The Riding Game!

lol awesome...

Yes, riding tomorrow morning early for those interested...

Okay! Do we have a meeting spot and time? This way I can do a quick shout out to some of our local FZ6 forum hoons....
Not yet... check later this evening... right now it's John and I for early breakfast (like 6:30am somewhere around here) and then we'll ride down south... I'll post something after I talk to John later (see USA Pacific section later).
1st post has been updated with the latest pic, but I'm missing some photo's. Could the people who got the challenge's 80 - 83 please edit their post and re-load the photo. Cheers.

Next challenge: A picture of your bike with someone doing a headstand, handstand or Yoga pose.

If you re-load your pics that got lost, can you send me message that you have done it.

If having trouble editing your post, you need to click edit -> go advanced -> click on the attachment icon and click Manage attachments. When the pop-up appears, click on Remove attachment, then you can browse to the photo and upload as normal.

Next challenge: A picture of your bike with someone doing a headstand, handstand or Yoga pose.

Last edited:
If you re-load your pics that got lost, cant you send me message that you have done it.

If having trouble editing your post, you need to click edit -> go advanced -> click on the attachment icon and click Manage attachments. When the pop-up appears, click on Remove attachment, then you can browse to the photo and upload as normal.

Next challenge: A picture of your bike with someone doing a headstand, handstand or Yoga pose.


I did exactly that & it still fails to upload!?!?!?
We still have a touch of black ice on the roads around here. If that'll ever thaw I'll get to ride again. I'm down to about one ride every 2 weeks and I'm very unhappy with this ratio.

+1 on the new challenge though.
Ok, the last challenge was posted by nccoder on 12/18! Now that the holidays are over, hopefully things are getting back to normal, somewhat,.....So, Cliff, will you please post up a new challenge because I don't think we're going to get:
A picture of your bike with someone doing a headstand, handstand or Yoga pose.

(just want to keep the game going)
My yoga instructor friend Danielle, doing Bakasana, or Crane Pose:


Next Challenge: Your bike next to a Harley
Thanks man. I don't like coming up with the new challenge, but it looks like it's coming to that if no one can do this one.

Heck, I'd even take YOUR Gixxer next to YOUR Buell as credit for this LOL

If you change it to "your sad FZ6 next to your husband's sad Ninja 650R out in the shed, I could snap that one right now!! :(
Thanks man. I don't like coming up with the new challenge, but it looks like it's coming to that if no one can do this one.

Heck, I'd even take YOUR Gixxer next to YOUR Buell as credit for this LOL

If it's as nice tomorrow as it was today(56)............I might even try it!