Who rides your bike?

Who do you allow to ride your bike?

  • No one! If you want to ride get your own bike!

    Votes: 128 59.0%
  • My spouse/significant other - I love him/her too

    Votes: 20 9.2%
  • Only a very close friend who can afford to pay for damage they may cause

    Votes: 68 31.3%
  • I don't love my bike - I'll let anyone ride it!

    Votes: 1 0.5%

  • Total voters
My mechanic, my son and myself for all four bikes except the Venture. Drew's not ready yet for the weight of the touring bike.
I will let close friends ride my FZ. Usually on longer rides we may decide to swap bikes. The group I ride with is highly varied, and all are experienced riders, and I can see what they are doing to my bike.
Only Rob, which is different than my answer for the "vehicle" poll, where I said pretty much anyone. A bike is different than a car. There are a few occasions where I would let someone take it for a spina round a parking lot or something, bu to actually hop on and ride for a while? Just me and the hubs :)
Only my husband, he takes it out of the shed for me and brings it to our driveway..
I just started dating someone snd he asked if I ever let anyone ride my bike. I stated an emphatic NO - it's my bike! He laughed but I am dead serious. Do you allow anyone to ride your bike?

I let my father who is an exceptional rider and taught me all I know, but other than that only one girl on the back and that was my friend's wife who I am teaching to ride now.

i have 2 guys i ride with one ride an R6 and the other a GSXR 750 we trade bikes sometimes that's about it. my wife wants to learn to ride with it but i said no lol
I checked off just me, but really if a close friend that had solid riding experience and I trusted him/her wanted to ride for a little, I would let them.
The occasion has not risen.
I've always felt lucky to have all the nice things I do so I've always felt I should share. That's what we told the kids all the time when they were growing up. I've been pretty lucky also in that no one's messed anything up either. But the more I read the more I've come to believe motorcycles are not like other things. Cars are pretty easy to go from one to another, but motorcycles are lighter or heavier, top heavy or not, clutches engage differently (most cars are automatic these days), and since they are on two wheels they are much less forgiving of mistakes, so it is beginning to become apparent to me how easy a mishap can happen. Having said that, I have swapped rides with a friend who has an FJR1300 AE and another who has a Honda Pacific Coast. Both are very experienced riders and everything went fine for all of us. I still wouldn't have an issue with either of them since I know now they can ride the Fizz no problem (in retrospect I'm amazed my friend with the FJR let me ride his bike!). But since then I'm much more tentative about offering up my bike to new people.
I let the wife ride my bike. Then again she lets me ride hers (99 Vmax). I have a nephew that just got an 09 R6 and we swapped bikes on a couple of rides. That R6 can really move. Made me want one. I scrubbed the remaining chicken strips off his tires on a few corners. Fun stuff.
Only riding buddies with experience. So...to the OP you start dating this guy and he asks you can he ride your bike?:eek: DATE OVER. :spank:How dare even ask. He should have waited until offered. I say find a new date.:rockon:
My husband is the only one I'll let ride my bike, but he has his own and I trust that he will treat mine the same way he treats his! With my FZ6, he hasn't done much more than bring it from the garage around to the front of the house on occasion. He has also said that I could ride his ZX-11!

With my first bike, an EX500, he did take it on a couple spins around the block, but that was usually at my request. As a novice rider, if something didn't feel right, I'd ask him to take a ride and see if everything was 'normal', or if there was a problem.
I checked off just me, but really if a close friend that had solid riding experience and I trusted him/her wanted to ride for a little, I would let them.
The occasion has not risen.

+1 here except, I have let one person ride it one time. However, he let me learn to ride on his bike, so a debt was owed. No worries though. If he had dropped it, he would have fixed with no issues.

Other than the debt, I checked no, no one. He has not asked again, and no one else has ridden it.
The woman can ride on the back but no one holds the handlebars but me!

She needs to get her own though.. She did start riding my Ruckus, but I need to get her on at least a 250 so we can go on a trip :)
I have let a few friends ride my bike and only the ones that could afford to buy me a new bike that day no matter how little damage was done. The last friend who rode it- and the last time anyone will ride it besides me- caused me to tear the muscles in the right flank and back area. We had both had a few drinks- yes, very bad idea- and he is a small guy and stopped on an extremely steep part of his driveway. I saw him start to lean and I new what was coming next. While still holding my drink, and just pure reflex and horror adrenaline I caught the bike- and him- with one hand just as the pegs were starting to hit. Somehow I pulled both him and the bike back up.

About 5 or 6 hours and 8 or 9 drinks later we took a cab to the hospital where I work in the ER and he is head of Radiology. Horrible- just horrible. I knew they could not give me anything for pain but I swear I thought I had torn a kidney. I could not work for a week and riding hurt for a few weeks. Never again!!! It was stupid on both our parts I know but never again.
My wife rides it to work whenever she can, it's only about 10 miles or so. It was part of the deal when she agreed to let me buy it ;) It's OUR bike, but she understands it's really my baby. Next year, she may want to get her own, but it won't be anything like my FZ6 :(