1st ride in a while



today I finally dusted off the FZ6 and rode to work. I think it will still be a while before the truck is parked for the summer it was pretty cold on the way in. but man it was nice!!! almost got pinched between two trucks and got tailgated by a semi, what a fun commute!!!:D I can't wait tell it warms up a little.
I took My Fazer out for a spin in the rain on Saturday. And it was great, pretty warm actually 8°C.
Now it is below freezing again with a little snow, so it is back to commuting on the spiked DR Z.
Don't understand? You live in an area where you can ride all year round. So what if it's a bit cold, can't be worse than where I'm at. Looks like I better get the rain gear ready, looks like rain for the next three days here in Vegas.
Yes, I usually can.
The country is so small that the effect from the Gulf stream keeps it from getting really cold in the winter. It is very often around 0°C. where I live.
It does not get very warm either so it is basically Gore-Tex winter gear all year around.
I put a plate on my bike last monday and went for a ride for an hour or so. It was a beautiful day here in Vancouver, with a clear blue sky and a temp of 12 deg C. That's about 54 deg F.
I was very pleased at how I felt right at home immediately on my FZ6....no "strangeness" at all. It was my first opportunity to try out my new Pazzo shorty levers. My left hand and wrist were a bit sore after an hour of city riding, but I'll attribute that to not riding for a few months. I must say that clutch control is MUCH better with the adjustable Pazzo lever over the OEM lever.
I've just been driving my truck for a while, the weather has been unpredictable and I strained my shoulder pretty bad at work. but yesterday was a nice change. it's supposed to rain today so it's back in the truck for now.
I just realized that Kalli is from ICELAND!!!! I will never, ever complain about a cold day in Texas again!
Sheesh, we still have snow on the ground and its -18C... so the hibernation continues for the FZ... We've had a lot of snow this year and I'm so sick of winter.... :mad: