There goes the pet.



Seems in these tough times folks are forgetting the responsibilities associated with owning a pet. My grandson has now lost two pets, a cat and his dog all in the same year. This to me is way more than an 11 year old boy needs to deal with. He has saved almost $400 and has decided he wants a dog. He wants a small dog he can keep in the house so the search began today. My daughter took him to her favorite puppy store to look and the pure bread pups and they were all around that $400 range. Well, he called grandpa and asked what I thought. I told him this was a big responsibility and suggested he go on-line to look at the local shelters. The reason for this was simple, why not save a life. Tanner came over to our house and went to five shelters in our area. This turned out to be so sad. Apparently they have what are known as owner turn ins where the owners can no longer care for their pets. The list is long and in one case a beagle female with five days old pups was dropped off on some folks lawn. Another dog was seen being thrown out the window of a vehicle and the driver that saw this occur stopped and then brought the dog to the shelter. So, Tanner is now convinced his money will be better spent saving the life of an animal that was treated badly. He has a list of the dogs he wants to look at and tomorrow we are off to get him a new friend.

Folks, to me, pets are like kids and I starve before they do. I just couldn't allow a pet to suffer. That said, I am in wait for a beautiful grey Persian cat that is now 3 weeks old. In 5 more weeks the cat comes into our home because the woman that owns the mother has not been able to find a good home for it. I guess I am just an old softy when it comes to pets. In any event Tanner has learned a great deal in this experience and sadly he has learned the bad side of things too.
Plus 1000 man.

Sugardaddy is a used cat, and Sweetie is a used green cheek conure. She is inspecting the printer right now, she was trying to get the reflection in the mirror to mate with her. Sugardaddy is laying here taking a bath. The bird has the cat cowed. Its pretty funny at night, he sleeps right next to the cage and the bird goes purrr purrr purrr all night.

Animals know they are saved. They aint slow at all.

She was in a cage that was much to small, on a poor diet, and had become a feather plucker, biter, and screacher. Isolation brings that on, then it reinforces itself with behavior that makes people isolate the bird even more.

All thats fixed now except the feather plucking. It is getting much much better already though. I think her feather lay will always be messed up though, they have grown back twisted so she may of damaged the things they grow out of.
She has stopped screaching, very rarely bites, and not to hard when she does.
She is overall a good bird.

Sugardaddy is just the king.
Good move on having him adopt a shelter animal. :thumbup:

I'm astounded folks still dump pets they no longer care for. I'm sure it happens more than I want to know. And to display such a casual attitude for a pet they supposedly cared for at one time, just blows my mind.

People are just sick! How could anyone throw a dog out a window?!?!?! :(

I feel the same way; pets are like kids. I get so mad when I see a person that has a dog and leaves it chained up outside....what's the point of having a dog?!?!? I love my animals to death!!!! I adopted two cats from the animal shelter a year ago.....I found my boxer at the elementary school and I don't know what I would do without any of them. I have seen alot of people being very very cruel to animals and it just hurts my heart.

Anyways......I'm glad you talked him into some pics! :thumbup:
Give him a big hug for choosing to adopt.

I work at an animal shelter, and the emotional fatigue can very stressful. I've seen dogs come in that have been abandoned and nearly starved to death. We've had a litter of puppies that were thrown out of the bed of a truck. Just recently a family gave up their family dog of 11 years because they wanted new carpet. My heart breaks every time someone brings in a dog. The only thing that makes it better is seeing our animals adopted out to families, knowing that they have found something they have never had before, a loving home.
as soon as we buy a house Keira and I will be getting a dog, and we go to shelters for exactly this reason. Also paired with the fact that a pet shop dog is most likely very overpriced and honestly the money would be better put to use buying good food, toys, and training equipment rather than just the dog, then being too broke from the purchase to take care of it.
My 10 year old daughter is awaiting her shelter kitty - Oakley - who should be neutered and ready to come home next week. My wife and daughter saw "domestic kittens" for sale at a pet shop for $200. :eek: Why would someone do that instead of adopt from a shelter?
Way to tug at the heartstrings.....
I got Dakota at the Humane Society and I don't know what I'd do without him! With John's traveling & both kids moved out. He' great to come home to
We have 2 dogs, and 2 cats, all rescues. Our cat Robie, came from the local shelter, he was taken from a home because someone had put a rubberband around his front paw and it rotted there. The Vet's originally named him Rubberband, but the shelter softened it up to Robie. He almost lost his entire leg, but the vets went conservatively and only removed the lower part of his paw so he has a little stub but he walks on it. Shilo, was just a baby, and was pregnant already they discovered this when my husband was having her spayed.. We have had the cats for a long time. The dogs are new additions as we had to put our K-9 (retired hip dysplasia) down last year. What a void he left. We adopted our Boxer, Diesel from Second Chance Boxer Rescue, what a love he is. He thinks he is a lap dog. He sleeps with us every night.. 4 months after adopting Diesel(he came named not allowed to change it) my husbands Boss's Boss's Boss's daughter needed a home for her oversized German Shepherd. He is tall comes up to my hips, head my waist. He weighs 115lbs, and is a big baby. He came named too, Turbo, I said well if that is not a sign he belongs with us I don't know what is. You should always try to adopt. The rescue places usually have the dogs/cats fostered so you really know what you are getting. Anyway, You are a great grandpa to encourage such a wonderful act of kindness. ;) Take care.

Take a look at Death Row Betty. Opie was out being groomed so we went to look at Betty. All thoughts welcome. Regardless of what Tanner chooses, the dog will live on 6+ acres in a home with 5,200 sqft. There are currently 2 other dogs living in the home, a shi-zu and a Pomeranian who are both 18 months of age.

Betty is a "Death Row Dog". She is house trained and crate trained and is completing an intensive obedience program. Some of the commands that she knows are "Sit", "Stay", "Come", "Down" as well as some other tricks. Betty is also leash trained and walks well on a leash. She is up to date with all shots, is heartworm negative and on heartworm preventative. She has already been spayed/neutered. Please contact MCHS for further info on . Betty is a true survivor. She was thrown from the window of a moving car. Luckily a passer by saw this and picked her up and brought her to the shelter. She came out of his truck wagging and giving kisses. She loves being alive. She is a young dog but she is a very calm dog. Right now the guys are working on her leash manners because she likes to pull a little, she just can't explore fast enough. She has the most wonderful long black eyelashes. Anyone who is looking for a pup with personality and enough love to go around would do well looking into this one. I can't say enough good things about her, she's an example of perseverance over a bad situation. She's never given up and I could never give up on her. She will be graduating mid-August. She will do well in any home, just be prepared to be loved.

Petfinder also lists dogs most are from shelters or rescues and are in foster homes so they know the personality for a good, new home fit. I have 8 dogs, all but 2 rescued, mine are like my kids. Also 11 birds, several rescued. It's been hard doing on my own but I just can't think of giving them up. I had to give my Father-in-law's dog (we had inherited) to a rescue because of aggression issues with me and and a couple others in the house. I stressed about it but I couldn't handle him alone, he went to a no kill shelter and got a great home. Keeping him would have meant crating for 10hrs a day, not fair to him. Good luck on the search for a new playmate/buddy for the Grandson.
She is very long does she have left? :(

Unlike California where they have so many animals life is for lack of a better terms cheap, here they do not euthanize animals except in extreme cases. The term death row dog, cat is relative to how and under what circumstances they arrived at the shelter. In cases like Betty these dogs are given special training and treatment because of the relative trauma. She will graduate doggy school in mid August. The price and back ground checks for adoptive parents is also double that of the general animal. In the case of Betty it would cost Tanner $150. He wants to go back and see Opie after he is groomed. I have talked to him about Betty in that he needs to know the dog requires love and work to maintain her training. She knows how to ring a bell so she can go out amongst other things.
I always like adopting from foster homes, that way you can see the dog act in family like surroundings.
I also like my pets to "give back" so to speak, which is why I am involved in pet therapy. Seriously, it is not hard to get certified and become a volunteer at a hospital, even some nursing homes do not require you to be listed as a volunteer(dog still needs to be certified and insured). There is no reward better than seeing people react to a dog in an intensive care unit!!
My wife and I have three cats, in fact, just about always have. We would love to adopt a dog but our one cat was a stray, and I think the poor cat would have a heart attack if we would get a dog. You are all right, these cats are our kids, including the one we lost 2 years ago. We also have fish, two red earred slider turtles, and two dwarf hamsters. I live in a zoo!!! But I love it!
My wife and I have three cats, in fact, just about always have. We would love to adopt a dog but our one cat was a stray, and I think the poor cat would have a heart attack if we would get a dog. You are all right, these cats are our kids, including the one we lost 2 years ago. We also have fish, two red eared slider turtles, and two dwarf hamsters. I live in a zoo!!! But I love it!

I was a bit concerned when the misses came home with Ashley, our black short haired spooky cat. She was very young and had been dumped off at, on or near one of her friends property. Clearly she had been traumatized and would have nothing to do with George and Graci our dogs. At that time George and Grace were roughly 6 months old and the first few weeks were a bit rough so say the least. Now, a bit over a year later you can't give the dogs a bath without Ashley jumping in the tub. I'm telling you when this happens you need a stinking wet suit to give them a bath because they all play in the water. Their friendship has now become very deep as the cat will lick and clean both dogs and loves to play with them. What started out to be a bit troublesome has now become a wonderful relationship. I too live not in a zoo but on a zoo as the property is full of life from turtles to wild turkey, cotton tail, red fox, woodpecker, skunk, snake and the occasional deer. Life is very good here.
Adopting is the only way to go. I have had several pets throughout my life and all have been adoptions (except the cold blooded ones). I have found that there is a much greater loyalty that comes with these animals... even cats. I have two dogs and a cat right now and all of them are perfect pets.... barring the occasional spot on the floor next to the back door (my fault)

Pet stores are the worst places to get pets in my opinion. Puppy mills and such facilities are everywhere nowadays for some of the trendy "designer breeds":banghead: I have a really hard time going into shelters and not coming out with something but I know I am pretty much at capacity as far as furry friends go so I donate money and food to shelters as often as my paychecks allow and that tends to curb my soft side.