Where do you guys legally carry your pistols?

Why in the hell would you want to carry a pistol man. I have been all around the world, and been in a war (Bosnian WAR) and I would never attempt to carry a gun. I served the army, state police and I can carry a pistol but WHY... Why would anyone want to do that. What just to be cool... uhh I have a gun... back off. Lame as ****... :ban:
Guns kill, and no matter what situation you get into no need for weapons.
Just ride safe and no need to carry is what I say. Life is to short for this kind of ****. Cause u never know why u r messing with at that time, especially pulling out a pistol. My moto is u care ... is usually u want to use it for something really bad... we all know what.
Just enjoy life people, ride your own ride. :thumbup:
Why in the hell would you want to carry a pistol man.

When you are woken up in the early morning by the large shadowy figure of a heroin addict attempting to force his way into the home of your mother and father who are sleeping soundly upstairs, like I did last year, you don't worry too much about the intellectual argument of gun ownership. You THANK GOD you had the forsight to protect yourself and your loved ones by becomming a responsible gun owner. Any argument that you never need a gun for protection is completely absurd and ignorant to me, it's not a hypothetical, intellectual, or abstract idea- it happened. To me. Had I been following your advice my family may have been killed, so save it. The majority of people will go about their lives never needing a gun, but not everyone. It is your constitutional right as a law abiding American citizen to bear arms. Again, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. THAT'S why I carry a gun.
I might be showing my historical ignorance...but wasnt the bosnian war between bosnia, croatia, and other parties across the globe? If so, then it is perhaps your opinion stemming from your home countries beliefs, that Gun owners do not need to carry pistols. If you are a veteran of the United States then I thank you for your service, but just because you were in a war doesnt mean you saw the need for combat or potential threat. Walk or Ride the downtown streets in major cities and you'll see the need for protection. In a desperate economy, for many it is easier to kill a person and take his belongings without second thought.

just my .02, but I know that as an American..It is my right.
Why in the hell would you want to carry a pistol man. I have been all around the world, and been in a war (Bosnian WAR) and I would never attempt to carry a gun. I served the army, state police and I can carry a pistol but WHY... Why would anyone want to do that. What just to be cool... uhh I have a gun... back off. Lame as ****... :ban:
Guns kill, and no matter what situation you get into no need for weapons.
Just ride safe and no need to carry is what I say. Life is to short for this kind of ****. Cause u never know why u r messing with at that time, especially pulling out a pistol. My moto is u care ... is usually u want to use it for something really bad... we all know what.
Just enjoy life people, ride your own ride. :thumbup:

Wow, I don't think most SANE people like or want to carry a pistol. I know I don't , but my job does not give me an option. If I am walking and breathing, I have a pistol somewhere on me . You say you were an LEO,State? Did you not ever arrest someone that threatened your life or your families life? I have been threatened numerous times over the past 14 years of my career,some serious some not so serious, but I choose not to take a chance with who is serious and who is just ruuning their trap. I have never had to fire my weapon in the line of duty nor have I ever had to use it off duty, but better to be prepared than not. I too have also worried about having a wreck with a firearm on. I usually wear it on my right hip, but sometimes on my ankle. Forgot to mention, my department policies and directives order me to carry off duty.
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Where I live you have to have a concealment license to carry a pistol on your person. You can carry a pistol in your vehicle loaded it just has to be either in the glove compartment or the center stand. That all being said I have always carried a pistol in the arm rest of my truck. I do not have a concealment license. It makes me wonder on a motorcycle you are very vunerable. It doesnt matter if you are moving or sitting at a street light. Also with a helment on your vision is partially blocked on the sides not to mention your ears are covered blocking your hearing. So if you dont have a concealment license how to you carry your pistol? Do you put it in a bag or something? Also is it legal to put it in a bag. Guys, Ladies I know and understand we in this FZ6 community are from all over the world. I am also interested in just hearing the different laws we each have were we live. I know more than likely I am going to have to check with my local police department. :)

I customized my tank bag for concealed carry. I have a fanny pack but tank bag option seems best if I am traveling on the morotcycle.
Hiding a gun on an FZ6? Hey! That reminds me of something...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3isEHQN_o8"]YouTube - Jump of the Jedi[/ame]

