Where do you guys legally carry your pistols?

If you're on your bike and moving, you're PROBABLY not in a situation to where you need to use your handgun. Even if someone was shooting at you while you were on the road, the safest thing to do would be to either brake and back off or speed away. It's just like carrying in the car, you only carry it so that it's with you, not so you can do drive bys.
Not any more paranoid than someone keeping a fire extinguisher in their car, or a woman keeping mace in her purse. :thumbup:

Back on topic, I found that SC does not allow open carry, and in order to carry it while traveling, it has to be in a glove box or console. I think a tank bag would constitute as a glove box? If so, then you wouldn't need a CCW to carry it in there. Although I still think you should get your CCW to cover all bases, you never know how it might be interpreted.

Actually I do apologize - I had to come back to this to amend things. Didn't want to sign off tonight & keep thinking I offended you!!
I'll go back to the original post & revise/delete offending portions, but keep in the state laws.
And, believe it or not I'm not adverse to guns in any way............I have a CCW, but don't carry! I'm on my 2nd renewal, and don't think I'll renew when it comes due. I also have guns at home.
Happy trails.:rockon:
Yeah I have figured this will end up being the end result is getting a CWP. I am seeing it is the best result. Also I had a cheap .44 highpoint. But I got rid of that years ago. I now own a .40 compact Taurus

I have a .22 Ruger (I know, I might as well carry a BB gun:rolleyes:) It was passed on from my dad, and I just haven't gotten around to getting a different one yet. I might be getting a Taurus .41 Mag soon.

Oh, and I'm still too young to get my CCW. :( I'm stuck with open carry right now.
Yes all guys please understand I understand this to be a hot topic. I want all of you to understand I will never be a smart ass or reply or state anything in a hatred way. I respect all ppls opinions just as I wish for others to respect mine. I know its hard sometime to tell if someone is being mean when reading something they wrote instead of said were you can hear there tone and see there body language. I try to respect like and give any human being a chance. If I in any way seem mean or disrespectful in any way on this post or any other please forgive me. Let me know and I will apologize. :)
Actually I do apologize - I had to come back to this to amend things. Didn't want to sign off tonight & keep thinking I offended you!!
I'll go back to the original post & revise/delete offending portions, but keep in the state laws.
And, believe it or not I'm not adverse to guns in any way............I have a CCW, but don't carry! I'm on my 2nd renewal, and don't think I'll renew when it comes due. I also have guns at home.
Happy trails.:rockon:

Meh, I just got a little hot headed. One of the things that really ticks me is being called a hick or redneck when I carry. I'm a registered Democrat and an avid environmentalist, so I hate when people try to stereotype me. I just jumped the gun on your post (no pun intended)

No hard feelings. :rockon:
Meh, I just got a little hot headed. One of the things that really ticks me is being called a hick or redneck when I carry. I'm a registered Democrat and an avid environmentalist, so I hate when people try to stereotype me. I just jumped the gun on your post (no pun intended)

No hard feelings. :rockon:

you crazy redneck!!!

lol jk


This is a topic with no end, some will argue 2nd Amendment, some will not, laws vary from state to state, country to country. I have been tempted many times to carry but have found that it is usually comes after a hostile event or other anger triggering moments. Which is why I won't carry.

I believe you must have more self control to use a gun than most would have without intense training/conditioning.

All in all...
I have never in 24 years of living thought to myself (if I had a gun right now I would be ok). There are very few times it would even be handy to have a gun, and the times it would be, there are still various other ways to resolve the situation. The VERY rare times only a gun will help you do not justify creating a million other needless scenarios which would have been avoided having eliminated guns.

On behalf of the entire Canadian population, I say to the United States and its populace....wow you guys are nutters.


I am sorry. :(
OK, Guys (and gals): CCW (Conceal Carry Weapon Permit)

I find the best way to carry is with a shoulder holster - it's concealed under the jacket -
The weapon CANNOT be visible to the casual observer. To the person who carries in the glove compartment or door - check with your state, but generally, if it's not visible it is CONCEALED and illegal unless you have a carry permit. If you carry in a car, and don't have a CCW, the weapon MUST be either in the trunk, or in a locked case - Think "immediately unavailable to the user". Get a copy of the CCW laws for your state - usually available online. Many states have reciprocity - they will recognize other CCW's - but check this before traveling. Don't even think about Canada.

We had a old guy here that had a "saddlebag" blanket in his pickup. This is a blanket that covers the seat and hangs over the front of the seat. This model of cover has a 6" wide pocket running the width of the seat where it hangs down. Well he had a .22 rifle there, and was stopped by the state patrol for something and was arrested for having a "concealed weapon" - Here, unless you have a CCW, the gun MUST be in a locked case or in the trunk OR (can you believe it) either fully visible on the seat or dash! I asked a cop buddy about this and he said "that is the law - it MUST be completely visible - but things are going to be REAL QUIET for a few seconds."

