Your Rider Resume

Currently 40 years old. Did the majority of my growing up in Winter Park, Colorado, nestled in the Rocky Mountains. Had already done a good deal of snowmobiling since snows on the ground 9 months out of the year. My first motorcycle experience came when I was around 12 years old when my buddy let me try out his new dirtbike. At the time, I had no understanding of the clutch/throttle/gear relationship and when I gassed it, I promptly released the clutch and popped an inadvertent wheelie....and landed on my ass. ;)

Following that experience, started messing around with 3-wheelers (yes, kids didn't live in bubbles back in the 80's and played with fire constantly, lol). Problem was that the parents never gave up the money to have a 3-wheeler/snowmobile/dirtbike of my own, so my brother and I always sponged off our better equipped friends. When I turned 16 and got my driver's license, my brother and I borrowed our mom's scooter and went down to the local DMV in Granby and tested for a motorcycle license. Back then, the ride test consisted of riding around the block while the tester (old lady if I recall) watched (wide open baseball field area). Passed that and got a motorcycle license, lol. Gotta love super small towns. My brother and I rode the crap outta that scooter (it was larger than 50cc and could actually do an easy 60 on the road).

Went to live on a ranch/campground in Grand Lake, CO during my last year of high school in 1987. My buddy and I rebuilt a Honda dirtbike enough that it was rideable and rode that thing all over the water board roads that skirt the Rocky Mountain National Park during the summer after graduation. Learned a lot about dirtbiking and mountain trails. Also learned that, without a muffler, you could hear that bike from anywhere in the valley. :D

Entered the Marine Corps in the fall of '87 and didn't ride for a bit. Went on a WestPac cruise on the USS Ranger (I worked on A6 Intruders) and returned in '89. While on leave at home, I bought a used Kawasaki 454 LTD and had it shipped out to California, where I was based. I attended several MSF courses (required by the Corps) and happily donned my requisite orange vest. I rode that bike everywhere for the next couple of years until I left the Marine Corps in 1992...sold the bike to a friend who proceeded to run it into the ground. From there I didn't ride until 2004...I owned and operated a semi truck for the next 12 years around Los Angeles/US and didn't have too much free time.

In 2004, I sold the truck and moved from California to Tampa, Florida. A little bit later, I bought my '04 Fizzer used and re-did the MSF course. I proceeded to ride it all over Florida, no matter the weather. In 2005, I took a week and a half to ride it from Tampa, up through North Carolina, the BRP/Dragon/etc, and back, tent camping all the way (photos on my website - It probably rained 80% of the time too. Later that year, I ended up moving to Rocky Mount, NC...where there is neither rocks nor mounts, just crime and questionable local government...about 2 hours from the beach and about 3 from the mountains. There I sit today, but now with a wife and lots of 2up time.
Been riding since age 14 in Bombay, India. First bike was a 2 stroke Kawasaki 100 cc. Moved on to one of my favorite bikes of all time the 2 stroke Yamaha RD350. Had plenty of fun with it and a fair share of falls and accidents. Had to get rid of it due that and family pressure. The next venture was a 4 stroke Royal Enfield 350 classic.Great classic with a throb from the engine and exhaust that one would die for.Not as fast ad the RD though:D

Moved to the States and was going to school and work and never had any spare time to satisfy my addiction. Got married and a bike was nowhere close in the horizon. After a Few years finally gave in to the craving and bought a Yamaha Virago a friend was selling cheap.(did not tell the wife ;) it used to be parked at my friends) Used that for a a while and then got rid of it as I wanted something faster,lighter and modern.

Looked and looked and finally settled on the FZ6 as the bike of my choice bought it and brought it home one day. Lets say my dear wife is still getting over it after a few years have gone by:D

back to report she's ok with it now ;)

I want to quote from the Motorcyclesuperstore ad

" It's not a mode of transport, its not a hobby, its not even a midlife crisis its just an ADDICTION !!!"

