Utah Riders Thread

Sweet, parking lot on the right side before the entrance to Emigration Canyon. 6:00 to be safe?
Right here... on the right. Some directions from central SLC if you need them.

Should be fun, haven't ridden with anyone all season.
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Blast! I wish I wasn't working on my basement tonight :( So much to do and so little time to ride! Keep us in the loop though! I'll be there eventually :thumbup:

Have fun guys! and post pics!
Good ride Cameron, glad you rode all the way up. It was good to meet another member. We'll have to do that again, next time down by you.

That FZ6R is a one sharp looking ride! :thumbup:

Sorry, no pics guys. Next time. Maybe we'll get some people to show.
Thanks for inviting me! I had a blast...besides the shoe incident. I think instead of pictures I need to invest in a helmet cam. I think that will tell a little better story.

I think we should atleast double our presence next time :)
I think instead of pictures I need to invest in a helmet cam. I think that will tell a little better story.

You know it was a good ride if you need a helmet cam to do it justice. ;)

You did great man, hope you get some boots soon!
Basically I was going around one of the u turns maybe a little too fast/steep and my shoe grabbed the asphalt. Don't know how but it gave me a little wobble that was kinda scary and not to mention some nice scrapes on the side of my shoe. Almost lost it too! I need some boots!
Basically I was going around one of the u turns maybe a little too fast/steep and my shoe grabbed the asphalt. Don't know how but it gave me a little wobble that was kinda scary and not to mention some nice scrapes on the side of my shoe. Almost lost it too! I need some boots!

Wow, glad you're ok! :thumbup: Don't worry, you're not the only slacker here who needs some boots...shame on me! :spank:
Basically I was going around one of the u turns maybe a little too fast/steep and my shoe grabbed the asphalt. I need some boots!

Boots would be good, I need some as well. I didn't think of this at the time, but do you ride with the balls of your feet on the pegs? If not, that would explain how you caught your shoe.
I thought I would get this going now....

Who's in for a ride next week? When/where would you like to meet?

I am totally free anytime next week, and the week after, and after that... :rockon: School's out for the summer!
I'm always down for a ride after 3 PM during the week days. I went through Alpine loop on the 31st and it was really scary. I don't think I went above 25 as there was so much gravel/rock on the road. Looked as if they haven't cleaned it in months. Hopefully since the 1st has passed they have actually cleaned things up. Maybe I'll check things out later this week.
That is scary. That road is twisty and tight enough, add some gravel and you have yourself a white-knuckle death ride...

Let us know if they clean up that upper section, it's so good when it's clean.
Going for a longer ride tomorrow (Friday). Anyone want to join me?
I'm thinking of heading to Bear Lake.
Wow, that is a long ride! I was planning to go for a ride on Saturday if the weather holds up, but things aren't looking hopeful :(

Let me know how Logan canyon is! Seems like it could either be really fun, or really...umm...not fun :D

When and where are you heading out? I'll probably be riding to work tomorrow, so maybe I could come ride with you for a short little stint.
Sorry Trem. I don't have internet at the house right now. It's coming back Wednesday.
I actually went for a really long ride.
I went on the ride we went on, Emigration Canyon to East Canyon, then continued up to 66 North to Morgan, onto Mountain Green and Monte Cristo Pass, then continued to Woodruff and continued to Laketown. I never got to Logan, I went the back way all the way there. Total: 345 miles, 8.5 hours!
It is an amazing ride, it's twisty the entire way. Not a single mile of highway.
Here are some pics from Monte Cristo Pass. Sorry, the bike is filthy. There has been lots of rain, the ride has lots of bugs.



These are the first pics with all the goodies on the bike.
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STILL haven't linked up with you guys, it'll happen one of these weekends!

I'm actually taking my first vacation, starting tomorrow, since I got this new job in December. I'm riding down to Helper, Utah to meet up with the International Brotherhood of Motorcycle Campers, or IBMC. I've been a member for about a year now, but this is my first campout. I have a feeling it'll be mostly older folks, but I'm pushing 50 myself so no big deal. They've having a big rally in Helper Tues thru Thurs, then spending the next ten days touring southern UT. I can't spare the time to do the tour, but will meet up with them for the first three days.

I'll post pics and an account in the "Touring" forum when I get back. :thumbup:
Awesome, have a great time. I've never been bike camping.

Today is my last day in SLC for almost a month. I'm heading down to Mass for a while, and won't be back 'till the 24th of July. I'll be on the site, I'm sure, but won't be able to ride for a while. It's going to be hard.......:(
We should try and get a bigger ride together for sometime in Aug. When do you guys have some time?
Today is my last day in SLC for almost a month. I'm heading down to Mass for a while, and won't be back 'till the 24th of July. I'll be on the site, I'm sure, but won't be able to ride for a while. It's going to be hard.......:(
We should try and get a bigger ride together for sometime in Aug. When do you guys have some time?

Have fun man! Enjoy the time away, I hear Mass. can be a cool place.

I'm down for a ride. Saturdays are usually the best for me, so let's just pick a Saturday in August to meet up!