Why I don't Like Cats (Slight Gore)

I've had to nail a dog that attacked me once (it was a total psycho).

My cat I used to razz up with his fish on a string and I could then put my hand down in front of him and he'd grab it and bite it, but only gently ( like a dog playing). He'd sleep under my armpit with his chin on my shoulder just purring the whole night. It depends on the animal, its treatment, environment, and familiarity and feelings towards people it doesn't know well.
I don't think it would've mattered how you picked it up....he was already pissed. Some cats "snap" when you least expect it. They can also sense when you don't like them.

I had a cat about 10 years ago that would do the same as the cat you're talking about. She acted like she liked you, then, no joke, she would lay her ears flat, her eyes would turn red (seriously) and attack! One day she did that to Danny and she went for the eye and ripped his contact right out!

Glad you're ok. :thumbup:

:eek: that made my eye hurt just reading it.........
I've had to nail a dog that attacked me once (it was a total psycho).

My cat I used to razz up with his fish on a string and I could then put my hand down in front of him and he'd grab it and bite it, but only gently ( like a dog playing). He'd sleep under my armpit with his chin on my shoulder just purring the whole night. It depends on the animal, its treatment, environment, and familiarity and feelings towards people it doesn't know well.

Ozzie, next time you post pictures of you in your house.....don't let us see your "The Little Mermaid" bedspread!!!!! :Flip: :D
Cat people are cat people for a reason. Cats will screw you over any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

I dated 3 girls that were cat people. They're now exes. The only 2 that I could see long-term were both dog people, and I'm marrying one of them.

Spoken like a true ignorant jerk.

I love my two cats and they would never do anything like that to anyone.

Neither would my dog. (and no, I don't consider myself a "dog-person")

Just like dogs can be bred mean, so can cats. And all animals have different personalities, just like people. Please don't make generalizations like this.
I am a cat lover. I have 3. But none are psyco kats.

I've known ones like you encountered. If I had a cat like that, I would take it to the pound and get rid of it. I have no tolerance for wak kats.

Next time you encounter a crazy cat, either shoot it or leave it alone.

Hope you heal soon.

Spoken like a true ignorant jerk.

I love my two cats and they would never do anything like that to anyone.

Neither would my dog. (and no, I don't consider myself a "dog-person")

Just like dogs can be bred mean, so can cats. And all animals have different personalities, just like people. Please don't make generalizations like this.

Ignorant jerk, I am not. I am only speaking from my experience with nearly every cat.

Think about all the cat/dog jokes you've ever gotten. It boils down to this: the cat owns you and allows you in its house. Dogs are excited to see you every time you walk into the room.

If you don't see this in dogs and cats, you're not looking.

(yes, there are exceptions, but they're rare in my experience)
eewww ouch! I am sure there is a "proper way to grab a cat"

luckily my cats are trained to not leave the front porch area (but they must always be watched as they may see a bird or bug at any moment and loose all self control)

Mine also run back in teh house when I yell at em - I have had to pull them off the roof and out of bushes but never been injured to quit that extent.
Wow guys/gals, I didnt want this turn into a cat and dog war.

As for the cats training, well it is trained to use the litter box.

I hate to say it...but you went about it all wrong. It's not entirely your fault...it's just that no one showed you how to put a cat (or dog) into submission.

A. Cats don't like being ruled over...they get really pissed when someone tries to be the boss.

B. They are evil and psycho when they get pissed...much like a certain time of the month for women...except this can happen at any moment (even while you sleep).

C. Cats are fickel creatures...one second they are your friend...the next you've done something horrible to offend their deepest rage...and maybe all you did was breate.

How to put a cat into submission:

You've seen it done, whether you think you have or not. Mother cats carry their kittens around by the back of the neck. This causes the kitten to look like something out of a horror movie...just about the time the bad guy lops off someone's head with a group of people looking on...this kitten is one of those people. This somehow causes the cat to not be able to fight that much...basically going limp. So you re-enact this sort of feeling on the cat the next time you've got to deal with it. Don't try to choke it...that will only feed the rage. Grab as big a handfull of scruff as you can and hold tight...then pin the rest of the body until the cat submits. It will fight once you release this pressure...but not nearly as much (still holding scruff). You can release this death grip of fur you've got once you're ready for psycho cat to explode again...hopefully in the area you needed to get the cat in.

Good luck with your future pursuits. If you're wary of this method...wear full arm gloves...safety goggles...and carry a nine iron.


Did you know that the bloke who invented cats eyes also invented the pencil sharpener - he got his inspiration for the cats eyes when his cat looked at him, then it turned around and walked off....................
if you grab me, kneel on me and strangle me i am going to bite you too...

Cat's aren't inherently mean it is all how you treat them.
Remember now, the cat was going nuts before I grabbed it. I just further pissed it off. Didn't see any other option at the time...

Glad to hear you went to UC, got antibiotics and are ok. You could have caught Cat Scratch Fever. :( It sounds like a joke, but isn't. We had an employee that got it and she was pretty ill.

I really do like cats, but give me my dog anyday!
Hate the cat... Im the only one she doesnt attack on a daily basis... She wont stay away from me otherwise always purring at my leg and hissing at my wife... HER CAT!!!

She has attacked a lot... My brother is a vet he told me to just pick her up kitten style... by the scruff of the neck... ussually works in a bind but I have scars...

In the future however this will allow you transport your cat with ease.