An addiction I hope theres no cure for ;)
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-M1 licensed for the last 11 years.
-Owned about 15-20 bikes in that time.
-Club racing license for the last 4 years.
-Expert racing license for the last 3 years.
-Anywhere from 25-50 "crashes" including everything from dropping a bike off a stand to incredible frame-snapping highsides.
-Nearly as many tickets, although those were mostly from the first few years...

My first bike was a HondaCT70 age 12( which I still have in pristine condition) then a Honda XL175. I then bought a near new Susuki ER175 my first bike registered to go on the road I used this to comute to my after school job. I then bought Kawasaki KLR 250 for riding off road.

I then started riding a BMW Lt1000 (1990) after a 5 week advanced riding course with my employer ( yeah alright it had blue lights and sirens) I gave them up in 1994 and change work locations.

I moved to hilly location to live so I thought I would get back into dirt bikes so bought a KLX650 (to old and unfit to keep this up) so back to the road bought a Yamaha XJ900 then went into the Yamaha dealer in 2006 tyre kicking and spotted a shiny red Fizzer and the rest is history.
First of all, I want to say WOW! There is a lot of experience here. I have had my 08 FZ6 for a few weeks now. I never owned a bike before but have been a quite a few over the years. I learned quickly that owning a bike and screwing around in a buddies neighborhood are 2 completely different things. I have always been into things that go fast and get a lot of satisfaction from doing work myself. I also own 2008 Mustang GT that I have put quite a bit of wrench time in. It used to be my baby but now only gets driven in the rain. I took a Basic Rider Course about a year ago that helped me break some of my bad habits. Anyway, thanks for all the great posts, this forum has so much good info.
Wow, I feel like a under achiever. My first bike in 1979 at the age of 13 was a RM80 dirt bike, and then a 85 Yamaha Virago at 19 yrs old (mom doesn't know about that one.) Stopped riding for 21 years until mid life crisis and divorce, pick up a 04 Kaw Vulcan 750 and a year later, my prize FZ6. I have ridden daily for the last 4 yrs, putting on over 42k, and two potential Iron Butt runs (11.5 hrs from San Bernardino,CA to Medford, OR and San Bernardino,CA to Salt Lake City,UT. in just under 11 hours, both time at night and straight through alone.) I have had no formal training, but got my license on the first try and impressed the examiner, because where I took the test was in the DMV parking lot and almost got hit twice. Never dropped my feet or went outside the lines. I ride like everyone is out to hit me. I used to drive 18 wheels, so I am also looking for a escape route and as far as I can see in front of me. I do go a little fast and yes, I split lanes only when traffic or a idiot is going slower than 70 mph, after that, I ride in the lane at a safe distance. I have been in 2 crashes, one by a car as I was on the freeway splitting the lane at 40 mph as traffic was going 25-30mph, our front tires touch, and the other time was going to the doctor, cold night, frozen driveway, kerplunk on the ice. My advise, NEVER ride without a good jacket, which I did not wearing on the first crash, and second, NEVER take anything for normal road conditions.
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My first ride was on my buddy's Honda 900RR in the parking lot in front of his house. I was riding slow and jerky, gave too much throttle and suddenly rocketed towards his brand new pickup. I low sided, stopping 2 inches away from his shiny new bumper! After buying him some new plastic for his bike, I promptly went and took a MSF course!
I then bought full leather gear and a used Ninja 250. I rode that for about 2 years before selling it (for the same money that I paid for the bike) and buying my beloved 2006 Red FZ6. Around the same time, I bought another used Ninja 250 from a friend of mine for my wife. That bike was all hot rodded (exhaust and jetted, ZX6 rear shock, race tech springs, better sprokets, etc) That little bike was light years ahead of my old 250 and was the first bike that I scraped the pegs on up and down Palomar mountain in San Diego.
We sold that as we moved to Seattle and I am just now getting back into riding and discovering many great roads here. Riding a loop around Mt Rainier is just breath taking.
1970 - 1967 Honda CL90, first bike
1973 - 1973 Yamaha RD250, rode from New Orleans to Daytona to attend MC mechanics school
1975 - Worked at a New Orleans Kawasaki dealer assembling new bikes, Z1's, Mach III's, etc. Story: Came in after test riding a Z1 and noticed I forgot to tighten the front axle caps! Still get shivers thinking about that!
1975 - Fall semester returned to college
1976 - Married girlfriend, first baby EIGHT months later!
2005 - restored 1977 R100S, still in garage.
2006 - Bought a 2004 BMW R1150R. Great bike but can't get wife (1975 girlfriend) interested in traveling over 1hr on two wheels.
2009 - Sold R1150R for something lighter. Always loved the look of the FZ6 and bought a "still in the crate" 2007 April this year. Great deal, great bike.
I have been a licensed rider since 1977, and somehow survived a painful childhood where Mom would not have anything 2 wheeled with a motor in the family. Despite this, I managed to sneak rides on my buddies minibikes, and rode whenever anyone was foolish enough to let me on the saddle. My cousin really caused a lot of problems when he not only bought a Honda 350 twin, but took me for rides. I later bought that bike from him when I was about 18, sold it to my Dad to pay for the last of my college bills, bought it back, and owned it for many years before trading it back to my cousin for helping me with a concrete patio. I didn't ride much after college, with kids, money, lack of time, and a few other very poor excuses. In about 2000, I got back to riding, and since then usually ride 10-15,000 miles per year. Not bad for Ohio weather. I have owned the H 350, a H 185 dirt bike, Suz GS 750, H PC800, Tri Tiger (steamer), Yam RS Venture. I currently have a H NH 750, Kaw Voyager, and the Yam '05 FZ5 (forget blue, silver simply flies). I commute 80 miles a day, and ride any day practical (35 deg and not raining in the AM). I have toured several times on the BR Parkway, done the NE states, did the ride around Lake MI (went to Copper Harbor in the UP), and went 6000 miles to CA last year (on my '87 Kaw Voyager). I wish it had been 8000 miles! I have been as high as 12000 ft in CO (riding in snow is less fun), and as low as -200 in Death Valley (120 is damn hot). This year we are headed back to the Smokies, and later on, back out to the Rockies. Mountain riding is an amazing thing, and I can't seem to get enough. My FZ6 has taken some time to bond with. The windscreen, handle bars, seat, engine and trans all seemed a bit off to me. At one point I was actually ready to sell the bike, but decided to see what could be done to make it work. By now, I have added the high screen, laminar lip, throttle meister, cramp buster, setback risers, propad gel seat pad, and givi racks for the saddle and trunk boxes. With the bars tilted down a bit, I now have a real comfortable all day sport touring bike that gets better than 50 mpg. I am still thinking about a custom seat, engine guards with touring pegs, fog lights, changes in the sprockets to reduce rpm and save gas, and better brake pads. It handles like a dream in the corners, is stable on the highway, and runs like a bat out of hexx. For the first time in a lot of years, I have no desire to run out and buy another bike. The FZ6 is a keeper!

Hello All,

New to the forum and I like what I have seen so far. I have been riding for a little over 4 years. Started on an '05 FZ6 and had it until it was totaled in an accident last month due to an idiot driver making an illegal left turn on a red light. I emerged with minor bruises thankfully and I will emphasis what I have seen other state elsewhere in these forums; WEAR YOUR GEAR! I lost the bike though since it ended up under the car. Just picked up a 2009 FZ6 last week after the riding addiction became too strong to resist.

I have had both the MSF Basic Riders Course and the Experienced Riders Course. I have been more into the long distance road trips, including an Omaha, NE to San Diego, CA via Colorado, Utah, and Nevada trip in the summer of '07 before coming to Hawaii. Mostly doing weekend rides around the island and commuting these days. Love the FZ6 and am mostly here to learn what I can and offer what limited experience I have had through the miles and different riding conditions.
I got my first motorcycle when I was 14 (honda rebel 250) Took the MSF class then too.. Have had several Dirt Bikes And Motorcycles from Cruisers to Sportbikes. As far as overall mileage under my belt gah it would prabably be in the 100 thousand range somewhere. I have done the all day rides and bike rallys.. And the everyday commute. I have worked and customized every bike Ive ever had just for the fun of it. Have had bikes in shows and all sort of stuff like that. I learned everything I know about customizing bikes just from doing it.. Grew up riding and will go out riding.. well hopefully not while riding well you know what i mean :rockon:
Hey all, i'm pretty new here, so i figured i'd give you a quick run down:

As you can see by my profile, i'm 25 (as of yesterday), live in cincinnati, oh, go to school for mechanical engieering. I've had motorcycles for a few years, really gotten bitten by the bug the past 2 years or so.

Training: Not much. I did the route where i got my temps, then took the test and got my license. Thought i was tough **** and a born rider. Then my dad started riding, so we took the MSF course together. That helped my slow speed movements and overall confidence immensely. I knew i was tough **** then, ready for anything. Then i wrecked my first VFR because i am a moron. Now i know riding is all about learning from other's mistakes (always the best) and my own (i don't like those). I try to take every chance i get to learn about how my riding can be improved.

-'83 Honda CB650SC Nighthawk--Got it cheap ($650), got i running better (cleaned the carbs, did a tune up), rode it for a bit, then sold it.

-'04 Honda VFR800- bought it as a left over in '07, brand new. She was beautiful. I put 4752 miles on her in exactly 1.5 months, then rode her straight into a ditch and totalled her. I did the whole "look where you want to go, not where you don't want to go thing", but i did it backwards. I looked at the ditch and thats where i went. Thanks to the gear i was wearing, i walked away. I hate that i wrecked, but i learned more from that one incident then from all the riding before it put together. That wreck probably saved my life by proving to me i wasn't invincable.

-'04 Honda VFR800- Nearly identical to the first VFR, same color, with 600 more miles than what VFR-1 had on it when i killed it. Good bike, i did around 14000 miles on it in less than a year and a half. Due to the many fueling issues it had, it was sold.

-'02 BMW K1200RS- Totally spontaneous Ebay buy since i had money in my pocket from the VFR. Awesome bike. Looked great, ran great, handled great (for weighing 650+lbs), but it was way more bike than i needed and i really didn't feeling like paying for parts to fix it when it eventually did break. I put about 3,000 miles on it in the 6 months or so i had it and sold it for more than i bought it for.

-'07 FZ6-Found it on ebay, 2 hours away from me with just under 800 miles on it. Went down with cash and made a decent deal for the thing, bought it just before someone could use the "buy it now" option online, oops. So far, i like the little thing. It's a night and day difference between the BMW, but for the price, that is about what i expect. I hope to keep this thing around for a while. i do mostly commuting with some backroad running, and this thing is about perfect for it.

As you can see, i am not really brand loyal. As long as it has 2 (or as with some Piaggios and hacks, 3) wheels and it rides, i'm all about it.
Bump! We've got so many new faces here, let's have some more resume's posted! New members, please tell us about your riding experience! :D
Well, Im a new guy around here, but Ill post my resume up.

Im 37, I have been ridding for 10 years, mostly street. I have covered about 110,000 miles in that time, on several differant bikes. I get up to Deals Gap and the surrounding roads at least once a year if not more, and still think its one of the best places in the US to ride. In the 10 years I have been on two wheels I have had the following bikes:

1- 1995 Ninja 500 (my first bike)

2- 1994 Yamaha FZR600R

3- 1995 ZX6R

4- 1995 ZX6E

5- 1998 996 SuperHawk

6- 2000 ZRX1100

7- 1998 CBRXX 1100

8- 2000 VFR 800i

9- 2000 ZRX1100 (yes another one)

10- 2004 FZ-1

11- 2005 FJR 1300

12- 2003 MeanStreak 1500

13- 2007 RoadStar Warrior

14- 2006 FZ6 (my currnet bike, just got it, love it)

I started riding motorcycles off road when I was 12 years old. That was 1973. Dad had purchased a 67 acre farm, and we three boys all had minibikes and dirt bikes until we got old enough to leave. My brothers were 4 and 5 years older than me, so I stole rides on their bikes as often as possible. :) A Husquevarna CR 250 is a big fist full for a 14 YO....... Acceleration is King.

Four years in the Navy, and I bought a VF1100S.... put 52K on that in SoCal in 2 years and change. San Diego, Mt Palomar, Julian.... sold the bike when my son was born. Took the MSF course in 1985, after lowsiding that bike and surfing on the pavement in a tee shirt and cords. I believe in gear, now.

12 years later, he knows please and thank you, and it's time for me to get another bike. Bought a low power cruiser, a Suzuki VF800C... Marauder. 43 K on that one in 4 years, and bevelled the heels off my boots, tore up the pegs and frame rails.... sold that one to pay legal fees arguing over a speeding ticket.

Bought the FZ6 in Aug '05..... crashed it in Oct, broke 3 ribs and tore up my right shoulder. It has 23K miles on it now, and is still a very well balanced, comfortable bike that goes fast enough for anything I want a bike to do. When I healed, I attended another safety course in Oregon, ART.... big fun. Taught on a go kart track. Max braking in turns, connecting series of turns smoothly, carrying speed by not losing it in the first place. Good training, I highly recommend it.

Worked as a MC salesman in the early 1990s in San Diego, rode at least 3 different used bikes every day for 8+ months to keep the motors running smooth for the customers.

Been wrenching on bikes since I was 12.....
twenty-five years now....

I just had yet another birthday a few weeks ago, and realize that I've been street riding for twenty-five years now. Wow.

I grew up riding on the back on my dad's harley, then his two GT750 Suzukis (yes they were three cylinder two strokes), then his 77 Gold Wing (which he still has).

When I was twelve, I got my first dirt bike, a 1977 Honda XR75. After I got too big for that, we got a 1972 Honda SL100 in pieces that we put together. Not a good dirt bike, considering it was old and had metal fenders which kept bending when I'd crash. I loved riding my friend's newer, real off-road machines, but still had fun on my old beater.

A few months before I turned sixteen, but dad bought me a 1979 Honda CB750F so I could ride with him. The day that I turned sixteen, I went and got my motorcycle license and have been riding on the street ever since. Heck, I didn't even bother to get my car license until December when it started getting too cold to ride. :)

After the CB750F, I had two Katana 750s (first one stolen, second one caught in a flood while garaged....), then a 2000 CB600F4. I started doing track days with my second Katana and then did a LOT of track days with the F4. After hitting my mid 30's, the F4 and my 6'3" body didn't agree much, and my forearms would go numb after about fifteen minutes. Enter the 2004 FZ6. This is the bike for me and I'm quite happy with it. I almost bought a 2004 FZ1 (older style) but didn't like the extra weight of the one that I test rode. It felt a lot like my CB750F actually.

I now don't do much "social" riding anymore, due to having young kids, but I try to commute on my FZ6 as much as I can. I have a nice 45 mile round trip over lots of curvy Pennsylvania back roads (with poor visibility though...)

I'm still amazed that I've been riding on the street (legally) for twenty-five years now.
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Been riding bikes for over forty years. I road-raced for many years. I've ridden dirt for a few years as well. Back to street-only now. I've racked up around 50k road miles. I have owned 6 bikes. I just like to go very fast.
163 (clock) mph is my best yet.
The best advice I have for any rider, old or new is: Ride like you're invisible.
The next best piece of advice is: Your bike is better/quicker than you are. When you start thinking that you're really good - fate will show you otherwise! Safe riding!
Greetings all, here is the lowdown on my trail to my best bike ever, the Yamaha FZ6S Fazer 2009.

Bought a minibike frame in 1973 and stuck a 250 BSA Bantom motor in it.
Heavy clutch, hard to kick start, but ran all day around a paddock and never seemed to use any oil or petrol although I am sure they went in.
3 mates learnt to ride on that bike. I think the frame was from the USA but it was great.

Started working in a bike shop during the school holidays and bought an SL70 Honda for $250 new in 1974. Put a strait out exhaust on this.
By end of 1974 I was racing in enduros and trials events on an XL250 Honda with nobby tyres fitted. This was a shop bike and had sponsorship deal. ie new tyres when I needed them!

1975 to 1978 I raced the XL250 in enduros, scrambles (MX) and flat track.
This was starting to die in the arse a bit as I was also at law school and discovered surfing as well.

1979 I got my road licence on a CB250 N Honda. Rode it everywhere.
Laid it down on a wet tram track with no injury except pride.
Got a serious girlfriend and spent more time in a 1968 VW Kombi!
Enduro racing out the window.

1980 to 1984 Bought a new XL250 and cruised the Victorian High Country (Man from Snowy River type stuff). Enjoyed this bike.
1984 to 1988 I got my first Yamaha TT600 and loved this bike.
More enduro riding as I had moved to the tropics.
Sold the bike in 1988 and built a 36 foot steel yacht and went cruising.
Moved to Magnetic Island in North Queensland and lived there for 20 years (16KM of road)

Last year in November I moved to Victoria and bought a New Honda CB250F and got a licence again at 50 years of age! Did 2 courses on motorcycle safety and over summer, put 17,000 country KMs on that bike.
Bought all new gear, put a rack on the back, added luggage and rode everywhere.
Bought tools again and did all my own maintenance.

July this year I was ready for my next bike.
What to buy?
What is the perfect bike for me?
6'2" 90KGS and very fit for for my age.
Everyone said a Harley or Triumph.
I said, while I can still get around without a walking stick, I want a Japanese bike and a 4 cylinder one at that.
The Fazer won out and I have put 4500 kms on it in 3 months. For me it is still exceeding expectations. I have respect for it.

Thanks to this forum I have gained a lot of knowledge about it in a short time.
If I can help someone here, I will try my best. If it is my opinion, I will also let you know it is just that.

Stay Upright friends,

Peter H (Rumpole)
My first bike was a HondaCT70 age 12( which I still have in pristine condition) then a Honda XL175. I then bought a near new Susuki ER175 my first bike registered to go on the road I used this to comute to my after school job. I then bought Kawasaki KLR 250 for riding off road.

I then started riding a BMW Lt1000 (1990) after a 5 week advanced riding course with my employer ( yeah alright it had blue lights and sirens) I gave them up in 1994 and change work locations.

I moved to hilly location to live so I thought I would get back into dirt bikes so bought a KLX650 (to old and unfit to keep this up) so back to the road bought a Yamaha XJ900 then went into the Yamaha dealer in 2006 tyre kicking and spotted a shiny red Fizzer and the rest is history.

Wow,my history is almost identical,first bike CT70,second bike ER125 then a KLX 250,did'nt own a BMW with flashing lights but I got pulled over by guys who did ,now I have a silver FZ600...what a co'inkydink
I'm relatively new to motorcycling. I moved to California 3 years ago and after seeing so many bikes around I just said to myself "that looks fun, I wanna try." So I walked into a dealership and walked out with an FZ6.

Within the first 10 miles of riding I took a spill on the bike, decided I needed some training so I took the MSF and got my M1 within a month of owning the bike. Since then I've put 28,000 miles on the bike, been without a car for almost a year, been to one track day and done all work/maintenance on my bike.

Learning to and continuing to learn to ride and work on the FZ6 has been one of the best things to happen to me.:thumbup: