Wooooo Hoooooo


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Jul 14, 2007
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adelaide australia
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My girl friend said yes to marrying me this morning, i always said i wouldnt do it again, but hey i am. The plan is to get married when we are in vegas if we can go against everyone elses protests. So as can be imagined iut was a great day for me today.:cheer::Flash:
Congrats Jules:cheer:.

If you take my advice though.....you'd get married in Vegas by the Flying Elvis's:BLAA:.

Never said I was sane:Flip:

Congrats mate! That will be an event to remember! Here's to many years of wedded bliss! :iconbeer:
My girl friend said yes to marrying me this morning, i always said i wouldnt do it again, but hey i am. The plan is to get married when we are in vegas if we can go against everyone elses protests. So as can be imagined iut was a great day for me today.:cheer::Flash:
Great news mate, after England's lack luster appearance in the 6 nations, this has cheered me right up.

Thanx all ver since we were planning the trip to the states ive had in the back of my mind to tie the knot in vegas, make the holiday that more exciting. Deb has said lets get it done by elvis as a stir for her Dad but im thinking to get done by the crew of the star ship enterprise (no not really). Ive done the big ceremony before she hasnt so although its going to be small its going to be semi formal. As for a date a couple of days either side of the 12 may.
Congrats. You're definately going full throtte on this vacation. Talk about a guy who isn't holding anything back..

I'll see ya when you get here.
Congrats to you & your future bride :thumbup:

Vegas! Do it.

My wife & I decided to save the $$$ we would blow on a wedding & do a lap of the world in 3 months & get married in Vegas :D

Her family didn't like that idea & put the guilts on us ie Grandma is too old to fly, aunty can't make it etc etc

End result. We spent 25K on a wedding for everyone else & then went on our holiday anyway. That little spit from the family cost me thousands :(

Don't take any notice of the nay sayers. Its your wedding, go about it how you please. Whatever you decide the people who really love you will be happy for you :thumbup:
If im going to do it might as well dooo it to the max it was going to be a great trip but now its going to be awesome. Yeah see ya when we are there kenny.