Well...it didn't really benefit any of these guys. Oh well.
Well California is a whole different world when it comes to guns, smoking and such. A CWP, not in the Bay Area Proper.
My many police friends basically tell me they do little for preventing crime, just react an investigate.
It's up to me should I decide where and when I should carry a gun. I must say though the mentality to do so has to be very well thought out and trained for. Take the police, you have to admire their ability to deal with situations without ever drawing their weapon; you or I would have shot without question.
It's not so much carrying it's being justified if you used it.
Can you, would you:
1. Let someone walk up and take you bike? ... It's insured right vs you blow them away, why because not insured? your pride?
2. Someone really does you wrong an or causes you to wreck so you put a bullet in there...tire/head! ... you should have been paying attention like all motorcycle riders should - right!
3. ETC... point made.
However when I'm out... way out group ride or by myself & per above usually my best buddy is with me.
Has there been a need - Yes, got caught by a pack of dogs w/no where to go - leathers took most of the 1st bite!
Second time just put hand inside jacket when backed up againt ocean - a bunch of yahoos who didn't like color of my skin (yep it still happens).
A thin line between being "JUDGED BY TWELVE OR CARRIED BY SIX".
Concealed carry is (and should be) a deep personal choice that everyone makes. I carry because we're blessed in this country with that right to do so (I vote for the same reason). It takes a very responsible and mentally mature person to be able to carry a firearm. I don't think everyone should be allowed to carry a gun, but I do think that if you are able, it's something you should consider. There are many myths and falsehoods that come about when people talk about firearms, handguns and concealed carry especially. Solid training IS necessary if you plan on carrying, but it is not hard to find, nor is it expensive. In my opinion, the choice to carry should be born out of a sense of responsibility, not just for your or your families protection, but for your neighbors as well. It means taking that personal responsibility (something that we as a country lack dreadfully!) to say that you can be trusted not to shoot the guy who cuts you off, or the dog that chases you on your bike. A thousand people might carry, and only one ever have to take a shot, but that one shot has the potential to save one life or more (and it doesn't always have to be a kill shot!). In addition, I can say that I have no use for the "cowboy" mentality whether it applies to the civilian who wants the biggest gun to compensate for his midget mentality, or the police officer who gets his rocks off on bullying people. Guns do kill, and that is why they should be respected and not feared. I carry wherever it is legal and nowhere else because I advocate adherence to firearms laws, even when you think they might be wrong. If I disagree with them, then I do what I can to try to change them, but I don't make a scene about it because that only makes all gun owners look bad.
When I lived in north carolina I had a concealed carry. I moved back to kentucky and haven't had a chance to get the class/paper work done here. Here and NC you can open carry but like someone posted you have to be careful to not get the cops called on you. Kentucky also has the stipulation that if its in the glove box you don't need a permit. If it was me I'd get the concealed permit so you dont have to worry about leaving it in the bike.:america:
There are those of us who go touring which could include going to a state park and camping overnight. It would be a good idea to carry protection in these cases in the event there are visits by anything wild which includes both animal and human.
Where I live you have to have a concealment license to carry a pistol on your person. You can carry a pistol in your vehicle loaded it just has to be either in the glove compartment or the center stand. That all being said I have always carried a pistol in the arm rest of my truck. I do not have a concealment license. It makes me wonder on a motorcycle you are very vunerable. It doesnt matter if you are moving or sitting at a street light. Also with a helment on your vision is partially blocked on the sides not to mention your ears are covered blocking your hearing. So if you dont have a concealment license how to you carry your pistol? Do you put it in a bag or something? Also is it legal to put it in a bag. Guys, Ladies I know and understand we in this FZ6 community are from all over the world. I am also interested in just hearing the different laws we each have were we live. I know more than likely I am going to have to check with my local police department. :)

In Ohio ,1. In a holster secured on the person. 2.In a container in plain sight with a secure top that has a latch that must be operated by the person. 3. In a locked glove compatrment or a locked case. So the only good way is to holster it.Or carry it in a tank bag or saddle bag that has closing devices you have to manipulate. The training for the license stresses conflict resolution over deadly force. And cruiser guy would have commited a felony in Ohio for brandishing a weapon. Bill
Coming from someone who carries, that was NOT the right way to use a gun and very likely could have escalated the situation, especially if the other guy was carrying.

Correct. :thumbup: "Brandishing" is not permitted except under very dire circumstances, and is exactly the opposite of the spirit and intent of CCW.
I have never in 24 years of living thought to myself (if I had a gun right now I would be ok). There are very few times it would even be handy to have a gun, and the times it would be, there are still various other ways to resolve the situation. The VERY rare times only a gun will help you do not justify creating a million other needless scenarios which would have been avoided having eliminated guns.

On behalf of the entire Canadian population, I say to the United States and its populace....wow you guys are nutters.



Please exclude me and the hundreds of thousands (possibly millions...) of other Law-Abiding Canadian Firearms owners from your statement.
There are those of us who go touring which could include going to a state park and camping overnight. It would be a good idea to carry protection in these cases in the event there are visits by anything wild which includes both animal and human.

