Whoa bad gas mileage..

I ride pretty fast most of the time on a mix of roads and average around 35mpg,which is what I'd expect.If I babied it everywhere,then no doubt I'd get more,but where's the fun in that?
If I'd wanted top mpg,I'd have bought a scooter! :D
One of the things to consider is the fuel itself.

Around here, we get oxygenated fuels in the winter which decrease fuel mileage, as well as colder air temps. The combination of the two makes for expensive winter driving.
My fuel usage is always a mix of highway and city I'd be safe saying its almost 50/50.

I figured now is the time to worry about mpg before summer hits and gas prices go up another dollar. From full till F trip I've been getting around 120miles to the tank. I'm going to replace my air filter just to get that maintenance out of the way even though it doesn't look to bad. Though with my throttle body sync so far my mileage is looking better wont know till next fill up though.
My milage las summer was about 150 miles pr. tank full with mixed freespirited riding. It seems to drop rather dramatic on the freeway getting maybe 130 miles on a tank.

Starting to think I may have the same problem as Neworleans :( Didn't worry about it too much, but it did seem low to get only about 30 miles per gallon :ban: Guess I just thought "thirsty little lady" :rolleyes:

Would be super cool if there was a way to extend the milage. Will do the checks previously suggested.
It pains me to say this but I honestly don't remember how many miles I get per tank. It's been waaaaay to long since I've been riding (winters in the Northeast SUCK!!!) Spring is coming quickly now though. I almost took her out yesterday sunny and 55 but a majority of the roads are still covered in sand and water from the melting snow. I'm thinking this weekend for my maiden voyage of 2011 :thumbup:
I get around 38 to the gallon with a pillion and 45 solo. Last summer me and the wife touring were getting 190 miles to the tankfull, and we weren't hanging about!!
The bike is a 2003 with just over 4000 miles on the clock.

Check out the table in the link below:

Yamaha Motorcycle Fuel Economy Guide
So what mods have been done to the bike and what year is it?

If the O2 sensor gets lazy the fuel trims will be off and make it run rich which will hurt your mpg. Fuel additives, exhaust leaks, time and other factors can hurt the O2 sensor even though the CEL isn't on it can be bad.

how many miles on the bike and what octane fuel do you use?