1st Bike...1st crash


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Hampton, NH
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First off, it wasnt my fault in the outcome.. but maybe if I would have been following this pickup a little closer then the minivan would have seen me better and wouldnt have pulled out in front of me... I like to give people room in front of me seems how Im still a new rider and knowing I dont yet have the skills to quite stop on a dime. I was doing the speed limit of 30 and she was trying to get into traffic going the other way so she was accelerating. Dont really know the closing velocity....

Good thing for wearing all the gear all the time. I am only walking around with a bad contusion on my foot and a couple of sore wrists...nothing broken on me.. dont know about the bike.... I was litterally tackled by people when I was trying to get up after kissing pavement. I just wanted to get up and see how my baby was doing. afterall it is only 450 miles old. everyone wanted me to lay still seems how it appeared I cracked my head good on the hood of the car. I didnt feel anything and my helmet has only a small 1 inch scratch. None of my gear suffered any real damage.. guess thats why I paid so much for them:)

Laying on the ground I was thinking.. man this SUCKS.. but I wasnt angry or anything, cause I knew I wasnt really hurt... But man, the driver of the minivan...she was a nervous wreak.. I hope she is ok.

the adjuster is supposed to call me today...I will keep you all updated.

Any and all get well credits will be appreciated !! :Flash::):rockon:
Just kidding..

Have a safe day
First off, it wasnt my fault in the outcome.. but maybe if I would have been following this pickup a little closer then the minivan would have seen me better and wouldnt have pulled out in front of me... I like to give people room in front of me seems how Im still a new rider and knowing I dont yet have the skills to quite stop on a dime. I was doing the speed limit of 30 and she was trying to get into traffic going the other way so she was accelerating. Dont really know the closing velocity....

Good thing for wearing all the gear all the time. I am only walking around with a bad contusion on my foot and a couple of sore wrists...nothing broken on me.. dont know about the bike.... I was litterally tackled by people when I was trying to get up after kissing pavement. I just wanted to get up and see how my baby was doing. afterall it is only 450 miles old. everyone wanted me to lay still seems how it appeared I cracked my head good on the hood of the car. I didnt feel anything and my helmet has only a small 1 inch scratch. None of my gear suffered any real damage.. guess thats why I paid so much for them:)

Laying on the ground I was thinking.. man this SUCKS.. but I wasnt angry or anything, cause I knew I wasnt really hurt... But man, the driver of the minivan...she was a nervous wreak.. I hope she is ok.

the adjuster is supposed to call me today...I will keep you all updated.

Any and all get well credits will be appreciated !! :Flash::):rockon:
Just kidding..

Have a safe day

Sorry to hear about your crack up, glad that you are ok though.

Credits sent to play in the casino while you are healing up...
I just wanted to get up and see how my baby was doing. Scott

Glad to hear you're ok. While working for the Forest Service in SoCal we had the Ortega Highway that went through our district. This is 105 twisties in roughly 25 miles and it's a sportbike heaven on the weekends. Funny thing is that during the summer we would have folks crashing and some folks dying. Those that crashed may be ready for the meat wagon but when we got there they would always ask about the bike. These folks had all sorts of injuries and they still wanted to know about the bike. Now that's love.......
Glad your ok, sucks about the bike though.
Hope you feel better soon.
Ouch! I hate reading stories like this. But It's sure great to hear that you are okay because you were wearing your safety gear. Like I have said in other threads, unfortunately, you are not the first to go down, nor you will be the last. That saying, always wear your gear because anyone of us could be next. I mentioned somewhere that I read somewhere that the average rider has less than 3000 miles on their bikes when they crash. With all these recent crashes in the past couple of months, that statistics seems to be holding true at least in this forum. Glad to hear you're eager to get back onto the bike.
There are 2 kinds of riders....those that have been down and those that are going down.

Sorry for the grim saying.........have fun and be safe!:thumbup:
Sorry to hear about this! The '08 bikes are having a VERY tough time staying on two wheels. Every time I hear about another, I drive just THAT much more careful and aware.

You're a very smart guy for gearing up and you've proven to yourself how important it is to continue to do so. Kudos to you for saving yourself from serious injury! I'm glad to know you are OK. The bike can be fixed or replaced.

Got any pics of the damage yet? Post some up.

Thoughts on how you may have had a different outcome? Was there an escape route you could have taken? Was it just too late to do anything and unavoidable?

I tend to hang back from the vehicle in front of me because someone waiting to pull out, should you be following too close, will not see you and think there's an opening "Just behind this truck" and start pulling out as the vehicle passes, but not realizing you're right behind them, end up taking you out. Hanging back gives them an opportunity to see your bike around the vehicle and know you're coming up next. The bigger the vehicle in front of you, the further back you need to ride to be seen. Look WAY ahead for these dangers all the time. Look for cars waiting to pull out or cars in the opposite lane waiting to make a left. EXPECT them to do this to you every time! Look for your escape routes EVERY time. Always assume the cages around you do not see you and will hit you and plan ahead for it. This is what we mean when we say "Drive like you're invisible!" This comes with experience but even all the experience in the world isn't going to prevent someone from taking you down when you're caught unaware. This is why we say "It's not IF, but WHEN a rider will go down." The best of us cannot predict or prevent the actions of another driver and accidents happen. Be thankful you were prepared (geared) for this one!

Take care!!!
First off, it wasnt my fault in the outcome.. but maybe if I would have been following this pickup a little closer then the minivan would have seen me better and wouldnt have pulled out in front of me... I like to give people room in front of me seems how Im still a new rider and knowing I dont yet have the skills to quite stop on a dime. I was doing the speed limit of 30 and she was trying to get into traffic going the other way so she was accelerating. Dont really know the closing velocity....

Good thing for wearing all the gear all the time. I am only walking around with a bad contusion on my foot and a couple of sore wrists...nothing broken on me.. dont know about the bike.... I was litterally tackled by people when I was trying to get up after kissing pavement. I just wanted to get up and see how my baby was doing. afterall it is only 450 miles old. everyone wanted me to lay still seems how it appeared I cracked my head good on the hood of the car. I didnt feel anything and my helmet has only a small 1 inch scratch. None of my gear suffered any real damage.. guess thats why I paid so much for them:)

Laying on the ground I was thinking.. man this SUCKS.. but I wasnt angry or anything, cause I knew I wasnt really hurt... But man, the driver of the minivan...she was a nervous wreak.. I hope she is ok.

the adjuster is supposed to call me today...I will keep you all updated.

Any and all get well credits will be appreciated !! :Flash::):rockon:
Just kidding..

Have a safe day

Mate I hate to say it but you need to keep an eye out. Pretend that you are invisible. How could anyone run into you or cut you off if they could see you? No one would do it!
This is a lesson learned for you.
Plenty will not share my thoughts however.

You are invisible.
Everyone is out to kill you.

The best defence is "I wasn't there". Make it your defence & when the dick head merges or moves in on you. Dont be there. Use your bike to your advantage & dont stay in someones blind spot.

You are invisible
Sorry to hear about this! The '08 bikes are having a VERY tough time staying on two wheels. Every time I hear about another, I drive just THAT much more careful and aware.

You're a very smart guy for gearing up and you've proven to yourself how important it is to continue to do so. Kudos to you for saving yourself from serious injury! I'm glad to know you are OK. The bike can be fixed or replaced.

Got any pics of the damage yet? Post some up.

Thoughts on how you may have had a different outcome? Was there an escape route you could have taken? Was it just too late to do anything and unavoidable?

I tend to hang back from the vehicle in front of me because someone waiting to pull out, should you be following too close, will not see you and think there's an opening "Just behind this truck" and start pulling out as the vehicle passes, but not realizing you're right behind them, end up taking you out. Hanging back gives them an opportunity to see your bike around the vehicle and know you're coming up next. The bigger the vehicle in front of you, the further back you need to ride to be seen. Look WAY ahead for these dangers all the time. Look for cars waiting to pull out or cars in the opposite lane waiting to make a left. EXPECT them to do this to you every time! Look for your escape routes EVERY time. Always assume the cages around you do not see you and will hit you and plan ahead for it. This is what we mean when we say "Drive like you're invisible!" This comes with experience but even all the experience in the world isn't going to prevent someone from taking you down when you're caught unaware. This is why we say "It's not IF, but WHEN a rider will go down." The best of us cannot predict or prevent the actions of another driver and accidents happen. Be thankful you were prepared (geared) for this one!

Take care!!!


I ride in the commuter lane to work where we're doing 70 and the next lane is stopped. I hang way back to give: me time to see their body language (tires turning, checking mirrors, etc) and to give them time to see me. Even if they don't see me I have tons of room in front, on the left, and hopefully behind to make a move.

Sorry about the bike but so glad to hear you're okay.
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Glad your OK and your gear held up. What were you wearing? It sounds like you helmet is history. Now that you got your first crash out of the way, you should be able to ride another 90 years before your number comes up again!
Wow, Glad you are OK. What kind of gear were you wearing.

I have totaled off 4 bikes now and I know just how it feels.

1st - Was rear ended at a red light by an impaired driver that the cops estimated was doing around 60 to 70mph. Good thing is I saw him coming so I nailed the throttle and had momentum before he hit me. First hit I was still up , second hit I went down. I was ok (sort of) but bike was a wreck.

2nd - Guy pulled a U-turn in front of me , hit brakes but knew I was not going to be able to stop, only exit was going off a 20 foot wall on to a lower street, I took that option but at last second decided this is stupid so I jumped off the bike and stayed up on the road. Missed the car. Again I was ok mostly, bike was a real mess and it ended up in a backyard. I would have been real bad if not dead had I not jumped off.

3rd - Well giving it pretty good around a tight corner buddy hits my back wheel with his front, we both went down and ended up in a parking lot against a van, no one was hurt much just our pride. His bike survived mine did not.

4th - Car made a left in front of me. I nailed the front quarter ejected off the bike over the hood and landed on my feet in a ditch. People said I did a complete flip in the air. Injurys - bit my lip. Bike total loss.

I strongly believe my years spent motocrossing helped me in the way I went down in these accidents.

Have not ridden in years and just bought a new Fz6. Not sure if that is the brightest thing I have ever down considering I seem to be a cage magnet.
Kamloops, did you get money from insurance for those 4 wrecks or bikes were total waste? Did you have witnesses to prove your point of view?

Buddy of mine drive big truck and he hates going to Calgary. He says many times moose will cross the road regardless of traffic and by the way, moose is huge. Instructor in truck school told them if they are to hit moose or cow on the road to hit it and not try to avoid it because trucks more often than not finishes in ditch and insurance will say that driver fell asleep at the wheel. Won't pay.

That sucks Scott, Sorry to hear about your bike, but the most important thing, you're still OK.
Hope you get the bike sorted soon.
Well, went to see the damage on the bike, and was surprised with what I saw.. As for gear, I had a HJC apex helmet, now probably junk even tho it only has an inch long scratch. A Shift Streetfighter Hybrid jacket..no damage and shift gloves only damage is velcro pulled away from glove...
That doesn't look bad at all. Is it drivable? Glad you had the sliders on!

Yes, make sure they buy a new helmet for ya!
That doesn't look bad at all. Is it drivable? Glad you had the sliders on!

Yes, make sure they buy a new helmet for ya!

not sure if its drivable.. the adjuster has already had PlaistowPS come get it.
Very glad for the sliders... I just put those on maybe 2 weeks ago..