Why I don't Like Cats (Slight Gore)

In my sons defence... He has been taught to respect and love animals, and he does. For him to react in the nature he did tells me that the only other option was to either let the cat escape, or let Jordan get mauled. Sort of a lesser of two evils thing...

But naturally he left the best parts out and dear ol' Dad is going to share them!!!

He came dragging his butt in waaaay after my bed time, I didn't wake up when he came in and his mother only did enough to make sure he was in for the night. When he explained what happened that night his g/f's mom had cleaned and bandaged it up pretty well and as he always does, Bryan made no real fuss about it.

The next morning though... heh, heh.

He drags his butt downstairs and gets me up to speed on what happens, showing me the wound. I tell him that we may need to get it looked at and suggest he get in the shower and clean up. I hear him get in the shower, but he's only in there for a minute or two, the water shuts off and then I hear him whimper "I think I'm going to pass out..." So I go upstairs and help the boy to his bed where he lays back and then asks for the trash can, he thinks he may puke.

Oh lordy...

He lays there for a while and kinda gets his stuff together and off we go to the urgent care place.

At least afterward I bought him what was supposed to be breakfast but ended up being lunch.

But don't be too hard on him, he come by this honestly... I've passed out after seeing a particularly gruesome scene in a movie. The last thing I remember was seeing the doors of the theater right in front of me and then that cold feeling and seeing checkerboards... The next thing I know I'm being loaded up on a gurney in the back of an ambulance and the EMT's are asking me what kind of drugs I'm on.


Damn man. I know it hurts.

Cats are not any kind of joke. I didnt think at all that you were mean to animals. I know sometime you just have to grab one and take the licks, cats its just not good cause they go from lovey to hatefilled in nothing flat. LOL

On that note. You know why house cats are not any bigger???

They would eat you.
I'll bet family get togethers are a blast at the McCrary's......funny stuff guys. I can just imagine that old cartoon of the cat coming out of the bag like a little tornado with claws flying!
When Bryan has kids and he tells this story it won't be a cat it, will be a mountain lion and it didn't bite his finger, it savaged his entire arm :D
Yea yea, I am a wimp when it comes to blood. I can take pain, but blood...that makes my stomach turn.

And as always you take my side, duh.

I'll take your side for an extra 1,000 miles in the mileage contest! just kidding! heal quickly man! Took my finger 2 months to heal from a New Year's sprain skiing...ride through the pain LOL
Holy Cats! I think I would have just stepped on it. Or, just let it run out into the freeway.

Then add this sign?

Ozzie, next time you post pictures of you in your house.....don't let us see your "The Little Mermaid" bedspread!!!!! :Flip: :D

LOL. It probably does look a touch like that. The whole house was a seascape theme...LMAO. Two hardcore scuba junkies:rockon:.

Besides....what's wrong with the little mermaid?:spank:...lol

Ignorant jerk, I am not. I am only speaking from my experience with nearly every cat.

Think about all the cat/dog jokes you've ever gotten. It boils down to this: the cat owns you and allows you in its house. Dogs are excited to see you every time you walk into the room.

If you don't see this in dogs and cats, you're not looking.

(yes, there are exceptions, but they're rare in my experience)

My boy used to run to the door and meet me. He wanted a cuddle and smooch sesh before I got busy doing anything else. He was a very loyal cat:thumbup:. The heater was his though:Flip:...lol.

When Bryan has kids and he tells this story it won't be a cat it, will be a mountain lion and it didn't bite his finger, it savaged his entire arm :D

Well why let the truth stand in the way of a perfectly good story?...lol.
(There goes my credibility...LMAO):D
