What would or is your second bike?

I have a TTR-110 dirtbike. I know what your thinking.....how does a 6'2 guy ride a friggin 110 dirtbike? I didnt get it for dirt/trail riding, i use it for stunting. I figured all i will do with the fz is a wheelie, but with the 110 i can do stand-up wheelies, high chairs, flamingos, ect. I know stunting is not as big over seas but, here it has taken off like a rocket.

I'll try to post pics if i can figure out how to get photos on my work computer.......i cant afford internet at my house.
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This would be my choice for a second bike. I also an a Triumph fan. Had a dealer been a little closer, I might be on a different forum right now:) MATT
Can I have more than one second? In no particular order:

RZ350 for the track. A 250 enduro dirt bike for play, a 75ish Duc 900SS, a 75 BMW R90S, my old 81 GS11 back, a 94ish Duc 900SS, an '07 BMW R1200S, and for touring a Duc ST3 ABS with saddle bags and a Buell 1125R. Whew...

If money is no object, a late 90's TZ250 with a garage of spares, a mechanic and an air conditioned motorhome to take me to the track!

For now the FZ will have to fill the role of all of those bikes and it does it well. :thumbup: Well, except maybe the dirt thing.
the 07 fz6 is my second bike. here is my first. now, ask me what my third bike would be?

definitely something that has undertail dual exhaust ,i would guess :D

i have a 04 Suzuki DL650 Vstrom , very comfortable but it has a lot of kms now (see signature) ,,,i have to get rid of it quickly,,anyone interested? :rockon:
definitely something that has undertail dual exhaust ,i would guess :D

i have a 04 Suzuki DL650 Vstrom , very comfortable but it has a lot of kms now (see signature) ,,,i have to get rid of it quickly,,anyone interested? :rockon:

yeah true, i do find the untertail exhausts rather handsome. and sensible as well. what looks worse than a guy who fixed up his downed bike except for the bashed up exhaust hanging off the right side?
yeah true, i do find the untertail exhausts rather handsome. and sensible as well. what looks worse than a guy who fixed up his downed bike except for the bashed up exhaust hanging off the right side?

I love the way the exhaust of the FZ6 looks, but lately I've grown to liking the underslung??? exhaust of some newer kawasaki bikes like the Versys.:Sport:
why such hard questions? my second bike would be...... none. I would buy mods for the FZ if I could afford it! If I did win the lotto maybe an R1?
I own the fastest American production motorcycle ever. Now thats not saying much...

Sorry Bill, that record would be held by Buell and has been for a while. It is the fastest production HOG though....... Nice ride too....
Iam fortunate to have three of the greatest bikes:p for 1) Touring the US: 2003 Honda 1800 Gold Wing 2) :Flash:For Exploring the dirt roads of the Midwest, a KTM 625 SXC, and of course, 3) :rockon:the greatest play bike of all time: 2007 FZ6
I have a handbuilt TM 125 2-stroke enduro bike as my second.

The FZ was intended to be my second bike......first bike is (was!) a ZZR1200....unfortunately binned it in an accident before Christmas and hope to replace it with either another 12 or the new ZZR1400 (ZX14 in N America) very soon.

If I could have more, the next two on my list would probably be.....

For tinkering with and reliving memories of my earliest biking experience....an early 80's RD350LC

For blatting around like a loon on and off road......prolly a KTM

I can honestly say that I do not really want a second bike - I am completely happy with the FZ6
Now 'if' I were interested in going for multi day rides - I might change my tune and get something a little more 'cruiser' - but I am not trying to do any multi day trips - so the FZ is PERFECT.

forgot to say - I can't get on board with the love for the Ducati's...I grew up using an old Gravely lawn mower to mow my parents property (kind of like the ones you often see at tool booths with a push bar on the front) and that is all I hear when I listen to a Duc...I guess I just want the screaming revs of the I-4 engines
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I might be looking into a small cruiser typwe of bike in the next couple of years but the FZ is awesome and does everything i need or want it to do.