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  1. KensFz6

    RFID vs Photo tolls

    I finally broke down and bought an IPass the other day. But now that I have it, I am reminded of something of a controversy and after a little bit of googling, haven't found a relevant rant about it so here goes. If you use an RFID transponder (I-pass, EZ pass etc) Your vehicle needs to be...
  2. KensFz6

    Relationship advice sought

    Thanks. Wish me luck.
  3. KensFz6

    A legal nightmare in Oregon

    I saw this story on Nightline last night and it's got me so mad that I couldn't stop thinking about it all night while I was at work. Nightline - ABC News A husband beats his wife in his sleep, she gets scared and confused and calls 911, he gets arrested and now is facing felony domestic...
  4. KensFz6

    Oil level affecting smooth shifts?

    I finally got some time to ride this week since the weather has gotten nice. I changed my oil yesterday, (Rotella T 5w40, no filter change). I put the recommended amount in but was still a bit low after checking but still in the hash marks. I oiled the chain and then set off for a quick ride...
  5. KensFz6

    A silly thought...

    So, an idle curiosity comes to mind. I've wondered for a while... How effective would a motorcycle helmet be at stopping a bullet? Obviously not a rifle bullet, but perhaps a small caliber handgun. I've never seen the impact power of any bullet IRL (though I've shot a variety of guns)...
  6. KensFz6

    Rate change, Should I worry?

    So, yesterday I got a letter in the mail from Chase credit card company. In a nut shell, Chase is increasing credit card's interest rate from 9% to 12% Because of the market to ensure profitability. The letter goes on to say, that if I don't like it, I can close the account and pay off the...
  7. KensFz6

    Battlefield: 2142

    I recently got my disc back for this game and have begun playing it online (after buying it and lending it to a friend like 2 years ago lol) I've grown to hate being a lone wolf so I wonder if anyone around here plays also?
  8. KensFz6

    Ken does BD's Headlight mod - Day 1

    Today I started on the dual headlight mod using BD43's wire harness and instructions. For starters, It should be known that I'm an exceptionally slow worker when it comes to working on cars. For example, it takes me a good 2 hours to do an oil change and nearly 3 to change a set of brake pads...
  9. KensFz6

    I would just like to say...

    BRRRRRRRRRR! ... ... That is all. :surrender:
  10. KensFz6

    List of Laws

    Not sure if this has been posted before but I remember bookmarking it a while back. It's a a handy table of motorcycle laws that sorts by state for quick referencing. State-by-state motorcycle laws
  11. KensFz6

    Speaking of Reflexes...

    I started to bring this up in the gloves thread, but decided it might be better to start a new thread rather than threadjack :) How many of you remember the details of your crashes/accidents (motorcycle or otherwise)? Some people react differently as a reflex. I watched my...
  12. KensFz6

    Almost away for the winter. But Where?

    For anyone who doesn't own their own garage, where do you store your bike for the winter? I'm thinking of trying a Public Storage unit but haven't reserved one yet or even asked if it's allowed. At $50-$90/ Month, I wonder if there might be a cheaper alternative (aside from burdening a...
  13. KensFz6

    ewwwwww it's all wet :(

    I don't actually consider it a big deal. I enjoy the ride despite the wet pants ;) I work nights and every time I leave for home, there's always a pretty thick layer of dew on my seat but seemingly nowhere else on the bike. But I've got to wonder if anyone else deals with this and what do...
  14. KensFz6

    Difference in models?

    I've heard little bits here and there and have been going over my manual a bit trying to find out what the difference is in all the fz6 models. So far, all I can tell is that the California version (who's number ends in C) has more stuff on it for emissions. My own documents are a bit...
  15. KensFz6

    Mods mods mods...!

    So, other than motovation frame sliders, my bike is all stock. I haven't even yanked the warning labels off of it yet. (I'm too afraid to mess it up!) I've never modded a vehicle before, much less a motorcycle. I don't know where to begin with most of these things which is kinda sad since I'm...
  16. KensFz6

    Let me introduce myself a little

    I've posted and lurked around a bit but never really introduced myself. I'm Ken, a new rider from the suburbs of Chicago, IL. I'm 26 years old today and have had my M endorsement for about a year now. My first bike was the '08 yamaha XT 250. It was fun to ride around but I really didn't...