Where do you guys legally carry your pistols?


Happy Thankful Member
Elite Member
May 24, 2008
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Spartanburg, South Carolina
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Where I live you have to have a concealment license to carry a pistol on your person. You can carry a pistol in your vehicle loaded it just has to be either in the glove compartment or the center stand. That all being said I have always carried a pistol in the arm rest of my truck. I do not have a concealment license. It makes me wonder on a motorcycle you are very vunerable. It doesnt matter if you are moving or sitting at a street light. Also with a helment on your vision is partially blocked on the sides not to mention your ears are covered blocking your hearing. So if you dont have a concealment license how to you carry your pistol? Do you put it in a bag or something? Also is it legal to put it in a bag. Guys, Ladies I know and understand we in this FZ6 community are from all over the world. I am also interested in just hearing the different laws we each have were we live. I know more than likely I am going to have to check with my local police department. :)
My main concern would be falling on the gun and having it dig into me (cracked ribs can puncture lungs...etc.)

I hear about people putting them in holsters on their hips or upper body. some people also put them in tank bags.

can't have a hand gun IN chicago.

Also with a helment on your vision is partially blocked on the sides not to mention your ears are covered blocking your hearing.

Not my helmet....
Personally, whipping out a gun would only provoke or make the situation even worse. Honestly, how can you ride and shoot at the same time. Remember, you most liklely have the quicker and faster vehicle, I think throttleling out would be the best situation. Also, you said you don't have a concealed license, so what do you do when you park the bike. Leave the gun where it can get stolen, then it could be used to commit a crime, or even worse, hurt or kill someone. Leave it at home! Just my 10 cents.
It's legal in this state (Nevada) to have a loaded weapon in your vehicle & to carry one on your person as long as it's out in the open. :eek:
There are signs in some establishments that post no weapons signs at the door. Of course gov. offices have signs as well!!
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Can you open carry in your state? If so, you can just get a thigh holster. It will keep the pistol out of your gut when you're tucked in. Although then you might have to worry about sheep calling the cops about a man with a gun. Not a fun situation to deal, even if you're doing nothing illegal.

It would probably be a good idea to get your CCW, just to cover all bases. That way you can stick it in your tank bag if need be.

Just out of curiousity, what do you carry?
Personally, whipping out a gun would only provoke or make the situation even worse. Honestly, how can you ride and shoot at the same time. Remember, you most liklely have the quicker and faster vehicle, I think throttleling out would be the best situation. Also, you said you don't have a concealed license, so what do you do when you park the bike. Leave the gun where it can get stolen, then it could be used to commit a crime, or even worse, hurt or kill someone. Leave it at home! Just my 10 cents.

Unfortunately this is a sensitive subject and your not likely to get a answer to your question, but rather an opinion!
Personally, whipping out a gun would only provoke or make the situation even worse. Honestly, how can you ride and shoot at the same time.

Carrying is only meant for protection. It's illegal to use it as intimidation and that would also take away any self defense arguments. If you carry, you should NEVER be the provocateur.

It's legal in this heathen state (Nevada) to have a loaded weapon in your vehicle & to carry one on your person as long as it's in the open. You should see the dodos in this hick town that carry them around in a holster out in the open. :eek:
There are signs in some establishments that post no weapons signs at the door. Of course gov. offices have signs as well!!

So because we carry we're dodos? What an ignorant statement.
Personally, whipping out a gun would only provoke or make the situation even worse.
I've personally seen an incident where the opposite was true. I was following a cruiser in the passing lane of a 3-lane Interstate thru Albuquerque, when some ****head merged onto the interstate and cut across all three lanes so he could drive in the passing lane (he wasn't even up to speed yet!)
The cruiser driver laid on his horn, kept himself from being hit, but the driver of the merging vehicle flipped him off and started pulling into the passing lane anyway. The cruiser guy somehow pulled out a pistol, pointed it, and Mr. Merge flinched and suddenly drove a little more decently.
I passed that motorcyclist and gave him a hearty thumbs-up.
I'm not recommending this type of action for anyone, but sometimes, you just have to wonder...
So because we carry we're dodos? What an ignorant statement.

