RFID vs Photo tolls


Wreck in progress
Premium Member
Aug 1, 2008
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Tinley Park, Illinois
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I finally broke down and bought an IPass the other day. But now that I have it, I am reminded of something of a controversy and after a little bit of googling, haven't found a relevant rant about it so here goes.

If you use an RFID transponder (I-pass, EZ pass etc) Your vehicle needs to be registered with the tollway. If you go through the Toll system with either not having the transponder, or if you use the transponder in a different vehicle, you get fined.

How does the tollway know who is abusing the transponder system? They have cameras take video of your plates as you pass through the toll system. They record regardless of whether you have a pass or not.

A few years ago when IPASS was introduced in my area, I had some friends from Canada visiting and they thought the idea was silly since in Ontario, they have open road tolls that use a photo system alone and send you a bill in the mail.

Now the question that has been on my mind is this: If they are already taking pictures of your plate to make sure you aren't misusing the transponder, why even have a transponder at all? Why not just use the photo method mentioned by my Canadian friend?

I Pass has a distinction in their FAQ about what happens if you go through the toll and your transponder doesn't get picked up but is otherwise good (vehicle registered, sufficient funds available) They record your plate and deduct from your account as a "V toll". Same cost etc but they say if V tolls are abused you could get fined.

Is it just me, or does it seem that the RFID system is just a scam that the tollway uses to trip people up and charge them fines?

It should be obvious that since the Transponder system needs to be monitored to avoid abuse, then it doesn't automate the toll collection process to reduce collection costs. Instead it's just waste of money spending millions of dollars on RFID receiver equipment, manufacture and distribution of transponders etc.
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