Bike and I are OK, but my pride isn't.

Thanks, Travis!
I was quite surprised that my overpants tore under the knee with such a slow slide. I now have leather riding pants on order, a Christmas gift from my Dad. :cheer:

:rockon: We love you Dad! :rockon:

That's so great to hear! Love my leather's except in the desert in summer. Now I'm eying some Kevlar from Motoport for the desert in summer.

I can personally tell you leather has worked well for me other than my impact injuries and I believe even the impacts were lessened because of shielding and extra thicknesses in common impact areas.
Looking at the bright side, now you have an excuse to get new levers :thumbup:

Actually, Kamloops has a new-ish lever on the way for me!! :D I will stick with the stockers for a while.

Glad you are OK. ATGATT is the only way. I like that you rode it home. Well done!!!

LOL! I guess I could have had someone go get a trailer, but it was rideable, and I was pissed I fell, so it was kind of a "get back on the horse" moment for me. (Although my hands were shaking pretty bad.) :rolleyes: I didn't hit the twisties afterwards, though! We rode to lunch and then called it a day.
I got to say that it was good that you did not bail out of the corner as you could of been hurt much worse and the bike damaged much more. I would rather take my chances on a low side then try and run off the road across the other lane and possibly hit a car or a tree. That shows your riding experience and initiation to do the right thing along with your ability to stay calm in a tight corner, good going!!
Actually, Kamloops has a new-ish lever on the way for me!! :D I will stick with the stockers for a while.

LOL! I guess I could have had someone go get a trailer, but it was rideable, and I was pissed I fell, so it was kind of a "get back on the horse" moment for me. (Although my hands were shaking pretty bad.) :rolleyes: I didn't hit the twisties afterwards, though! We rode to lunch and then called it a day.
Seriously, call me when you need help.
I got to say that it was good that you did not bail out of the corner as you could of been hurt much worse and the bike damaged much more. I would rather take my chances on a low side then try and run off the road across the other lane and possibly hit a car or a tree. That shows your riding experience and initiation to do the right thing along with your ability to stay calm in a tight corner, good going!!

Yes, I had that split second contemplation of "emergency stop?" and the answer was "NO ROOM!!" I would have gone off onto a downward sloping graveled area, which went into some woods.
Seriously, call me when you need help.

I will DEFINITELY be calling you, once I have all the parts and pieces. What kind of pizza do you like?? :D
the hot round kind. Actually, chicago style with everything is my favorite but anything supreme or bacon and onion from any major chain is good.
the hot round kind. Actually, chicago style with everything is my favorite but anything supreme or bacon and onion from any major chain is good.

Bacon and onion it is, then!! (Our favorite!) Mike (stryken) also volunteered to help, so maybe he can bring the beer!! :D

By the way, my leather riding pants came in today!! :wav:
Clif, I don't have much, but you are welcome to it, just get here and you have a bed. What a midwestern party we would have.
Oh yeah! My mom was from MO. I did a cross country on my KZ1000 and stopped by a couple of places she said she lived. Visited some relatives in the midwest. Felt right at home. Even got to have some fried pumkin blossom an croppies done in beer batter! Hahaha!:thumbup:

Edit: If I was coming out that way I'd for sure look you all up and hang out.....
Clif, I don't have much, but you are welcome to it, just get here and you have a bed. What a midwestern party we would have.

You are welcome anytime!!! Jeff and I have two spare beds for ya, too, so you can bring a friend or two!! :D

Oh yeah! My mom was from MO. I did a cross country on my KZ1000 and stopped by a couple of places she said she lived. Visited some relatives in the midwest. Felt right at home. Even got to have some fried pumkin blossom an croppies done in beer batter! Hahaha!:thumbup:

Edit: If I was coming out that way I'd for sure look you all up and hang out.....

If you DIDN'T look us up while you were here, we would have to hunt you down!! :BLAA:
Well, Cliff requested pics of my new pants.
Had to do the "self timer" version, so not the greatest.
I raised my knee to show the armor, and after I saw it I thought "Man, I just did the Captain Morgan's" pose!!! LOL

View attachment 32629

Olivia was "helping" me with my photos. :D
View attachment 32630

I hope they are comfy while riding.

I gotta work on the "insulation" I have, over the winter months so they fit a bit better, too, come Spring time! :rolleyes:

Oh, they are Cortech Apex Leather Riding Pants. Cost $199 on amazon. This is the ONLY brand I could find that carries women's sizes. :mad:
Very nice! They look like good quality leather pants. The have those accordian type knee stretchers. And! They look great on you! I think you'll find them very comfy. When it's not hot I'll where mine with My AStar boots around the house for an hour or so and then realize I have them on and then change.

Good for you Beth! :rockon:

Those zip pockets are also cool!
Jeez, Beth. Go away for a few days to hunt the elusive whitetail and you smack the pavement! What's up with that? I'm glad you're OK and I apologize for just now catching up. Let's keep the sticky side down after this, OK? :thumbup:
Boy, it is like Christmas at my house, two weeks early!!! :D
I had ANOTHER nice surprise today!!
I had a package waiting on my front porch from Kamloops, Canada!! Inside was a VERY well wrapped and padded brand new CLUTCH LEVER!! WOOHOO!!!! :BLAA:

Thank you SO much Kamloops!!
Now I can get my frame sliders in, and it will be time for a pizza party!! :cheer: