Would you give up riding and your relationship for your job?

As topic.

I was in an interview today and it seemed to me that is going to happen to me if I take the job.

I am so confused right now.

Only you can answer that for yourself.....what is more important in life?

And what on earth would make you think you have to give up anything?
I have to travel around Australia if i take this job.
n I will be traveling for like 6 months a year.
I will need to tow a trailer of equipments so I can't be on a bike.
I have to travel around Australia if i take this job.
n I will be traveling for like 6 months a year.
I will need to tow a trailer of equipments so I can't be on a bike.

Can't help you much with your predicament, but on the sidenote if your towing a trailer for equipments maybe you can also tow an FZ6.
Plenty of people travelling around the world for months at a time and come back home to their loved ones, take our brothers at arms as an example. Plenty of them are currently stationed all over the world and they have families waiting for them at home.
Throw the bike in the trailer and take it with you. That's your cheap transportation when you need to go somewhere but you don't need to take a trailer with you. :thumbup:
If somebody offered me $1M to never ride again, I'd tell them where to shove it, but if it's 6 months a year.. I dunno, I think I might be able to handle it..

It comes down to how much you want the job, how much you love riding, and how you think the relationship's going to go in both situations (staying and going).
What's wrong riding it when you get home? You will have something to look forward too. What about all of the men and women who serve in the military and when they go on assignment for over a year? Why would you think that you would have to get rid of the bike?
Absolutely not , well not if your happy in the relationship :confused: I wouldnt would away from a happy relationship & riding just for the sake of some coin...... Having spent YEARS away from home whilst I was interstate driving I can assure you , life on the road is $H!T :thumbup:
My heart says no.

Hump has the best insightful answer.

My head says that if this job was going to provide financial security to me and my loved ones. The I would do it in the world of toxic banks and global depression.

Mate, you're the only one that can answer that.

You can always leave your bike in storage (would be hard though).

As for your girlfriend, your call. You're serious about her, or you're not.

Tough, but you're the only one who truly knows how you feel.

Good luck with your decision.
Only you can make that decision . I've met people who took different paths at the point of job vs relationship. It all comes down to how much you associate yourself with your job.

Personally, there is no job in the world that would make me give up a personal relationship (given i want to stay in that relationship). The main reason for that is that I value relationships greatly (I'm talking about serious relationship tho) Also, I've learned that jobs come and go, and what looked like a dream job on a day 1 turned into a problem a year or so later. Again, YMMV, I tend to gravitate toward serious relationships.

As far as motorcycling is concerned, I'm not 100% sure where I stand, but I think closer to "not giving up". I'm relatively new to two-wheeled exhilaration, so I have not seen the dark side yet, and don't know the trade-offs. I'd probably try to "cheat" :ban: one way or another. Get a buddy to keep the bike for you while you are away? Switch to lighter bikes and get a bigger trailer to fit the bike into it? ;-)

Good luck making the decision :thumbup:
I wouldn't give up riding for some lousy job. I'd rather be broke with a bike, then have a heavy wallet and no bike. Get your priorities straight. You gonna' be The Man's bitch your whole life?
It's hard to say. Why would you give up your relationship? Why not fly them out to meet you from time-to-time? Like others have said you'll have your bike when you get home.

Given the sketchyness of things, a good stable job is not something to pass. Besides, maybe this job will lead to new opportunities?
This is how it could end up:
1)bike turns into a rust bucket
2)spouse LEAVES you, because you chose the wheel, and not the bar
3)you end up a McDonald's JUNKIE
4) you turn into a burnout
5) roids start to set in.
5) and after all that, you HATE your job, you boss, your LIFE!
6) Suicide hot line disconnects you
From a distance, and you asked for feedback, that you are letting emotion make life decisions for you which is not always the best method. Take the bike out of the equation and make the decision based on what is best for you and your family. If you love biking that much, and would make decisions based on whether you can ride I would get myself into the bike field in some way.
Take the job, take your girlfriend with you so you won't drive, eat, sleep alone. Get a dog so your girlfriend won't feel alone when you are riding the bike you brought opn the trailer. :BLAA: