Anyone up for a tour of Tassie!

Anybody else interested in this for an evenings entertainment ??? Low Head Penguin Tours - Discover Tasmania

Kel's never seen Penguins so I thought she might like it...

Coincidence...Jess came home from work today, asking whether we could do the penguin tour at the town, Penguin!

So Jess would beup for what you have posted a link to Humpy...especially as her nickname is "Penguin"!!!

OK guys. Now i've been very quiet in regards to this whole tour.
As you may have heard or read i have been sick alot recently, hopefully worst is behind me now. *touch wood*

Ok so as jamie has said my nickname is penguin, well since i started my new job in last 3 mnths it has become that anyway, so i'm very keen to see my "family" and chill out(no pun intended.)

But reason i am posting is i have a book i got in my younger years of "1000 great places to see in australia." 1000 Great Places to Explore in Australia - Explore Australia
Now it actually has a section on lil tassie!!

Ok So the top ten places to see in tassie start of with "battery point". Australia's most complete colonial villiage. est in 1818.
(Battery Point Hobart Tasmania)

Secondly naturally(and to kazza's delight) is the cadbury factory,
which i have researched into and opening times, prices, and info is as follows.

September to May - Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm. Last Demonstration 3pm.
June, July and August - Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm. Last Demonstration 2pm.
Closed weekends and public holidays.

Adult: $7.50
Children: $4.00
Family: Two adults and up to three children: $17.50

Suitable for all ages
Wheelchair friendly
Ample free parking

Our address: 100 Cadbury Road, Claremont, Tasmania

Understand the process of how Cadbury chocolates are made, see chocolates being moulded and enjoy tasting raw materials.
Visitors can sample chocolates and visit the retail shop - special chocolate prices and high quality Cadbury merchandise.
No access to manufacturing areas of factory.
Delays may occur during peak season.

Call Toll Free 1800 627 367
Cadbury Visitor Centre.

Third we have (to the boys delight!) the Cascade brewery.
now as you have probably researched it is in the south of hobart.
to go ahead and do a tour, you have three options.
veiw website to decide amongst yourselves as i dont drink any of it!
Cascade Brewery Co

Next up the cascade female factory
Cascades FFHS.
a historic site in south hobart again that was a womens prision for 50 years.

Then the constitution and victoria docks, massive dock for baots and the like apprarently has the largest gathering of historic crafts in southern hemisphere during the woden boat festival. it is also the home of the yachts when they are
preparing for the melbourne and sydney to hoart races.
Constitution Dock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

sixth we have the government house (need i explain?)Welcome to the Official Website of the Governor of Tasmania, the Honourable Peter Underwood AC | Government House

Now to jamie's digust(assumingly) mount welington the push bike riders wet dream is 7th.
Mount Wellington, Tasmania i doubt wether any of you will want to go there though.

eigth is the botanical gardens.Home | Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

Second to last on the top ten list is Salamanca place. full of interesting shops and galleries 'worth exploring from end to end' Salamanca Place Hobart Tasmania Australia Real estate in Hobart

last but not least is the museum and art gallery. Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery - Home
might be ok to go to if anybody is interested.

ok so have a peek. everything else seems to be pretty much covered. thought i would put in some input.

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Ok, welcome back Jess :steve: Glad you're feeling better.

Most of those things are fine by me:

I like the idea of Salmanaca markets; I absolutley LOVE art galleries and museums (ok, I'm a nerd, so what..... :BLAA:)
Mt Wellington sounds great - there's a nice lookout;
Cascade - yeah, that or James Boag is great, even for me.

The docks and Botanical gardens good too. As does Battery point and, goes without saying really

C A D B U R Y factory :drool::drool::drool:

I think most of the places, we'll kinda decide when we get together. Some things MIGHT depend on the weather (which had better bloody be good - I'm a diva and I DON'T like riding in the rain, unless I HAVE to :)).

Not long for us now.

First of all , fingers crossed the worst of your sicknessesesesesss are behind you :thumbup:

That is some fantastic work there Jess & a rep has been passed on :D

Im a general history buff so the female 'factory' would be fairly interesting IMO & could be worth a look , Cadbury factory is a definate , im guessing we will walk along Constitution Dock while we are in town at some stage , pushbikes can be substituted by Quads :rockon: & I think it will be somewhere along the way (I dont do Lycra LOL) & the Cascade or Boags brewery is also on the list , which one depends on the time & place I guess... I have heard Boags is the better 'beer' tour but Cascade is a better history tour :don'tknow:
Can I come on the cadbury tour? I am looking at the factory right now!! I live literally 2k away at most and I have never been past the loading dock (for work).
Also if I can add the TMAG is a pretty boring museum as museums go, but you may have heard that there has been a brand new museum/gallery built called Mona which is about a 2 minute drive from Cadbury's and this place is exceptional. It's located at a winery (moorilla estate and they also do beer moo brew but it tastes like flowers IMO) and it's crazy weird and interesting, there is a wall of vagina's and poo making machine etc etc. If you guys decide to do this I'd like to tag along too. I am pretty sure it is free at the moment too.
Can I come on the cadbury tour? YESI am looking at the factory right now!! I live literally 2k away at most and I have never been past the loading dock (for work).
Also if I can add the TMAG is a pretty boring museum as museums go, I LOVE ART GALLERIES :)but you may have heard that there has been a brand new museum/gallery built called Mona which is about a 2 minute drive from Cadbury's and this place is exceptional. It's located at a winery (moorilla estate and they also do beer moo brew but it tastes like flowers IMO) and it's crazy weird and interesting,there is a wall of vagina's and poo making machine etc etc.WTF - PLEASE EXPLAIN If you guys decide to do this I'd like to tag along too. I am pretty sure it is free at the moment too.

Cadbury :drool:
Stop bragging :(

Why, I am's my job!:BLAA:

Sorted my music in my phone for the trip....mostly old music, bit of dance music, no ballads, or slow sappy songs!

Now does anyone know where I can get a big pile of those Casey 27 stickers???