Do yourself a favor and get the CCW - generally the cops like it cuz the guys with CCW's statistically do not commit crimes! It you are carrying and get pulled over, hand the cop your license AND your CCW - usually, the cops are pretty receptive to this behavior, and remember - they don't like surprises!

A cop is going to assume you're a BAD GUY if you have the weapon concealed in the vehicle, and don't have a CCW.

I've never had to use mine, but how you going to feel if you see an altercation and cannot help out?

Ok, enough rambling......
I was waiting for the other driver who cut him off to flash his pistol. But to be honest, what was the cruiser guy trying to prove by showing his pistol, that he was going to use it?
I was waiting for that too, it was, after all, Albuquerque. :rolleyes: I think the cruiser guy was just trying to defend himself, although he probably should have braked or sped up instead.

On the other hand, the reason the world is so full of assholes is that so many of us let them get away with it. I'll bet mr. merge was a bit more careful with his driving, for a long time (at least a couple of hours!) :D
Hollow I also live in SC(Belton) I also carry and have for many years with and w/o CWP. I know have my CWP and for the $100 it costs it worth it just to have the peace of mind to know you won't be the VICTIM. In response to some of the others I used to live in Florida and had 3 seperate incidents in places late at night where having a handgun did save my life or atleast saved me from becoming another victim. The cops can't always be around to save your a$$. I have yet to have to pull the trigger in my defense but would not hesitate the shear presense of it in all 3 situations diverted any hard to anyone.

But past my rant in answer to your question.

I do have a CWP and carry in my tankbag or inside my inner jacket pocket(always make sure mine have these pockets). W/O CWP only way you could carry legally would be a tankbag but if you took the bag off and carried it anywhere public you would be illegal. Only way around this to somewhat be secure would be a strap-on type tank bag and small padlock and just leave it on the bike.

Hollow- BTW I ride up that way quite a bit and did live in S-burg off Reidville for about a year. Hit me up in PM or email we'll ride sometime. We have some great twisties about 45 south or west of you.

To carry over from what FZ6 Pilot said: Actually in most states in the SE except NC you can legally carry in any "compartment" i.e. glove box, console, gun box, even holster in some is all. Most cops I know do think highly of CWP holders as they see it as more back-up out there if they are in trouble. It will also sometimes get you out of a ticket...it has me a few times. Also you are REQUIRED by law if stopped and carrying to notify the officer immediatly that you are a CWP holder and carrying. Good reason for wallet with double see through, one for liscense and one for CWP.

If you have any questions about specifics on laws of FL, GA, SC and NC I am pretty well versed in all carry laws for these states as they are about the only places I go. Also a Fla and SC CWP which you can get both for about $200 you can carry in all the states that surround us plus a bunch more.
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I spent 12 months in a place where people shoot each other everyday, and blow up huge bombs for fun. I pointed down once in about 100 missions through downtown Baghdad, and is when I had to exit my vehicle to control a crowd. In my 43 years in the United States I have traveled through some rough places, New Orleans, Watts, Compton, 5 Points in Denver, Oakland and other not so nice places in Europe. I've ridden my MC by myself all over the Western US I have not felt threatened once.

So much is about how you carry yourself and the presence you project. I'm 6' and 175 lbs, I ain't a big guy and I don't look tough by any means (Opie), but I am very confident in what I do and where I go, I go with a purpose and I'm not jacked with.

BTW I own 4 or 5 fireams and enjoy shooting for sport, targets and bird hunting, but I feel carrying a pistol, or as one person wants to do, a shotgun on a MC is uncalled for.

Oh yeah, I have a CC in Texas. The only reason I got it is because I'm military I get the license for free from the State and a group of my Army buds were taking the course so I decided to take too. I can tell you that if the CC class is the only course a person has had in handling of firearms, they have no business carry one into a situation or at all for that matter.

Lose face, leave and live. Life is to short for an ego, trust me.

Now a dude enters my home, he's not exiting, that is a completly different situation.
BTW I own 4 or 5 fireams and enjoy shooting for sport, targets and bird hunting, but I feel carrying a pistol, or as one person wants to do, a shotgun on a MC is uncalled for.

Oh yeah, I have a CC in Texas. The only reason I got it is because I'm military I get the license for free from the State and a group of my Army buds were taking the course so I decided to take too. I can tell you that if the CC class is the only course a person has had in handling of firearms, they have no business carry one into a situation or at all for that matter.

First of all, let me thank you for your service, and please stay safe. I could not do what you do.

In your experience a gun might be uncalled for, but for many people out there anything less would have let them become "another victim.

I agree that the CCW class should not be the only experience. But generally if someone is enthusiastic enough to get a CCW, they're enthusiastic enough to target shoot often. Most people I know who have a CCW actually target practice more often than police :eek:
Addressing the 1st post - Let me give you my experienced opinion. I have had a Concealed Carry Permit (CCP) for the last 11 years in three different states. Carrying a pistol in your truck w/out a permit is stupid, and it is illegal to have it w/in reach and loaded in all three of the states I have carried! If you ever would like to obtain a permit, you will not be able to once you have been charged with illegally carrying a concealed weapons.

Firearms are like anything inherently dangerous, one should train as much as possible to mitigate the risk. Handguns, motorcycles....... Anyway, if you feel strongly about personal protection in the form of a pistol, exercise your right and get a permit. IE use it or lose it! On the other hand, it doesn't sound as though you have the maturity required to make the life and death decisions made by someone carrying a firearm.

I would certainly say that drawing down on someone on the road presents a much greater chance of injury to yourself than who you might be shooting at. Hence, this would not save your life! Besides, pionting a firearm at someone in any state is Assault!!! I say again Assualt, yes jail time involving dudes w/ large things to introduce you to, ect. Wait until you have gained a little perspective!!

:ban: this post!
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Addressing the 1st post - Let me give you my experienced opinion. I have had a Concealed Carry Permit (CCP) for the last 11 years in three different states. Carrying a pistol in your truck w/out a permit is stupid, and it is illegal to have it w/in reach and loaded in all three of the states I have carried! If you ever would like to obtain a permit, you will not be able to once you have been charged with illegally carrying a concealed weapons.

Firearms are like anything inherently dangerous, one should train as much as possible to mitigate the risk. Handguns, motorcycles....... Anyway, if you feel strongly about personal protection in the form of a pistol, exercise your right and get a permit. IE use it or lose it! On the other hand, it doesn't sound as though you have the maturity required to make the life and death decisions made by someone carrying a firearm.

I would certainly say that drawing down on someone on the road presents a much greater chance of injury to yourself than who you might be shooting at. Hence, this would not save your life! Besides, pionting a firearm at someone in any state is Assault!!! I say again Assualt, yes jail time involving dudes w/ large things to introduce you to, ect. Wait until you have gained a little perspective!!

:ban: this post!
In SC it is not illegal to carry a pistol loaded in your glove department or console unlocked.
Let me clear this up a bit. I never said anything about whipping out a pistol while riding down the road like you are a super hero saving someone like John Wayne. I would never do that. I meant that for instances when your on the bike and not riding it. Your at a light, gas station, car wash what ever it may be. You do not have the same protection on a bike as you do in a car. For you who have never had a problem or instance well I am happy for you. Crap happens ever day we are not the only riders. I dont know about where you guys live but I would never ride through some areas were I live especially late at night knowing there is street lights were I will have to stop. Also a cop can't protect everyone and so far with my experiences you will get a faster responce calling a pizza delivery in. I also was asking about your laws on were you live where are u allowed to carry a pistol w and w/o cwp.
In FL there is what is referred to as the 2 -step rule... for example in the glove box in a holster in the console wrapped in a towel.... no concealed permit needed.

About 15+ years ago (before cell phones--today I would just call 911 on the phone )

I cut a guy off going into a parking space... he got pissed ... and got out with a club.... I was able to thru and leave.....he followed and would not stop following .... SO... I pulled into another parking lot--- did not want him to know where I lived. He followed .... got out ...with his club saying he was going to teach me a lesson.

SO..... when he got about 15 paces away I drew down with both hands and he was looking into the barrel of my .357 .... I calmly asked him to lay it down slowly onto the ground ----back away ....and drive away.

He did --- I have the club to this day.
I've got my Texas CCW permit which is effective in most states that have similar programs. I certainly carry either my .357 or my 1911 in my tank bag or under my truck's seat whenever it's legal. Unfortunately it's not in maryland, because the area around the base here is where I feel the LEAST safe.
Tank bag. Carry tank bag in with me everywhere. Leave gun at home if going to the courthouse.

Flashing a gun is stupid, irresponible bullcrap. It will also get you killed. If you have pulled a gun out and have no intention of using it you will sooner or later get shot by someone that does not know you have no intention of using it.

A firearm is a absolute last resort. As I have said before, if you follow me, corner me, and allow me no means of escape, and I fear for my life, I will not hesitate to defend myself with deadly force. In Ky I do not have to do this, the only real requirement in a court of law is fear for your own safety. I am not a doofus, or a cowboy. I am not a wolf that preys on the weak, or innocent. I however am not a sheep to be preyed upon by the wolf. I am a sheepdog. I will do everything in my power to avoid having to take someone else life, but I will not surrender my own.

Read this. It takes 45 minutes. Before you post any kneejerk reaction to the fact that some of us choose to carry a firearm legally, and to take the responibility to use it if the time ever comes.

NSFW there are cusswords. None vulgar, but they are there. Normally this man never posts cusswords, they belong in this essay.
Eject! Eject! Eject!: TRIBES

Decide what you want to be. Seriously think about it. This happens. I know a woman who was dragged into a alley, raped by two men, who then stomped her almost to death and left her for dead. Now she has a CCDW. I would much rather of it been that she shot those two men because she had CCDW prior to.

It happens everyday. People disapear everyday. There are literally 1000s and 1000s of unmarked graves all over the country. I can site horribley graphic examples of what can happen to you, or the ones you love. If you want pm me. I will not put those links in this forum.
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