Considering an FZ1


Oct 14, 2007
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Can someone please talk me out of the thoughts I have about trading in for a FZ1. I feel like I am beating up on the FZ6 commuting over 100 miles a day on the highway. Maybe I need to go up a tooth on the front sprocket for all of the highway use. I love the FZ6 but does it like the contstant 6000-9000 RPM's for long durations? Advice please
Not sure I'd be concerned. At 6000-9000rpms you are really only working in the mid-range of the FZ6 motor. There isn't any high-rpm stress occurring since it'll safely spin to 14,000rpm. And the torque peak is about 9600rpm, so you don't even have that stress acting on the motor in the range you are operating. My personal view is you are fine and don't need to replace your six.

sounds like going up a tooth in the front would help your highway rpm's but you will pay for it down in low rpm. Not sure if anyone on this board has done this mod. One thing for sure, it is cheap enough to try it out and see if you like it.

Being that you commute alot you will notice the reduced fuel mileage on the FZ1. Not sure if I would jump up to a liter bike for the purpose of commuting. In a few years I will certainly want to upgrade and the FZ1 would be top of my list of bikes to consider.
Can someone please talk me out of the thoughts I have about trading in for a FZ1. I feel like I am beating up on the FZ6 commuting over 100 miles a day on the highway. Maybe I need to go up a tooth on the front sprocket for all of the highway use. I love the FZ6 but does it like the contstant 6000-9000 RPM's for long durations? Advice please

Out of curisosity, how fast are you traveling to be in the 6 to 9k rpm range?

On mine in 6th gear, I turn around 5500rpm at 65 mph
I went up to a FZ1 a couple months back. First off don't worry about the rpm's your 6 is made to run. Switch to Mobil 1 full synthetic if you are really worried but it can handle your soft riding anyday.
In your case I would keep the FZ6. Here's why: The FZ1 is a gas pig, I average about 32mpg (I ride for FUN), it has much less wind protection, the seat is much harder and will cost more to insure.
Commuter bike -FZ6
Holigan bike- FZ1
Yes your mileage will be lower, but the ride and power is much better. The FZ1 does just about everything better than the FZ6. The suspension is light years ahead, and the motor hardly works at all. If I recall right I can cruise at 83 mph at about 5,700 to 5,800 rpm on the FZ1; at those speeds it's jogging, where as the FZ6 is running.

I found the insurance to be very reasonable. Granted there are a zillion variables for calculate a premium, but I pay $194 for full coverage. My FZ6 was $284, and my 1125R is $440.

Ride one and see what you think.
If you don't mind sub-40 mpg for the bike, it is similar to riding the FZ6 but has more disposable torque which means more HP. It has better suspension and it can haul quite a load without a lot of effort. The only drawback I see for you is the mpg... You'll be filling up the bike nearly every day, especially if you take the "long way" home. ;)
I'm also considering an FZ1 as a eventual upgrade/replacement for my 2008 FZ6.

The FZ1 will without a doubt haul you around with less effort than the FZ6. The trade off for the extra power is decreased fuel range (smaller fuel tank, and less MPG's). Insurance costs are increased, tires are more expensive and will wear out sooner due to more weight and HP.

All that aside, I still think the FZ1 is a great bike. Just keep in mind that it has certain limitations. Regarding the FZ6 engine, I wouldn't worry about running it at 6,000-9,000 RPM'S all day long. That engine speed puts you right in the "meat" of the power band. The engine is designed to run up to 14,000 rpms, so you're not going to do any damage by running in the mid range.

Just run good fuel, and keep after your oil changes with high quality oil and the FZ6 engine will likely outlast your desire for the bike.
Can someone please talk me out of the thoughts I have about trading in for a FZ1. I feel like I am beating up on the FZ6 commuting over 100 miles a day on the highway. Maybe I need to go up a tooth on the front sprocket for all of the highway use. I love the FZ6 but does it like the contstant 6000-9000 RPM's for long durations? Advice please

I quit riding my FZ below 5K, and it never gave me any reason to think I was damaging it in any way. It's got a rev limiter on it, so you really, really have to work at hurting that motor. If you are running at constant speeds, your motor is getting less abuse one that is only on for 10 minutes and never warms up. Jack rabbit starts and running the thing hard when it's cold do the damage.........:spank:

Promise yourself that you'll wear out the FZ6, before you replace it with the FZ1. :thumbup: If you want to build the nest egg to pay for the FZ1, set aside whatever the difference is in insurance, fuel, maintenance costs compared to what the -6 is costing you. Sure, you'll be paying out of pocket.... but at least it's up front.:rockon:

A liter bike at free way speeds is a twist and go affair. Romp on the gas and you are two car lengths from whatever you were beside when you do it. Big power means more fuel, and more tires.
Not sure I'd be concerned. At 6000-9000rpms you are really only working in the mid-range of the FZ6 motor. There isn't any high-rpm stress occurring since it'll safely spin to 14,000rpm. And the torque peak is about 9600rpm, so you don't even have that stress acting on the motor in the range you are operating. My personal view is you are fine and don't need to replace your six.


Gotta agree!
Can someone please talk me out of the thoughts I have about trading in for a FZ1. I feel like I am beating up on the FZ6 commuting over 100 miles a day on the highway. Maybe I need to go up a tooth on the front sprocket for all of the highway use. I love the FZ6 but does it like the contstant 6000-9000 RPM's for long durations? Advice please

I saw one at the shop the other day for only about 300 more than I bought my bike. Was super tempted. Today when I went back (to pick up a friend's bike) the FZ1 was gone. Thank god!
I say you live only once, don't upgrade just go buy a FZ1 and have two bikes to play with :) FZ1 riding position for me was alot better and more comfortable as well! Ride one and see :)
My fz6 rides 110km/h at 5500rpm and 120km/h at 6000rpm.
Here we have a speed limit of 120km/h so it runs almost always at 6000rpm.

By the way, listen to what types of rpm we ride in Germany, perhaps you feel more comfortable about high rpm's then. ;)
[ame=]YouTube - Kawasaki ZX6R 2009 @ topspeed @ Autobahn A31[/ame]
Over 100 miles a day? I'd be on an FZ1 if I were doing those kms. Sure it's more thirsty, but still beats most cars for economy. And the thing is just so sweet. I've never had an issue with comfort on them either.

Perhaps wait until the FZ8 comes out, because when it does you should be able to negotiate a better deal on an FZ1 (because demand will probably drop).
The only issue I see here is the price. If you can find one at the right price, then you should tap the salesperson (if you want a new one) on the shoulder and complain about the price being "too high." (lol)