Always pay attention!!!


Elite Member
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Back in San Bernardino, Ca.
Just getting home, they say you get hit within blocks of where you live, I believe it:eek:
I did have the right of way but chose to not press the issue as I don't like bent forks, just used the horn for the fat lot of good that did. No harm no foul:rolleyes:

[ame=]‪Pay attention‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
that horn...dude.. get a better one!!

No kidding, LOL...

Jerry, I have to say you were late on the horn. This is a classic example how the horn could have been effective if you had used it much earlier, and maybe if you had a louder one as well.

Nevertheless, as soon as you saw that cager, you should have started covering that horn. But the important thing here is you saw the hazard, you slowed down and you assumed the worst. That's why riding is actually more mental than physical. You relied on your mental abilities so you never had to rely on your physical ability.
Old age and experience ftw every time. :rockon:
Glad you're o.k. Jerry.

Old age is a good thing? That lady didn't even look because she was deaf and blind from old age! :D

Good looking out man...amazing how blind and stupid many drivers are these days.
Old age is a good thing? That lady didn't even look because she was deaf and blind from old age! :D

Good looking out man...amazing how blind and stupid many drivers are these days.

Haha, I was going to point out that it was an old lady too! They seem to be really good at looking straight ahead, totally zoning out and not being aware of their surroundings. Old guys too, they're not exempt. LOL

That vid pretty much sums up every intersection of that type I've ever entered, both in car and on moto. Every time someone just does what that old lady did. I'm surprised when it doesn't happen.
Just getting home, they say you get hit within blocks of where you live, I believe it:eek:
I did have the right of way but chose to not press the issue as I don't like bent forks, just used the horn for the fat lot of good that did. No harm no foul:rolleyes:

‪Pay attention‬‏ - YouTube

Thing is i drive a lorry and a couple of times i've looked left and right and its clear.But always look again and seen a bike coming.Car drivers dont always do that look again.Sad but true.
Well done, Jerry!
That's a daily occurrence for me too. Lots of driveways on my roads and lots of low visibility intersections. Always watching and always ready to slow down or stop.
Definitely use the horn in advance when I spot potential issues, but I never count on the horn to be a sure way to stop cagers.. just trying to stack the odds in my favor.
This is a situation where a louder horn and hitting it well before that car even stopped at the intersection may have prevented her senile brain from missing you...but then again with how she reacted to your horn even that may not have helped. :D