I'm not sure about your state, but it might be worth checking beforehand if it is legal to take weapons into a State Park.
I spent 12 months in a place where people shoot each other everyday, and blow up huge bombs for fun.

I also spent a great deal of time in a place where people shot each other every day and blew up huge bombs for fun (oh, sorry....for "the cause")....It wasn't Iraq, but it did begin with an "I". I'm grateful that you and others like you are still "out there" keeping us safe. Thank you for that.

Hellgate said:
I pointed down once in about 100 missions through downtown Baghdad, and is when I had to exit my vehicle to control a crowd. In my 43 years in the United States I have traveled through some rough places, New Orleans, Watts, Compton, 5 Points in Denver, Oakland and other not so nice places in Europe. I've ridden my MC by myself all over the Western US I have not felt threatened once.

Very similar and parallel's my experiences both in the army and since leaving the army. I've driven/ridden both sides of the Can/US border and I can't recall one instance where I wished I'd had my M&P40 with me. Even when we inadvertently took the wrong exit off the freeway in LA :eek:, first and foremost in my mind was focusing on getting the hell out of there as quickly and quietly as possible. The last thought on my mind was stopping and setting up a defensive perimeter.

Hellgate said:
So much is about how you carry yourself and the presence you project. I'm 6' and 175 lbs, I ain't a big guy and I don't look tough by any means (Opie), but I am very confident in what I do and where I go, I go with a purpose and I'm not jacked with.

Well, I have even more of a challenge at 5'8" and 175 lbs....so I try to be aware of my surroundings at all times, and not meander around in "condition white". This doesn't mean that I spend all of my time being paranoid..I just pay attention to what's happening around me.

Hellgate said:
BTW I own 4 or 5 fireams and enjoy shooting for sport, targets and bird hunting, but I feel carrying a pistol, or as one person wants to do, a shotgun on a MC is uncalled for.

Same here..I own firearms and enjoy shooting them in both recreational target shooting at a range, or in various competitions. I do possess a CCW permit issued by the State of Utah (which is useless in Canada), but I have yet to carry in the US where my Utah CCW would make it legal to do so. (Our bordering state, Washington has made it illegal for Canadians to CCW with a "3rd party" state CCW permit). As for carrying on a bike, I wouldn't personally, but I certainly wouldn't disagree with anyone who did want to CCW on a bike, providing that they've had proper training in the use of that firearm and have taken a prerequisite CCW course.

Hellgate said:
Oh yeah, I have a CC in Texas. The only reason I got it is because I'm military I get the license for free from the State and a group of my Army buds were taking the course so I decided to take too. I can tell you that if the CC class is the only course a person has had in handling of firearms, they have no business carry one into a situation or at all for that matter.

I absolutely and utterly agree with that statement.

Hellgate said:
Lose face, leave and live. Life is to short for an ego, trust me.

Spoken like a true gentleman and wise warrior. :thumbup:

Hellgate said:
Now a dude enters my home, he's not exiting, that is a completly different situation.

I cannot comment on that as it would be illegal in Canada for me to agree with you. :D
Personally, whipping out a gun would only provoke or make the situation even worse. Honestly, how can you ride and shoot at the same time. Remember, you most liklely have the quicker and faster vehicle, I think throttleling out would be the best situation. Also, you said you don't have a concealed license, so what do you do when you park the bike. Leave the gun where it can get stolen, then it could be used to commit a crime, or even worse, hurt or kill someone. Leave it at home! Just my 10 cents.

I reeaaally don't think he was talking about going all Grand-Theft-Auto-like, but rather just for defense.

I carry in my tank bag or backpack, but I have my conceal weapon permit in FL.
Guns on sportbikes...

Sounds like something that should only belong in the movies. Check this out!

I've personally seen an incident where the opposite was true. I was following a cruiser in the passing lane of a 3-lane Interstate thru Albuquerque, when some ****head merged onto the interstate and cut across all three lanes so he could drive in the passing lane (he wasn't even up to speed yet!)
The cruiser driver laid on his horn, kept himself from being hit, but the driver of the merging vehicle flipped him off and started pulling into the passing lane anyway. The cruiser guy somehow pulled out a pistol, pointed it, and Mr. Merge flinched and suddenly drove a little more decently.
I passed that motorcyclist and gave him a hearty thumbs-up.
I'm not recommending this type of action for anyone, but sometimes, you just have to wonder...

Well, funny laws You have in the states :rolleyes:

Pulling a gun, and pointing it at someone would send You to Jail in my country. Its legal to carry a shotgun or a rifle if You have a hunting license - however I would not recommend this on a MC. Lock and ammo however has to be put apart from the gun.