take your bike to the shop for the low, low price of $1.7 million. Hummm.... :rolleyes:
Seriously you are the most annoying post whore I have ever encountered...

then dont read my posts. it's not like they are flashing in gold and pink text and in caps lock or anything, just move on to the next one. haha. sorry i didnt mean to offend you and your ancestors or anything.

and @ hellgate; I managed to sort everything out to have just enough to cover everything before classes start.

btw the bike is still in the shop theyre having trouble putting the handlebar ends in. hopefully they can do it tho...
then dont read my posts. it's not like they are flashing in gold and pink text and in caps lock or anything, just move on to the next one. haha. sorry i didnt mean to offend you and your ancestors or anything.

and @ hellgate; I managed to sort everything out to have just enough to cover everything before classes start.

btw the bike is still in the shop theyre having trouble putting the handlebar ends in. hopefully they can do it tho...

Just poking at you Lone. Nothing personal, it's all good.
Just poking at you Lone. Nothing personal, it's all good.

oh I know it's all good. it's just getting everything organized for full time school is pretty frustrating at times. it'll be worth it though. 2 years I'll be done. :) Then I will PIMP the FZ6 will be the most heavily modified FZ6 in the history of Yamaha :) well it still wont hold a candle to Wavex's 3.0..... R.I.P. 3.0 :(