I think he was saying they are dodos, who happen to carry. I'm sure this is a hot topic for you, as many people are very ignorant when it comes to guns and I'm sure you've been offended in the past, but let's try and keep it cool in here...makes for better conversation and sharing of view points. :thumbup:
I've personally seen an incident where the opposite was true. I was following a cruiser in the passing lane of a 3-lane Interstate thru Albuquerque, when some ****head merged onto the interstate and cut across all three lanes so he could drive in the passing lane (he wasn't even up to speed yet!)
The cruiser driver laid on his horn, kept himself from being hit, but the driver of the merging vehicle flipped him off and started pulling into the passing lane anyway. The cruiser guy somehow pulled out a pistol, pointed it, and Mr. Merge flinched and suddenly drove a little more decently.
I passed that motorcyclist and gave him a hearty thumbs-up.
I'm not recommending this type of action for anyone, but sometimes, you just have to wonder...

This was a classic example how road rage escalates. I was waiting for the other driver who cut him off to flash his pistol. But to be honest, what was the cruiser guy trying to prove by showing his pistol, that he was going to use it? You're right Botch, sometimes you just have to wonder what others are thinking.
I've personally seen an incident where the opposite was true. I was following a cruiser in the passing lane of a 3-lane Interstate thru Albuquerque, when some ****head merged onto the interstate and cut across all three lanes so he could drive in the passing lane (he wasn't even up to speed yet!)
The cruiser driver laid on his horn, kept himself from being hit, but the driver of the merging vehicle flipped him off and started pulling into the passing lane anyway. The cruiser guy somehow pulled out a pistol, pointed it, and Mr. Merge flinched and suddenly drove a little more decently.
I passed that motorcyclist and gave him a hearty thumbs-up.
I'm not recommending this type of action for anyone, but sometimes, you just have to wonder...

Coming from someone who carries, that was NOT the right way to use a gun and very likely could have escalated the situation, especially if the other guy was carrying.
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Oh, sorry for that........how about "Paranoid"?

Not any more paranoid than someone keeping a fire extinguisher in their car, or a woman keeping mace in her purse. :thumbup:

Back on topic, I found that SC does not allow open carry, and in order to carry it while traveling, it has to be in a glove box or console. I think a tank bag would constitute as a glove box? If so, then you wouldn't need a CCW to carry it in there. Although I still think you should get your CCW to cover all bases, you never know how it might be interpreted.
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Personally, whipping out a gun would only provoke or make the situation even worse. Honestly, how can you ride and shoot at the same time. Remember, you most liklely have the quicker and faster vehicle, I think throttleling out would be the best situation. Also, you said you don't have a concealed license, so what do you do when you park the bike. Leave the gun where it can get stolen, then it could be used to commit a crime, or even worse, hurt or kill someone. Leave it at home! Just my 10 cents.
hmmm... I see what you are saying about the parking the bike part. Stupid I didnt think about that. As far as the whipping out a gun would only provoke and such. I mostly mean your at a light late at night someone comes up behind you and knocks you off the bike or several ppl type situations. Also I am a beginner rider I would never be able to speed off and lose someone. I would get tired of the rush and just pull over. I have faced similar problems before in a car and had to pull out 44 and put it in the guys face to get him to let me be who had two other dudes with him. I also would end up getting ran over more than likely trying to run. Id rather stand my ground you have a right to your space.:D
I carry mostly because I work in a sketchy 'hood. I either use my tank bag or a belly band. It's not that I would get into a wild west shootout while riding my bike but if someone happens to come up on me while I'm stopped at a light or when I stop for gas or stop for any reason I want to have it just in case.

I am in the process of fabricating a terminator 2 style shotgun holster for my FZ:rolleyes:
No disrespect back. I don't know hardly anything about other places. But why does it scare you. Its life and reality bud. I believe strongly in being able to defend myself.

I have never in 24 years of living thought to myself (if I had a gun right now I would be ok). There are very few times it would even be handy to have a gun, and the times it would be, there are still various other ways to resolve the situation. The VERY rare times only a gun will help you do not justify creating a million other needless scenarios which would have been avoided having eliminated guns.

On behalf of the entire Canadian population, I say to the United States and its populace....wow you guys are nutters.


Can you open carry in your state? If so, you can just get a thigh holster. It will keep the pistol out of your gut when you're tucked in. Although then you might have to worry about sheep calling the cops about a man with a gun. Not a fun situation to deal, even if you're doing nothing illegal.

It would probably be a good idea to get your CCW, just to cover all bases. That way you can stick it in your tank bag if need be.

Just out of curiousity, what do you carry?
Yeah I have figured this will end up being the end result is getting a CWP. I am seeing it is the best result. Also I had a cheap .44 highpoint. But I got rid of that years ago. I now own a .40 compact Taurus